
Incident Name Location Start Date Cause Acres Status
Shoal Fire

Jackson Ranger District, BTNF

10-7-2015 Human 1/10 Out

This warming fire was first discovered after a hunter in the Shoal Creek area sensed an aroma of smoke in the air and proceeded to locate the fire and then attempted to put the fire out before leaving the area and calling fire officials.  Smoldering in a stand of mixed conifer in deep duff, it was determined the fire had been left to burn for several days before detection. This is the 16th warming fire left unattended and abandoned this season.  Teton Interagency E 441 hiked to the incident and proceeded to suppress the fire.

Please, remember to put out your fire before leaving the area.

Spruce Fire

Kemmerer Ranger District, BTNF

10-02-2015 Lightning 1/10 Out

The Spruce Fire ws located approximately 1 1/4 miles south of Green Knoll on the Kemmerer Ranger District. E-411 Crew responded to fire and took suppression action.

Gomm Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

10-01-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Gomm Fire was located approximately 8 miles southeast of Afton, Wy. This fire was the 10th unwanted human/hunter caused fire out of 15 on the Greys River Ranger District. E-631 Chase Crew responded to fire and contained, controlled and called it out the same day.

Ridge Creek Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-30-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Ridge Creek Fire is located on top of Ridge Creek drainage in the Wyoming Range on the Greys River Ranger District. The fire was burning on a steep slope in hazardous terrain. The fire was declared out 10/06.

Blind Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-30-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Blind Fire was located at the head of North Fork Trail in the Sheep Creek drainage on the Greys River Ranger District. This fire is the result of another (13) abandoned warming fire. Suppression action was taken and called out the same day.

Bare Fire

Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF

09-26-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Bare Fire is located approximately 1/2 mile south of Hoback Peak nine miles to the southwest of Bondurant. This warming fire was discovered 9/26 and declared out 9/28.

Cream Puff Fire

Jackson Ranger District, BTNF

09-26-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Cream Puff Fire is the 11th warming fire, left by Hunters, this fall and was detected south of the Hoback River on Cream Puff peak. The fire was called out later that day after the interagency helicopter responded with two firefighters and the helicopter carrying a 25 gallon blivet for suppresion support. A blivet is a plastic bladder capable of holding water and small fire hose to aid in fire suppression activity in areas where water is not easily available, such as mountain tops and ridgelines. A blivet requires fire engine support to fill the bladder and also helicopter’s support for aerial delivery to and from the fire site.

Timber Saddle Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-25-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Timber Saddle Fire is located approximately 4 miles northeast of Cottonwood Lake between Timber Creek and Trail Fork Trail on the Greys River Ranger District. A hunter discovered and reported this fire along with the North Fork Fire. Fire personnel did not locate this fire until the next day. This fire was burning in tall grass and sage.

Autumn Fire

Jackson Ranger District, BTNF

09-25-2015 Human 1/2 Out

This fire was detected by hunters in the Mumford Creek area, east of Grayback Ridge within the Wyoming Mountain range. The small fire was quickly suppressed by crew members staffing the interagency helicopter. Hunters are reminded to stay vigilant with fire. Any of these small warming fires over the past two weeks could easily cause harm to members of the public trying to help put out a fire or to the firefighters responding to a wildfire incident.

Gravel Lake Fire

Blackrock Ranger District, BTNF

09-24-2015 Human 1/2 Out

This half acre wildfire started when a campfire was left unattended by hunters searching for big game in the Teton Wilderness area. Two individuals, also hunting in the area, noticed smoke in the vicinity of a tent and worked diligently 4 hours fighting the fire before getting fire information to district staff located in the front country. The following day, one interagency firefighter accompanied by a forest protection officer, hiked to the fire scene and gathered information on the fire violation. An investigation is currently pending. The Blackrock District staff would like to thank the two hunters for their commitment and successful efforts in fully suppressing the fire and we also appreciate their dedication to protecting public lands. Upon detection, the fire was burning in dead and down timber affected from the 2000 Enos Fire.

North Fork Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-17-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The North Fork Fire is located approximately 4 miles north of Cottonwood Lake on the North Fork Trail on the Greys River Ranger District. A hunter discovered and reported this fire approximately 1:00 in the afternoon on the 24th. This fire has been creeping and smoldering for the past week and was burning in timber and litter. Fire personnel hiked to the fire and took full suppression action.

McDougal Meadows Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-22-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The McDougal Meadows Fire was located on McDougal Gap in the Sheep Creek drainage on the Greys River. A Forest Service employee discovered this fire approximately 3:00 in the afternoon. The fire was burning in timber, litter and brush. E631 responded to the fire and took full suppression action. This fire is also the result of an abandoned warming fire.

