Prescott Helitack
08-Mar-2021 13:31
Prescott Helitack is looking for highly motivated, physically fit firefighters with or without previous aviation experience. Applicants must have one full season of wildland firefighting experience and be minimally qualified at the FFT2 level. Additional qualifications we are looking for include: Firefighter Type I/Squad Boss (FFT1), Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5), Helicopter Crewmember (HECM), and B Faller (FALB).The USDA Forest Service currently uses an online vacancy announcement/job application system called USAJobs. Information on "How to Apply" can be found on the home page. You will need to create a profile in order to use the program.
The hiring process for the 2021 fire season has been completed. For the 2022 fire season, information will be posted here with details on the hiring process.

- Employment Resources
- Prescott Helitack Information