Natural caused start from lightning strike.

Red Peak

It appears the Red Peak fire smoldered for several day before it was detected by hikers on July 10. The local interagency helicopter delivered two firefighters to the incident for the management action. The fire was suppressed with the support of a blivet or 55 gallon pillow of water used to carry water to dry locations to aid firefighters in mop up operations of a fire,

Red Peak

It appears the Red Peak fire smoldered for several days before detection. The fire was caused by lightning and was detected by two hikers in the area on July 10th. Two firefighters flew in on the interagency helicopter to complete suppress the smoldering fire and then hiked off the mountain for pick up. redtop fire.jpg 

Horse Fly

A small lightning fire was discovered on Sunday, July 7, burning in the Chall Creek area of the Big Piney Ranger Districts. Firefighters from Engine 421 responded to the fire and put it out.

10368 Road

    This fire was discovered on the evening of July 4th near Chall Creek. The fire started by lightning hitting a single tree. Firefighters from Engines 421 and 761 responded and suppressed the fire.


Luton Fire

This small fire was started after lightning moved through the area over the Memorial Day weekend. The fire was suppressed and call out on 4/28 after two firefighters from the Teton Fire Module suppressed the single tree fire.  

Luton Fire

A lightning storm passing over the Blackrock Ranger District is responsible for igniting this small fire. Two Teton Interagency fire module crew members accessed the fire on foot to size up and suppress the fire.

Flat Fire

The Flat Fire was discovered as 35HX helicopter was responding to another smoke report in the Cottonwood Creek area, that fire was not located. Helitak personnel and 4 West Yellowstone Smoke Jumpers took full suppression. The fire was located West of Wyoming Peak in the Flat Creek area of Greys River drainage.

Lead Creek

This fire is approximately 4 miles west of the Sherman Creek Guard Station and 2 miles to the north of Horse Creek Road. Fire behavior is smoldering with some torching in a mix of grass, brush, timber, and slash. Firefighters from the Big Piney and Pinedale Ranger Districts are currently taking full suppression actions on the fire.