Cottonwood 2

Teton Interagency firefighters are responding to a lightning stuck tree along the banks of Cottonwood Creek south of the Lupine Meadows trailhead area. The 0.1 acre fire was extinguished due to its proximity to the public and busy roads and trails in Grand Teton NP. The fire was called out on August 7.

This is one of several fires ignited after passage of a series of violent thunderstorms in the area over two days, August 5-6..


Lightning struck a clump of trees out front of the Buffalo Fork Ranger Station in Grand Teton NP on Friday morning August 6. The blast was enough to ignite the deep duff under the trees and throw limbs down on the ground.  A quick response from contractors working nearby snuffed the flames until interagency federal and Jackson Hole Fire/EMS responders where able to get on scene and fully extinguish the fire.

Sheep Fire

8/6-This is the second fire reported after a storm passing through the Jackson District area on 8/5. Similar to the Turpin fire, this fire is small, located in heavy timber, smoldering and creeping with low spread potential due to the moisture received during the storms. The fire will be staffed with local agency firefighters and will be under complete suppression fire response. 

Turpin Fire

Predicted thunderstorms on Thursday 8/5 have started a couple new fires in the north zone fire response area. The Turpin Fire is located near the Ditch Creek area of the Jackson Ranger District. Less than .10 acre in size and in heavy timber, the small fire is smoldering and creeping and has a low spread potential, Due to the national fire activity level, limited resources and dry fuel condition's all wildland fires are under a full suppression strategy with public and fire fighter safety as the highest priority.

Little Granite Fire

Located at the headwaters of Little Granite Creek, this spotty fire fits within a 20 acre foot print. Primary fire growth is from embers flying from torching conifers and landing in adjacent timber islands. The furthest spot fire has been recorded one half mile from the main body of the fire. Resources remain on scene after 3 days and working diligently to suppress the fire.  Currently burning in a mixture of both aspen and mixed conifer, the fire has moderate spread potential.

Tri Basin Fire

A smoke report, along the Lander Cutoff road, south of Tri Basin Divide was the result of a lightning caused, fire on August 2nd. E411 from the Kemmerer Ranger District located and hiked into the area to find the single tree to be smoldering and creeping into adjacent fuels of sage and grass. Suppression action is being taken at this.

Tri Basin Fire was called contained, controlled and out on August 3rd.

Refuge 1

On Friday afternoon county and federal firefighters responded to multiple 911 calls about a brush fire near the south boundary of Grand Teton NP along Highway 89.  Visitors initially doused the fires with water and ice until interagency wildland fire resources arrived on scene and extinguished the fires.  They appear to have been caused by a vehicle travelling northbound, throwing sparks along the road shoulder. 

Fox Fire

Report of smoke in the Teton Wilderness west of Fox Park and with a recon in the area a .5 acre fire was located. Resources are on the fire taking suppression action at this time.

The Fox Fire was called contained, July 28th. The line is holding and firefighters will continue to grid and mop-up interior hot spots.

The Fox Fire was called out, July 29th.


The Rock Creek Fire was a lightening ignited fire that was discovered at 1800 on 7/21.  It was ¼ acre with a 1/10 acre spot located approximately 3 miles northwest of the Kendal Lodge on the Pinedale District.  The fire was contained, controlled and called out on 7/22.