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[graphic] Color Curve


Photo of Single Engine Airtanker







UCR Mission:
To safely manage wildland fire by protecting our communities, natural resources, and maintaining ecological health.

The UCR is composed of the Colorado River Valley and Grand Junction Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management and the White River National Forest

Encompassing over 4.2 million acres of land managed by participating Federal agencies, the UCR is oriented along the Interstate 70 corridor from the Continental Divide on the east to the Utah state line on the west. Vegetation types in the area range from those typifying high desert species such as native bunchgrasses, sagebrush and various types of brush, to woodland species such as pinyon-juniper, aspen and mixed conifer species at higher elevations.

The UCR is divided into three management zones with duty stations in Grand Junction, Rifle, Silt, Eagle, Silvernhorne, and Minturn. The ground resources include 9 engines, 2 wildland fire modules, and a helitack crew.

The Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center is located at the Grand Junction Airtanker Base, and is referred to as the Grand Junction Air Center. The Interagency Dispatch Center provides incident support to the following interagency partners:

  • Upper Colorado River Fire Management Unit, Grand Junction BLM Field Office, Colorado River Valley BLM Field Office, and the White River National Forest.
  • Colorado National Monument, National Park Service.
  • Colorado State Forest Service, Grand Junction and Granby Districts representing Eagle, Mesa, Garfiled, Summit, Pitkin, and Rio Blanco counties.

The Grand Junction Air Center provides tactical aircraft resources (airtankers, smokejumpers, lead planes, and air attack) for initial attack and large incident support to dispatch centers in western Colorado and eastern Utah, as well as supporting national requests for resources.

Map of Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit

More about the UCR

BLM Grand Junction Field Office
BLM Colorado River Valley Field Office
White River National Forest














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Upper Colorado River
Interagency Fire Management Unit

To report a fire call: 970-257-4800