Daily Resources Status Summary

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A - Available, AZ - Available On Zone, AO - Available Off Zone, C - Committed, U - Unavailable, O - Day Off, NR - No Report, Clear Filter


Last Modified: 11/04/2024 8:26 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL2 Duty Officer: BLM- L. Johnson-970-257-4824, USFS-Justin Conrad: 970-257-4826
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
CH-2101 Unit FMO Overhead Tommy Hayes A Grand Junction Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 208-608-3727
CH-2102 Unit AFMO (BLM) Overhead Lathan Johnson A Grand Junction Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-640-9165
CH-03 Unit AFMO (USFS) Overhead James Genung A Glenwood Springs Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-404-5411
CH-2104 Fuels Program Manager (BLM) Overhead Jeremy Spetter A Grand Junction Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-640-4258
CH-05 Fuels Program Manager (USFS) Overhead Dan Nielsen A Glenwood Springs Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-309-8198
P-2121 Mitigation/Education Overhead Mike Jones C Grand Junction Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-250-0073
P-22 Fire Prevention Officer Overhead Mary Flynn A Glenwood Springs Off: Sat/Sun Cell: 970-309-2150
Fire Training and Workforce Overhead Eric White A Eagle Off: Sat-Sun Cell: 970-456-8293

UCR T3 Team

Last Modified: 09/23/2024 2:28 pm (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Plan for 1st availability period starting June 5th Duty Officer: Lathan 970-640-9165
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
LSC3 Overhead Jason Gross A Glenwood Springs Order as LSC3 Jason: 970-331-2129
SOFR Overhead A Grand Junction Order as SOF2
PSC3 Overhead Christina Stark A GJ Order as PSC3
OPS3 Overhead Hugh Fairfield-Smith A Eagle Order as OPS 3 970-471-0223
PIO3 Overhead A Glenwood Springs
DIVS Overhead Matt Benedict A Breck 970-390-9630
FSC3 Overhead Need to order
ICT3 Overhead Shannon Moore A Rifle Order as ICT3
DIVS Overhead Paul Cada A Vail 970-531-5577

East Zone

Last Modified: 01/17/2025 11:01 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer: BLM: Tommy Hayes 970-257-4824, USFS Dan Nielsen
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
Dillon Fuels Crew (other) Hills A Silverthorne Hills + Matson Days Off Sat/Sun
Engine T6
E-607 Engine T6 Calfee U Silverthorne Mechanical Days Off Fri/Sat
E-609 Engine T6 Jeff Macklin A Eagle EZ +1 Days Off sat/sun
Equipment (other)
UT-607 Equipment (other) Calfee U Silverthorne
UT-609 Equipment (other) Macklin NR Eagle Eagle +1
P-23 Prevention Technician Equipment (other) Rodriguez NR Minturn Done for the season
Zone FMO DV-08 Overhead Conrad A Eagle 970-596-2549 OFF SAT/SUN
BC-19 Overhead Matt Walls U Eagle 970-445-0273
Fuels BC Overhead Kat Gray NR Silverthorne Detailed Dillion Fuels Tech
POC Overhead Conrad A Eagle 970-596-2549

Central Zone

Last Modified: 11/01/2024 11:49 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer: Jim Genung
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
White River WFM2 Crew (other) U Rifle
Engine T4
E2424 Engine T4 Hendrickson U Rifle Fuels season
Engine T6
E2625 Engine T6 Dresen U Rifle Fuels season
E606 Engine T6 Ottosen A Days off Sat- Sun 1st up
Equipment (other)
UT-2524 Equipment (other) NR Fuels
UT-2525 Equipment (other) NR Fuels
UT-606 Equipment (other) NR
POC Overhead A
Zone FOS BC-2114 Overhead Jake Davis A Rifle 208-308-0056
Zone FMO DV-07 Overhead Shannon Moore A Rifle 909-635-9624 Personal 719-373-8030

West Zone

Last Modified: 02/07/2025 10:05 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer: BLM- T. Hayes 970-257-4824
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T4
E-2411 Engine T4 M. Seim A Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
E-2412 Engine T4 J. Bell A Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
Engine T6
E-2613 Engine T6 J. Seim A Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
Ia Module
UT-2513 Ia Module U Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
UT-2511 Ia Module J. Roedell A Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
UT-2512 Ia Module J. Bell A Grand Junction Days off Sat/Sun
READ Overhead Anjelica Spencer AZ Grand Junction READ phone (970) 589-5959
BC 2113 Overhead U Grand Junction Position not filled


