The Northern Rockies Coordinating
Group (NRCG) Board of Directors
has Memorandums of Understanding
(MOU) with members of contractors
associations, private contractors,
and educational institutions, otherwise
known as training providers. These
MOU holders provide training, work
capacity testing, position task
book management and incident qualifications
Training Providers
NRCG Fire Training Courses
Zone Training Representatives
Training Provider Audit Procedures
Contractor Wildland Fire Personnel Qualification Verification
The Northern Rockies Personnel Verifiers have been instructed to reject any training held in the Northern Rockies Geographic Area that has not been taught by a state accredited program, a fire department, an NRGA member agency, or a current MOU holder from either the Northern Rockies (R1) or Northwest (R6) Geographic Area. This restriction does not apply to firefighters trained and verified in other geographic areas. |