October, 19th-All seems quite within the fire perimeter. Recent weather has inhibited any new growth with any fire activity limited to smoldering duff, stumps or logs. Before managers can make the decision to call they fire out much needs moisture is still needed and the fire is not likely to be called out until the area receives at least 2 inches of snow.

October, 9th at 1800- All personnel and gear from the fire, have returned to home stations in preparation of wet weather coming into fire area Saturday night before strong winds would shut down aviation operations for safety. A recognizance flight today mapped the updated perimeter at 488 total acres. This increase in acres has been spread out over several days as we have not gained an accurate perimeter for many days. Today’s fire activity was on the NE corner and where managers expect growth to occur in the future. 

Tomorrow's management action will include closely monitoring the fire's growth and activity from Signal Mountain and continue to keep informed on fire behavior and direction of travel. 

An increase in wind speeds before the forecasted weather front moving into the area the next few days, will heighten fire weather concerns and the need for fire prevention safety. Fire managers continue to discuss fire restrictions and when is the right time to remove the regulations. It is agreed throughout the many agencies and partners managing fires on the landscape, that until weather with significate moisture is experienced over the area, the fire potential and risk for new fires starting is still too high. This frequent discussion will resume after this weekend's forecasted weather event.    

Anyone considering a campfire or warming fire, in either the Teton or Gros Venter Wilderness areas, must practice fire safety. On the Bridger Teton National Forest, fires are ONLY allowed in these two wilderness areas. Therefore, if you visit an area where fires are allowed, never leave your warming fire unattended or smoldering before you depart. Your fire must be completely out and cold to the touch. Feel every piece of material inside the ring to make sure it is cold and DEAD OUT. This last storm cycle on September 26th, left a total of 12 human caused fires, all out of the restriction area. If you have a friend or loved one heading into the forest to recreate this weekend, remind them of the restrictions in place and to bring extra warm clothes. lets see if we can get through this next storm with no human caused fires!

On October 8th the Pilgrim Fire once again experienced minimal fire behavior with some single trees torching and surface fire cleaning up downed fuels in the fire's path, adding yet, another 10 new acres to the fire's perimeter.

On 10/03 the fire experienced minimal new growth due to reduced wind speeds and some cloud cover. A drone pilot and infra red aircraft over the fire yesterday mapped and provided an updated and accurate acreage from the fire activity experienced on 10/02, mapping the fire’s perimeter at 210 acres.

10/04 The fire remains north of Pilgrim Creek and continues to experience minimal isolated torching with some spotting into adjacent timber. Today’s predicted weather calls for increased westerly winds which may intensify the fire behavior. Crews and management action plans are both identified and prepared to support any protentional spotting across Pilgrim Creek and to the south of the fire’s current perimeter.

43.98783, -110.5671

Pilgrim Creek Area of the Blackrock Ranger District, BTNF
Start Date