Last Modified: 02/03/2025 2:29 pm (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: Robertson
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
Buzzard Creek Crew (other) Brooke Bosman + 3 A Colbran Bosman Cell 970-260-3384
Skyway SMOD Crew (other) Baier C OOA
Engine T6
E-611 Engine T6 U Collbran
DV-2 Overhead Robertson AZ Grand Junction 970-433-4673 ICT3 RDO:S/S
BC-22 Overhead Wheeler AZ Grand Junction 970-640-7691 ICT3 RDO:S/S
BC-21 Overhead Carpenter C OOA 602-696-1904 ICT3(T) RDO:S/S
Fuels 2 Overhead Westendorf AZ Grand Junction 970-846-8356 ICT4 RDO:S/S

UCRIFMU Resources

Last Modified: 08/22/2024 10:50 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer: N/A
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
Unaweep WFM Crew (other) Owen Johnson O

Aviation Resources

Last Modified: 12/03/2024 9:10 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer: N/A
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Air Attack
AA-1BR Air Attack Derek Wheeler NR GJT
Equipment (other)
GJ Air Tanker Base Equipment (other) Adam Goeden A GJT
Rifle SEAT Base Equipment (other) U RIL
Helicopter T3
H-8HW Helicopter T3 Dan Fager NR RIL
Tanker Base Manager Overhead Adam Geoden A GJT Off Fri/Sat
Assistant Tanker Base Manager Overhead Jake Lloyd A GJT Off Sun/Mon
Aviation Officer Overhead Chad Johnson A GJT
Helicopter Manager Overhead Eric Panebaker A RIL 970-623-9100
Assistant Helicopter Manager Overhead Preston Burns A Silverthorne Off Sat/Sun 970-318-6500

Grand Junction Interagency Fire Dispatch

Last Modified: 02/12/2025 8:27 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: Todd Foley
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Center Manager Overhead Vacant NR
Assistant CM Overhead Todd Foley A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
DFPC Lead Dispatcher Overhead Marybel Rodriguez A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
DFPC Fire Dispatcher Overhead Richard Bathmann A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
Fire Dispatcher Overhead Sean Coyne A Grand Junction Off Fri/Sat/Sun
Fire Dispatcher Overhead Mikah Phillips A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
Fire Dispatcher Overhead Kimberly Youker A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
Fire Dispatcher Overhead Kate Wood NR Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
Fire Dispatcher Overhead Scott Callen C Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun

Fire Information Officers

Last Modified: 04/05/2024 9:25 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-1 Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
USFS PIO Overhead David Boyd A Glenwood Springs Call for USFS 970-319-4895 (C)
BLM PIO Overhead Vacant U Grand Junction Call for BLM - GJFO/CRVFO 970-244-3061 (O) 970-628-5622

UCR Fuels

Last Modified: 02/07/2025 10:03 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: BLM Spetter/USFS Nielsen
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
CH-2104 Overhead Jeremy Spetter AZ Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
BC-17 Overhead Vacant U Rifle off Sat/Sun
DV-2109 Overhead Ken Miller AZ GJ Off Sat/Sun.
BC-2118 Overhead Chad Sewell AZ Silt Off Sat/Sun
BC-19 Overhead Matt Walls A Eagle Off Sat/Sun
BC-2116 Overhead Jake Pollert A Grand Junction Off Sat/Sun
BC-20 Overhead Kat Gray A Silverthorne 970-401-1983
CH-2105 Overhead Dan Nielsen AZ Glenwood Springs Off Sat/Sun

DFPC Colorado River Region

Last Modified: 02/12/2025 8:27 am (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: Ryan McCulley
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
DC-21 (DFPC) Overhead Ryan McCulley A GJ/ Rifle 970-765-6279 Off Sat/Sun
BC-22 (DFPC) Overhead Renee Nicoletta A GJ 970-697-8794 Off Sat/Sun

County IA Resources

Last Modified: 02/04/2025 2:38 pm (Pacific Time) Planning Level: PL-2 Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Eagle Valley Wildland-CHIEF15 Overhead Hugh Fairfield-Smith A Edwards 970-471-0223
Eagle Valley Wildland- WLD 12 Overhead Hans Scott A Gypsum 970-401-5166
Eagle Valley Wildland- WLD 7 Overhead Katie Scott A Eagle 970-306-5278
Eagle Valley Wildland- WLD 5 Overhead Bear Opitz A Minturn 970-401-3914
Eagle Valley Wildland- WLD 15 Overhead Tim Swaner A Edwards 970-343-6434
Eagle Valley Wildland-WLD 11 Overhead Phillip Karius A Eagle 970-401-4750 Off Thurs-Sat

Off-Unit Cooperator Rotation

Last Modified: 02/03/2025 6:00 pm (Pacific Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: pcada@vailgov.com
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Equipment (other)
De Beque Fire Equipment (other) A 1st Backfill required
Grand Valley FPD Equipment (other) A 2nd Backfill required
Greater Eagle Fire Equipment (other) A 3rd Backfill required
Colorado River Fire Equipment (other) A 4th
Carbondale Fire Equipment (other) A 5th Backfill required
Grand Junction Fire Equipment (other) A 6th Backfill required