Pack Trail

 The lightning-caused Pack Trail fire was discovered September 15, 2024 and is burning 23 miles southeast of Moran, WY. The fire is burning on both the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Shoshone National Forest in Western Wyoming. An Incident Management Team is suppressing the fire. People within the Dubois area or Jackson Hole valley will likely continue to see smoke from this fire. 

Schwabachers Fire

Lightning ignited a cottonwood tree and nearby surface fuels on the west side of the Snake River. A wildland fire engine and crew responded and contained the fire at 0.1 acres. Afterward, nearly an inch of rain has fallen in the fire area, which will limit any continued fire activity.

Pilgrim Fire

A wildland engine and firefighters responded to a night-time report of fire engulfing a tree near Pilgrim Creek. A lightning strike had ignited an isolated Douglas fir and nearby duff and sagebrush. Firefighters stopped surface fire by digging a control line. Water from backpack pumps cooled the bark and middle limbs, reducing the risk of wind-driven embers igniting nearby fuels.

The next day, in daylight, firefighters drove the wildland engine closer and continued to cool and wet the fire in the limbs and bark, preventing further fire spread.

Pacific Creek II

The second of two fires in the Pacific Creek drainage to date this season. A lightning detection flight found the small fire while flying the area after the thunderstorms from July 15. Tactics will include full suppression and minimum impact suppression tactics (MIST) as required for the Teton Wilderness Area.

Luton Fire

A lightning storm passing over the Blackrock Ranger District is responsible for igniting this small fire. Two Teton Interagency fire module crew members accessed the fire on foot to size up and suppress the fire.