Horse Trail Fire

Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF

09-21-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Horse Trail Fire was discovered while resources were responding to the Horse Creek Fire 2 1/2 miles to the east. This fire is also the result of an abandoned warming fire. Firefighters were diverted from the Horse Creek Fire to suppress this fire.

Horse Creek Fire

Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF

09-21-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Horse Creek Fire is located near the South Fork of Horse Creek approximately 38 miles north west of Pinedale, WY. The fire was reported to Teton Interagency Dispatch Center at around 5 pm Monday Oct. 21. Teton Interagency Helitack, Engines 421, and 671 responded to the fire to take suppression action. This fire is the result of an abandoned warming fire.

Wolfley Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-21-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Wolfley Fire is located in the south fork of Wolfley Canyon approximately 4 miles east of Etna, WY. Teton Interagency Helitak and E631 responded to the fire to engage in full suppression action. This fire is the third unwanted human caused fire on the Greys River Ranger District in a two week period.

Green Fire

Greys River Ranger District, BTNF

09-19-2015 Human 1/10 Out

The Green Fire is located in Green Canyon, east of Star Valley Ranch in open timber. This fire was a holdover from the previous week and firefighters were initially unable to locate smoke when first reported on 9/8, was once again reported and located 9/19. The human caused fire was suppressed and declared out 10/06.

Bull Fire

Kemmerer Ranger District, BTNF

09-10-2015 Lightning 42 Out

The Bull Fire was located on Bull Mtn. and in the Bull Creek area, between Lake Alice and Commissary Ridge. The fire was 3 acres in size, burning in mixed conifer with group torching and spotting, when discovered. The fire grew to 42 acres, due to high winds and spotting out in front of fire. Minimal fire activity. Fire pesonnel will monitor fire.

Murphy Fire Greys River Ranger District, BTNF 09-07-2015 Human 1/10 Out

Teton Interagency Helitack received a smoke report in the Cottonwood Lake area on Greys River RD; they did not find this smoke. On the return flight to home base, Jackson, WY Helitack sighted smoke in a patch of timber in the Murphy Creek area. The human caused fire is being suppressed and is under investigation. This fire is located approximately 1 1/2 miles north of Prater Mtn.

Mill Creek Fire

Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF

08-25-2015 Lightning .30 Out

Several smoke reports where placed to Teton Interagency Fire Dispatch after a lightning storm passed across the Mill Creek area on Saturday August 29. The interagency helicopter and zone fire engines responded to fully suppress the fire torching in a large stand of heavy timber. Firefighters working in unison with the helicopter limited the fire’s growth the same evening and will continue operations through Sunday.

Sandpoint Fire

Pinedale Ranger District BTNF

08-2015 Unknown at this Time 3 Out

 The Sandpoint Fire was deep-seated within the Bridger Wilderness of the Wind River Range, in the vicinity of Sandpoint Lake and nearby Continental Divide Trail. The fire was first detected while aircraft traveling over the area identified smoke in remote terrain with mixed conifer and open alpine meadows. Information provided during the initial fire size up stated 2 to 3 acres in size with creeping and smoldering fire behaviors. Because of the late season timing and high mountain elevation of the incident, fire and resource managers will monitor the Sandpoint Fire while keeping public and firefighter safety as the primary objective throughout the duration of the incident.

Dell Creek Fire

Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF

08-25-2015 Lightning 5 Out

 Lightning has been identified as the ignition source for the Dell Creek Fire established on private land, mere feet from the forest boundary. Sublette County fire personnel along with Teton Interagency fire staff took suppression action and continue to jointly suppress the 5 acre fire smoldering in a grass fuel type. Prior to each new fire season, County and Interagency fire staffs assemble for fire training scenarios to better prepare for such unified fire situations as the Dell Creek Fire. The “All Fire Day” training session examines fire communications, safety, operations and planning with the primary objective to enhance the fire organization in the event of an unwanted wildland fire. It is this team work which contributes to the success of the partnerships between local fire agencies.

Wolff Fire Grand Teton NP 08-21-2015 Lightning 7 Out

During a Red Flag Warning on Friday August 21, an undiscovered lightning-ignited fire began to burn actively about a mile east of Highway 89 in the Spread Creek/Wolff Ridge area of the Grand Teton National Park. The Wolff Fire had been smoldering, undiscovered, in the interior of a conifer that had been struck by lightning six days earlier.

