

Vegetation/fuels reduction adjacent to neighborhoods help provide a safe environment for wildland firefighters trying to protect values located on private and public lands. This cabin was "ready" before fire season with defensible space completed the year before. During wildfire incident crews are then able to "backburn" and stop wildfire from rolling off the forest land and into someone's backyard. These treatments also reduce ember wash responsible for starting small spot fires ahead of a wildfire front.

 Notice the new pile of slash in the front, there's not always time for such prep work, yesterday is a good time to start protecting your home for wildfire. Stay ready to be ready! As you have questions about your role in contributing towards building a fire safe community, call 307-739-5424 or email more information. 

Community Wildfire Coalitions and Networks:

TAWPC (Teton Area Wildfire Protection Coalition) Meeting Notes Jan 2024

AAWPC (Alpine Area Wildfire Protection Coalition)  

IPSWP (Island Park Sustainable Wildfire Community)

Greater Yellowstone Fire Action Network (GYFAN)

Wildfire Neighborhood Ambassador Program:

 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and Communities at Risk                 

Wildland Fire Collaborators 

Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Fire Mitigation Videos, Webinars and Just Good Information to Share!