
7/5 - Declared out on Friday 7/1.

6/29 4:45 pm - The Sheep fire (originally called the Upper Green Fire) has been cold trailed twice with no heat found. Incident commander has declared the fire contained at this time. Firefighters will continue to staff the fire monitoring for any heat or fire activity.

6/29 9 am - Firefighters from Sublette County Unified Fire responded to this fire late on 6/28. They were able to complete a containment line around the perimeter of the fire to prevent spread from creeping.


8/11 Update - The fire was thoroughly checked last week and declared out. The closure order has been lifted.

7/18 Update - The fire is now 100% contained. A type 5 IC has been assigned and will be checking the fire regularly for any heat.

Battleship Mountain

This fire was discovered in the Upper Green/Moose Gypsum area of the Pinedale Ranger District Friday evening. Forest and County resources initially responded and two helitack were dropped off by helicopter 6HE to suppress the tenth acre fire. Cause has not yet been determined but is under investigation.


This fire is located approximately 1 mile southwest of the head of Middle Piney Lake along the Middle Piney hiking trail. Resources from Teton Interagency Helitack and Engine 671 took suppression action, including bucket work from Helicopter 6HE. The fire was controlled and declared out on 9/16. Cause of the fire is an abandoned warming fire.

Strawberry Creek

Teton Fire Interagency, 6HE helicopter, responded to a report of smoke in Strawberry Creek, east of Bedford. A single tree, spot fire was located and fire personnel are taking full suppression action at this time. 

Strawberry Creek Fire was contained, controlled and called out September 13th. 

Horse Creek Fire

Forest visitors recreating in the Gros Ventre Wilderness reported smoke visible in the Horse Creek after an early morning thunderstorm passed over the area on September 2nd. Two firefighters responded with the local helicopter and discovered two trees burning after being struck by lightning. Because the fire is located within the wilderness, firefighters will apply minimal suppression tactics to ensure the fire is cold and dead out before returning to their duty station to prepare for the next wildland fire.  The fire is located at above 8000 feet and has a low spread potential.

Red Pass Fire

Small fire located in a dead and down snag on a very steep slope. The small, smoldering fire will be suppressed with the help of two local firefighters off the interagency helicopter.