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What should I do to prepare for making an agreement with the Government?


Thank you for your interest in assisting local, state and federal government agencies in the event that an emergency arises. This site is designed to provide you with a “one stop shopping” place for information specifically related to the State and Federal groups for wildland fire suppression or all-hazard incidents.

** It is important to note that this information does not guarantee you will be hired. Fires/Incidents vary by season as does the need for contracted equipment. Additionally, in most cases not all types of equipment are needed for all emergencies. The equipment used/hired is solely dependent on the nature of the emergency and factors (such as terrain, weather, and safety) that exist surrounding the emergency. **

Please review the following information/requirements for doing business with the agencies.

- Recognize Incident Business Practices

Review the National Wildfire Coordination Group's (NWCG) Standards for Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (SIIBM) requirements in Chapter 20, This is the PRIMARY policy and regulations governing agreements.

In addition to the SIIBM, the Northern Rockies Coordination Group (NRCG), has a SUPPLEMENT known as NRCG Chapter 20 to help you tell the difference between the two documents.


- Understand Requirements

Personnel Requirements page -Information on Training Requirementsand Safety Regulations.

Equipment Requirements page -Information on Equipment Specifications, Driving Regulations

After reviewing these documents, if you wish to continue the process, the next steps are listed below.


STEP 1. - Getting Started (New Vendors)


Register with System for Award Management (SAM).  Vendors doing business with the Federal Government are required to complete a one-time registration providing information relevant to procurement and financial transactions to facilitate payments through electronic funds transfer (EFT). There is no fee to register

Contact Montana APEX Accelerator or Idaho APEX Accelerator or North Dakota APEX Acceleator for additional assistance regarding requirements for government contracts

STEP 2. - Requirements in the Northern Rockies

Only one award nationally will be made for any piece of equipment or service within a category. Preseason agreements are generally for a period of 3 years. There will not be another opportunity to sign up these types of equipment/services until the end of the three year period. Some agreements may be 1 or 5 year awards. Reference agreement period in the Solicitations.

In the Norther Rockies Geographic Area the DOI Agencies and Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation have the logistical equipment/services. The operational equipment/services are managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Some categories are not solicited in the Geographic Area. Reference National Solicitation Plan


• MT-DNRC Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation        
Montana Acquisition & Contracting System (eMACS) Vendor Reqistration, There is no fee to register 

• DOI - Department of the Interior
    -BLM - Bureau of Land Management -Contracting Information
    -NPS - National Park Service -Contracting Information


•USFS - U.S.Forest Service Register for Level 2 eAuthentication account required for vendors utilizing the VIPR System for US Forest Service solicitations. Utilization of eAuth required once every 90 days to keep account activated.  There is no fee to register

Register at SAM.gov. Competitive solicitations for incident support will be posted to SAM. There is no fee to register.



- Northern Rockies Dispatch Centers

Information for Dispatch Centers in the Northern Rockies Geopgraphic Area


- National Contracts

National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)


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Northern Rockies Coordination Center
5765 West Broadway, Missoula, Montana 59808-9361

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