SFIDC Predictive Services and Intelligence Information

Sierra Front DispatchThe SFIDC Intelligence function provides updated information, and support for Fire Danger on this website utilizing the WIMS, NFDRS and Firefamily programs. This includes processing daily fire weather observations, posting fire danger ratings for the Sierra Front and providing the supporting links on this website for Pocket Cards and Predictive Services. The Intelligence function also provides updates and information analysis for changing fire situations throughout the Sierra Front.

Weather Links

Reno Fire Weather Forecast
National Fire Weather Forecast
Red Flag Warnings 
National Reno Long-Range Outlook
Reno Radar Loop (Ca. Nv.)
Satellite Imagery
BLM Lightning Map
Meso West

Situation Reports

National Incident Management Situation Report
Great Basin Situation Report

SFIDC Fire Danger Information

Pocket Cards
SFIDC Fire Danger Indexes and Preparedness Levels
Great Basin Daily Fire Potential Briefing
Great Basin Monthly and Seasonal Outlook
National Fuel Moisture Data Base