When a dry cold front brought strong gusty winds and low humidity, the fire began to burn actively with 5-foot flames burning in willow, cottonwood, aspen and sagebrush, and visitors and rangers reported a plume of smoke around 1 p.m.

With limited road access, suppression resources responded on foot and contained the spread of the fire at 7 acres. Due to the Red Flag Warning, interagency resources had pre-planned their response, with wildland engines and crews responding from the park, Bridger-Teton National Forest, and Teton County/Jackson Hole Fire/EMS, as well as the Teton Interagency helicopter and crew.

The fire was controlled on August 23 and an engine crew continues to patrol and mop-up the fire.

Moraine Fire Grand Teton NP 08-14-2015 Lightning 1/10 Out 08-17-15

The Moraine Fire was ignited Friday afternoon, August 14th as strong thunderstorms passed through Jackson Hole. The fire was found in Grand Teton NP adjacent to the administrative boundaries with the Bridger-Teton NF and private lands in Teton County, just north of Teton Village. The fire was suppressed that evening with resources on scene from the Park, Forest, and Jackson Hole Fire/EMS. The 1/10 acre single tree fire was declared controlled the following afternoon and out on Monday 8/17.


Burnt Creek Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF 08-11-2015 Lightning 1.2

Out 08-29-15

Engines from Teton Interagency Fire responded to a lightning-caused fire approximately 6 miles up the Cliff Creek drainage at 7:22 pm August 11. An initial management strategy of monitoring the fire with the objective of allowing this fire to play its natural role on the landscape as identified in Land Management Plans for resource objectives, along with the number one priority of firefighter and public safety.   Fire behavior remained low with occasional torching of pockets of dead and down trees and was monitored through August 19th when  managers reviewed the status of limited national and local resources; predicted continued warm and dry weather, along with possible resource demands of managing this fire if activity increased.
A change in strategy from monitoring to perimeter control was selected to achieve the best possible outcome for the safety of the firefighters and the public. A crew of ten firefighters mopped up the fire on August 20th and 21th before the arrival of a strong wind event.  The fire was contained on the 21st and called "out" on August 29th.  

Riverbottom Fire Snake River Floodplain, GTNP 08-03-2015 Lightning 1/10 Out 08-11-2015

Lightning started the Riverbottom Fire in Grand Teton National Park on Monday August 3. It was burning at the base of a single tree in a sparse cottonwood and conifer forest west of Triangle X Ranch along the Snake River. The fire was not threatening any park structures or impacting visitor access to any river locations, hiking trails, or developed areas in the park.  No suppression actions were taken, with the intent of allowing the fire to burn out naturally. The fire has been declared out.

Mosquito Fire Jackson Ranger District, BTNF 07-24-2015 Lightning 1/10 Out 07-26-15

This very small fire was located within the first two miles of the Mosquito Creek drainage, off the Fall Creek road in Wilson, WY. Fire activity was visible from private property and the Mosquito Creek road #30980. Located within a treatment unit for the proposed Teton to Snake Fuels Management area, the fire's activity was limited to heavy timber on a north facing slope. This summer’s Moderate Fire Danger over the area afforded limited growth, keeping the fire’s size under 1/10 of an acre. Teton Interagency Fire Engine 441 called the fire out within 48 hours of initial dispatch to the incident.

7 Mile Fire Kemmerer Ranger District, BTNF 07-07-2015 Lightning 1/10 Out 07-08-15

This fire is located 7 miles on the Smiths Fork road and was started by lightning. Fire personnel responded after receiving a report from the public. The fire crew soon put a line around it and called it contained by late evening. The fire was declared out on July 8, at approximately 3 pm.

Boulder Creek Fire Pinedale Ranger District, BTNF 06-01-2015 Lightning .1 Out 06-15-15

Teton Interagency Dispatch received a smoke report near Boulder Lake on the evening of June 1. Engine 671 responded and located the Boulder Creek Fire east of Boulder Lake Estates just inside the Bridger Wilderness boundary. The single tree snag, which lightning ignited during a severe thunderstorm, sits on a cliff band not accessible by ground personnel. After monitoring the fire for signs of activity for two weeks, firefighters declared it out on Monday, June 15.

Pfister Fire Big Piney Ranger District, BTNF 05-01-2015 Human 12 Out 05-04-15

This fire, located in Bondurant, WY, resulted from a controlled burn which started on private land and quickly spread to Forest lands. Sublette County Unified Fire along with Teton Interagency fire took suppression action and jointly managed this incident. The fire was contained and controlled and is being monitored daily by Forest Service Engine 421.

Little Horse Creek Fire Jackson Ranger District, BTNF 05-01-2015 Human .1 Out 05-01-15