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The Southwest Coordinating Group (SWCG) is comprised of representatives from each of the five Federal land management agencies and the two State land management agencies, located in the States of Arizona and New Mexico. Each member of the Group is delegated authority to act on behalf of their respective agencies for purposes of planning, priority setting, and implementation of all current agency policies, directions, and standards for fire management activities within the Southwest Area. Some of the other fire management activities delegated to the Group include:

  1. Approval of the Southwest Coordination Center (SWCC) Operating Plan and overseeing the activities of the SWCC Center Director and staff.

  2. Functioning, when necessary, as the Area Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Group.

  3. Establishing procedures for selection and management of the Southwest Area Complex Incident Management Teams.

  4. Establishing and maintaining a formal process for sharing Predictive Services and Intelligence.

  5. Annually approve the Southwest Area Mobilization Guide, Southwest MAC Group Guide, and the Southwest Firefighter Crew Management Guidelines.

Southwest Coordinating Group Website