Wildland Fire Decision Support System - NextGen

On March 26th, 2025 WFDSS Classic was retired and WFDSS NextGen's production site became operational. WFDSS Classic is no long available. WFDSS NextGen is designed to improve the user experiencing by being Scalable, Map-Focused and Intuitive, while providing users with authoritative data and “as near to” real-time information as possible to facilitate informed and rapid decision making. WFDSS NextGen will be utilizing services as the primary method for displaying spatial data, populating weather data throughout the application, running fire behavior analyses and displaying Spatial Fire Planning data. Utilizing services gives WFDSS NextGen much more flexibility on the data it provides to the end user while ensuring that data is the most up to date and accurate information available.

Request access and roles for EDU (Training Site) and PROD (Production Site) through the Wildland Fire Application Portal (FAMAuth

Watch the recording of the Agency Administrator Refresher