9/28 PM -- The Moose Fire was declared out today, Friday, September 28, 2018. No further updates will be posted here.

9/27 PM -- Although this fire is 100 percent contained, it remains in patrol status (daily or every other day). Heat could persist in the foot-thick duff, so while the fire is highly unlikely to spread, it will not be declared out until patrolling firefighters don’t observe any smoke for a few consecutive days.

9/27 AM -- The Moose Fire is in patrol status today.

9/26 PM -- The Moose Fire, in the Upper Green area, is 100 percent contained and in patrol status. Today crews detected and extinguished a couple hot spots lingering in the foot-thick duff.

9/25 AM -- The fire is in patrol status now that firefighters have declared it 100 percent contained. Three firefighters will monitor it today, looking for any remaining smoke or residual heat in the 0.10-acre fire footprint. 

9/24 AM -- The 0.10-acre Moose Fire, in the Upper Green River area, is 60 percent contained. The fire was quiet overnight and remains within the containment lines. Hazard trees have been felled, but now crews have to ensure that the large vegetation and smoldering stumps that retain heat are cold and pose no threat to containment.

9/23 PM -- Crews are progressing with the suppression Moose Fire, which started yesterday on the Pinedale Ranger District. They have removed hazard trees and are currently working to increase containment, which is now approximately 10 percent. The size has been more accurately assessed to be 1/10 acre. Firefighters have not yet needed assistance from aerial resources. Fire managers have had no reports of issues or active fire behavior from firefighters in the field this afternoon.

The Forest has ordered more crews and engines to backfill behind those that have been committed to the new fires (Moose and Irish Fires). Those replacement resources will support initial-attack needs of the Forest and its partners, such as Grand Teton National Park and the Bureau of Land Management.

9/23 AM -- Fire reported off the Moose Gypsum road in the Upper Green River Lakes area. Fire personnel located the fire and overnighted in the area. Firefighters from Pinedale District Engine 671 arrived on scene early morning and sized up the fire. Additional resources are on order and crews will be working to suppress the fire.

Pinedale Ranger District, BTNF
Start Date