TIF Dispatch Area Preparedness and Staffing

FDRA ERC BI FDR Forecast BI Forecast ERC Staffing Class Tomorrow's Response Level
Teton H 2 NO DATA
Wind 43.8 31.0 H 35.3 42.8 5 High
Wyoming 48.2 35.9 H 39.6 47.4 5 High

When the days become shorter and dawn air cooler, it’s nice to have a warming fire to help heat up a cup of hot drink and feel a fire's warmth. When these pleasant fires are left unattended, they can quickly turn into a wildfire as a fall afternoon heats up. Recreational fires are often responsible wildfires during the fall season within the Teton Fire management area. These fires are often built without a rock ring, surrounded by uncleared vegetation and then left to burn out before they are completely cold and dead out. Putting out a fire requires water, lots of water. Take time to prepare for your fall adventure and remember to dress for every and any type of weather condition. Check out this video to learn more about fall recreational fires. Stay safe to be safe!


Recreational Fire Safety

Air quality monitor are in set up in various locations throughout the US and can help to determine smoke levels. To see sensor data and smoke patterns go to Air Now Fire & Smoke Map.

This do-it-yourself air filter can help relieve smoke indoors.

Air Quality Monitoring

Wildland and Prescribed Fire Map

Fish Creek

43.67445, -110.1454
Wildland Fire

Pack Trail

43.59201, -110.14642
Wildland Fire

Elk Creek

42.268167, -110.668167
Wildland Fire