This means the fire was started by humans, either intentional or accidental; equipment, smoking, campfire, debris burning, railroad, arson, children, fireworks, vehicle.

Spring Creek

Teton Interagency Fire personnel have responded to a smoke report 2.5 miles due east of LaBarge Guard Station. Helicopter 35HX, Engine 671 and Chase 411 are taking full suppression action at this time. This fire, determined by a fire investigator, was the cause of a careless human not fully extinguishing their warming fire. news release        

Goodwin Lake

This human caused fire was left after a party was held at the Goodwin Lake dispersed campsites the weekend of July 13th.  The fire was detected and called into Teton Interagency Fire on 7/14 by the individuals who found the smoldering fire.The hikers suppressed the fire with the aid of water from Goodwin Lake- 10 feet away from the fire's ring.  We at Teton Fire, ask and remind all visitors who have campfires to please remain vigilant and put all campfires out and cold to the touch.

Gibbs Creek Fire

Human caused fire in the Cliff Creek area. Firefighters from Pinedale Engine 671, Big Piney Engine 421, and Teton Interagency Helitack responded and suppressed the fire. PLEASE extinguish all warming and cooking fires before leaving them.

Adams Fire

small fire.jpg

Teton interagency engine 441 has suppressed the small fire. The fire was spotted by hunters in the area and the cause is undetermined at this time. Forecasted weather shows no moisture due for several days out and the long and extended warm weather has the forest floor and trees very dry. Please use caution when starting small fires and make sure they are out and cold to the touch BEFORE YOU LEAVE.

Half Moon

This abandoned campfire was discovered just a few days after the devastating human caused Roosevelt Fire was contained and stage 1 fire restrictions were lifted. Firefighters hiked in to the location reported by hikers. Despite current weather conditions, DO NOT leave fires unattended. The possibility for the fire to spread causing threat to life and property still exists and prompts a response from personnel.


Buck Creek Fire

9/28, 4:30 p.m. -- At 10 this morning, the two helitack crew members responsible for successfully suppressing the fire declared it out. They hiked out and were picked up. This fire will no longer be monitored because it is completely out. No further updates will be posted here.


Randolph Mountain Fire

This small fire was human caused and was fully suppressed with the support of local fire engine 441. The small fire was less than .10 acre, located on the north facing aspect of Randolph Mountain and north of the Buffalo Valley Road on the Blackrock Ranger District.

The Teton interagency area is in fire restrictions and over the next several days the weather is expected to be warm, dry and windy, please be very careful out there.

Corral Fire

The Corral Fire started on Sept. 17 but was not found until today Sept. 20. The fire had been smoldering and creeping in duff and litter, so was difficult to locate. Winds and warmer temperatures led to more active fire behavior in heavy timber and made easier to detect from 35HX helicopter. E411 with 4 firefighters were able to assist via UTV and take suppression action. The fire was located between Dry Creek and Trail Fork of Cottonwood Creek on the Greys River Ranger District was less than a tenth of an acre. The Corral Fire has been called out.