The Greys River Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest plans to implement a 2,000-acre prescribed burn, southern portions of Unit 2B and 2A, in the spring of 2025. Unit 2B and 2A are within Unit 2 of the Star Valley Front Vegetation Treatment Project is located on the Forest Service between Afton and Grover, Wy. Additional units are targeted for implementation this fall. These units include the Unit 9 (Strawberry unit) and unit 8. More information will be shared via a press release when the prescribed burning opportunity becomes available.

The Star Valley Front Vegetation Treatment Project is located east of Star Valley and consists of a 72,577-acre project area with 31,477 acres of proposed burn units extending from Strawberry Creek south to Cottonwood Creek, from the forest boundary to the top of the Salt River Range. The main purpose for treating vegetation in the Star Valley Front Project Area is to begin restoring a balance of age classes in mountain shrubland, mountain big sagebrush, aspen, and conifer communities.

This vegetation treatment is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Forest Service, Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resources Trust, and other partners.

For more information on this project contact Timothy Sherwin, Fire Management Specialist (Fuels), 307-828-5112

42.891, -110.822


Tim Sherwin, Fire Management Specialist - Fuels


Late March/Early April 2025