09/17  The Boulder Lake Fire was declared out yesterday after firefighters checked the fire. They gridded the aspen stand on the slope on the north side of Boulder Lake and found no heat.

08/26 10:54 am - The fire is now 100% contained and has transitioned to a Type 5 incident. The only visible smoke is in the aspen stand on the south facing slope above Boulder Lake and it poses no threat to containment lines.

08/25 10:32 am- Fire is 95% contained. Command will transition to Type 5 at end of shift today.

08/24 1630 pm - Fire is 90% contained as crews continue mop up efforts. 24 firefighter still assigned to this fire.

08/23 11:31 am - Containment has been increase to 85%. Crews continue mop-up and patrol of the fire. Strong winds have been blowing ash clouds that can be seen from some distance away and are easily mistaken for smoke.

06:23 am - Burnt Lake Road is now open. There are no road, trail, or campground closures associated with this fire at this time.

08/22 08:40 am - Type 4 Incident commander, Patrick Tenney, assumed command of the fire at 6:30 this morning. *The fire has been re-named the Boulder Lake Fire in rereferenceference to the geographic location of the incident.

08/21 08:02 pm - Crews experienced a successful day on the fire mopping up. Still no injuries.

10:22 am - The Type 3 Team will be transitioning today and turn the fire over to a local Type 4 organization tomorrow. Burnt Lake Road will re-open Friday morning. Crews continue to put out hot spots near control lines.

08/20 08:02 pm - Fire is 70% contained. Burnt Lake Road will open Friday morning.

09:44 am- Fire is 35% contained. Crews are mopping up.

08/19 7:55 pm - Containment lines held throughout the day but were threatened in a few spots by actively burning and spreading fire. Firefighters had success in holding and strengthening firelines. Fire is now 25% contained.

11:20 - Despite high winds and red flag conditions, crews made good progress on the fire yesterday and no new growth was reported. The fire held within the retardant lines and firefighters focused on holding and securing those lines and knocking down active flare ups inside containment lines.

Western Wyoming Type 3 Incident Management Team, Jon Ziegler - Incident Commander, assumed control of the fire at seven o’clock this morning. An Incident Command Post (ICP) has been set up at the Burnt Lake Elk Feedgrounds.

Evacuations have been lifted for the Boulder Lake Estates, Boulder Lake Campground and trailhead. Those residents who choose to return home are still in the SET stage. The road closures for Boulder Lake have also been lifted. The Burnt lake Road above the Boulder Lake Dam road will remain closed.

The weather will be of concern to firefighters again today with the third straight day of red flag warning conditions of high temperatures, low single digit relative humidity, and strong westerly winds.

08/18 09:05 pm - As of 8pm August 18th, the following evacuations have been lifted:

-Boulder Lake (County Road 23-125)
-Boulder Lake Country Estates
-Boulder Lake Campground
-Boulder Lake residents off of the Burnt Lake road BLM Road 5106

The Burnt lake Road above the Boulder Lake Dam road will remain closed. Those residents who choose to return home are still in the SET stage.

1:38 pm - The fire is now 20% contained. Crews are making good progress but winds are increasing on the fire. 

1:00 pm -  The fire is now 1,340 acres. No primary residences have burned, evacuations remain in effect and the Burnt Lake and Boulder Lake roads are closed.

Resources fighting the fire include: 7 engines (both Type 4 and Type 6), 1 water tender, 2 Type 3 helicopters, 2 Type 1 helicopters, 1 Type 2 IA handcrew, 8 smokejumpers, 5 person fire module, 5 helitack crewmembers, air attack and fixed wing retardant tankers as needed.

Crews will be facing red flag conditions again today through Monday evening. High temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds will make control efforts challenging.

8:30 am - Crews have been briefed and will continue to flank and secure the fire perimeter focusing on structure protection. The Western Wyoming Type 3 Incident Management Team will shadow the current management today and assume command either tonight or in the morning.  The IC will fly the fire this morning to assess fire status and get more accurate size.

08/17  09:19 pm - The fire received multiple retardant drops from the SEATs and VLAT (Very Large Air Tanker) to protect structures on the Elk Feedgrounds near Burnt Lake as well as private residences near Boulder Lake. A load of smokejumper out of Pocatello were dropped on the fire to assist current ground resources. Air attack estimated the fire to be approximately 500 acres. A Type 3 Incident Management Team has been ordered for tomorrow.

5:04 - The fire has burned on to the US Forest Service land. Red Cross is setting up a shelter for evacuees at the LDS church in Pinedale.

3:36 pm - Boulder Lake Estates is under evacuation stage GO. In addition, Boulder Lake, Burnt Lake, and Meadow Lake campgrounds, Timico trailhead, and dispersed campers are also being evacuated. Anyone camping or recreating in the area should leave immediately. Two Small Engine Air Tankers (SEATs) are now over the fire to aid in control efforts.

02:00 pm - There is a new fire burning south of Pinedale near Boulder Lake. The fire is burning on BLM land between Burnt and Boulder lakes near the elk feedground. Multiple resources including engines from Sublette County, BLM, and Forest Service, as well as one Type 3 helicopter from Teton Interagency Fire, are actively engaged in fighting this fire. Additional resources are on order.


42.85445, -109.7041

High Desert District BLM / Pinedale RD BTNF
Start Date