Daily Resources Status Summary

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AZ - Available On Zone, AO - Available Off Zone, C - Committed, OA - Off But Available, U - Unavailable, NR - No Report, Clear Filter


Last Modified: 10/21/2024 9:05 am Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level II Duty Officer: St.Martin (970) 826-5023
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
NWD AFMO, CH-12 Overhead Voegtle U Craig (970)556-4184 (970)761-0124
Cache Manager, SC-12 Overhead vacant U .
DIV 13 Overhead Smith U Craig
NWDFA Admin Assistant Overhead U

North Zone BLM and FWS

Last Modified: 10/17/2024 8:22 am Central Time) Planning Level: II Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T4
E1446 Engine T4 U
Engine T6
1611 Engine T6 U
Ia Module
1419 Chase Ia Module U
1611 Chase Ia Module U
1446 Chase Ia Module U

South Zone

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 2:14 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T4
E-1444 Engine T4 U Meeker
Engine T6
E-1613 Engine T6 U Meeker
E-1642 Engine T6 U Timed Out and Red Tagged
E-9611 Engine T6 U Meeker
Ia Module
1444 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
9611 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
1642 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
1613 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
Zone FMO, DV-14 Overhead U Meeker

Dinosaur NM

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 12:01 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level 1 Duty Officer: Joy Logan 970-629-0193
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T6
E-683 Engine T6 U DINO HQ
Ia Module
E-683 Chase Ia Module U DINO HQ
Zenobia Lookout Overhead U Zenobia
Roundtop Lookout Overhead U Roundtop
ICT5 Overhead Ecklund U DINO HQ Furlough
ICT5 Overhead Owens U DINO HQ Furlough

MBRTB South Zone

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 10:49 am Central Time) Planning Level: I Duty Officer: Kevin Thompson
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
Silver Creek Fuels Mod Crew (other) U Yampa

MBRTB Forest Staff

Last Modified: 11/13/2024 4:13 pm Central Time) Planning Level: 1 Duty Officer: Jeramy Dietz
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Forest Fire Planner Overhead Raechel Compton U Laramie 719-352-8016

Northwest Colorado BLM Fuels

Last Modified: 10/16/2024 9:28 am Central Time) Planning Level: N/A Duty Officer: Smith DIV-13
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Fuels Technician - Fuels 15 Overhead VACANT U Meeker

Non-Federal Cooperators

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 4:27 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T3
GRLX-363 Engine T3 Faith 970-389-7592 U Grand Lake Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
Engine T4
Engine T6
Equipment (other)
Ia Module
Mad Creek Ia Module U Steamboat Springs Staffed with Shadow Mtn Mod

Little Snake Field Office

Last Modified: 07/03/2022 5:24 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Resource Advisor/AA Overhead Hunter Seim U Craig Range Supervisor
Agency Administrator Overhead Bruce Sillitoe U Craig

Kremmling Field Office

Last Modified: 07/10/2022 8:40 am Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: Chris Ziegler
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
FFT2 Overhead Keith Carson U Kremmling Call for availability
Driver Overhead Tifany Rubalcaba U Kremmling Call for availability
FFT2 Overhead Andrew McElwee U Kremmling Call for availability
ARCH Overhead Avery Check U Kremmling Call for availability
FFT2, Driver Overhead Avery Arduser U Kremmling Call for availability
GISS Overhead Shannon Bradley U Kremmling Call for availability
Driver, REAF Overhead John Monkouski U Kremmling Call for availability

White River Field Office

Last Modified: 07/29/2024 3:32 pm Central Time) Planning Level: III Duty Officer: Bill Mills
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Driver Overhead Shawna Wiser U Meeker cell (970)-629-2100