9/28, 4:30 p.m. -- At 10 this morning, the two helitack crew members responsible for successfully suppressing the fire declared it out. They hiked out and were picked up. This fire will no longer be monitored because it is completely out. No further updates will be posted here.


9/27, 5:30 p.m. -- The Buck Creek Fire was determined to be human caused. Warming fires and campfires, apart from those in Wilderness Areas and a few designated campgrounds, are prohibited under the Stage 1 fire restrictions that are in effect on the Grand-Teton National Forest. Vegetation is very dry and susceptible to burning. Fires have the potential to grow rapidly in the hot, dry, windy conditions the region is experiencing. The Forest needs your help: know and comply with Stage 1 restrictions!

Wednesday, two helitack crew members, with assistance from Type 3 helicopter water drops, successfully held the fire to its original 0.10-acre footprint. They remained on the fire Wednesday night. Although the two firefighters fully contained the fire today, Thursday, they will spend a second night on the fire and mop up any lingering hot spots before they declare it out and hike out Friday afternoon.


9/27, 10:00 a.m. -- Two helitack crew members have been working on the Buck Creek Fire since the initial reconnaissance flight yesterday. Today they plan to mop up any lingering hot spots, ensuring that the fire is 100 percent contained and out cold this afternoon by the time they hike to Bryan Flats, where they will get picked up.


9/26, 5:30 p.m. -- The two helitack crew members who were dropped off on the Beaver Mountain ridgetop during the initial Buck Creek Fire reconnaissance flight got fire-suppression help from a local interagency Type 3 helicopter. The combination of firefighters on the ground and aerial water drops was very effective. The fire did not grow beyond the initial 0.10-acre estimate, and there were no control issues. The two firefighters will remain on scene overnight and ensure that the fire is out cold before they come out tomorrow afternoon.


9/26, 2:30 p.m. (News Release) -- JACKSON, Wyo., September 26, 2018 – A new fire—the Buck Creek Fire—on the Jackson Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest was reported at 12:09 p.m. Wednesday, September 26. The fire is on the southern tip of the Beaver Mountain ridgetop. Firefighters on the initial aerial reconnaissance estimated that it is 0.10 acres. The fire is on the ground and in a few trees; fire behavior currently consists of creeping and smoldering with moderate spread-potential. Two helitack firefighters onboard for the initial size-up were dropped off to initiate full-suppression action. The helicopter reconfigured with a bucket at Bryan Flats and is assisting them with water drops. No structures are threatened. The cause is unknown.

The Bridger-Teton National Forest, along with other surrounding federal, state, and county lands, is currently under Stage 1 fire restrictions (Wilderness Areas exempt). Most campfires and grills are not allowed. Know before you go by getting detailed information on what is and is not allowed during a Stage 1 restriction. The Forest needs all recreationists using public lands to comply with the restrictions and not have a fire unless it is in a designated campground in a Forest–Service provided ring.


9/26, 1:30 p.m. -- Traveling fire resources on their way to support the Roosevelt Fire reported a smoke on the south aspect of Beaver Mountain in the Hoback Canyon. Several resources responded quickly to the area and local helicopter 35X deployed two helitack crew members to fully suppress the small fire. The fire cause has not been determined as of the initial attack of the fire. Located very near the Bryan Flats area and adjacent to the proposed Beaver Mountain controlled burn, this fire start provides support and the need for fuels reduction projects that are designed to protect communities from unwanted fires.

Jackson Ranger District, BTNF
Start Date