Fire Restrictions

Fire Restriction  Contact Information:

Fire Restrictions have been lifted for the Carson City BLM District, Western Region of the State of Nevada, and the Carson and Bridgeport Ranger Districts of the US Forest Service until further notice.

For current Fire Restriction Status please contact the agency office for the area you are concerned with:

 Bureau of Land Management---(775) 885-6000

Forest Service---Carson Ranger District: (775) 882-2766
                         Bridgeport Ranger District: (760) 932-7070

 Nevada Division of Forestry State Office---(775)  684-2500

Fire restrictions are lifted for 2019 for the following administrated lands : 
Carson and Bridgeport Ranger Districts of the US forest Service;
Carson District of the Bureau of Land Management;
Nevada Western area of the US Fish and Wildlife Service;
 Western Nevada area of the Bureau of Indian Affairs;
Western Region of the Nevada Division of forestry.   

Please contact any of the office numbers above concerning any of the eastern California and Western Nevada areas.