SFIDC Aviation Information

HT749SFIDC is the dispatch center for a variety of wildland fire aviation resources.The Stead Air Base north of Reno, Nevada is the home base for BLM Air Attack, fixed wing aircraft and Single Engine Air Tankers (SEATs). It is also a full service Airtanker reload base.

The Minden Air Base,located south of Carson City, Nevada is the home base to a US Forest Service National Contract Type-1 helicopter and the NDF Helitack which staffs a Type 2 helicopter. Further south there is a US Forest Service Type-3 helicopter based in Bridgeport, California.

Aviation Safety

Safecom (Aviation Safety Communique')
Interagency Airspace Coordination
USFS Aviation Safety Management Systems
USDI Office of Aviation Services - Aviation Safety
Sunrise/Sunset Tables

Air Navigation

Automated Flight Following (Password Protected)
AirNav.com (Airport Identifiers)
Airport / FBO Directory (AC-U-KWIK)
Temporary Flight Restrictions

Aviation Guides, Form, Status, etc.

USDI Office of Aviation Services
Great Basin Aircraft Status Report
Smokejumper Status Report
Great Basin Air/Air and Air/Ground Frequency Guide
Northern California Geographic Coordination Center Aviation
Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide (IHOG)
Interagency Single Engine Airtanker Operations Guide