This small fire was detected while the Interagency helicopter was responding to a smoke report on the Greys River District. No lightning has been detected in the area and fire investigators are looking into the fire cause. Less than 10'x10' the fire is burning along a ridge line in the Colburn Creek drainage. Two firefighters are suppressing the fire and will call the fire out before they leave the fire area.

North Zone fire prevention staff plea with the hunter public to be very careful with warming fires. All fires require funds to be managed appropriately and do place the public and firefighters at some risk. Helicopters, firefighters, support staff and logistics all come with a price tag. If you are going to have a warming fire, please feel for heat, make sure your fire is dead out before you leave.  It's your fire, on your public lands and your responsibility.

43.298889, -110.920556

Jackson Ranger District, BTNF
Colburn Creek Drainage
Start Date