Daily Resources Status Summary

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AZ - Available On Zone, AO - Available Off Zone, C - Committed, OA - Off But Available, U - Unavailable, NR - No Report, Clear Filter

Craig Interagency Dispatch Center Staff

Last Modified: 01/31/2025 9:55 am Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level:1 Duty Officer: Janota Mon-Fri 0800-1630
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Center Manager Overhead Nick Janota AZ Craig Dispatch Closed:
Staffing: Overhead CRC planned o/s from 1145-1215 daily - will have coverage when there are active fires


Last Modified: 10/21/2024 9:05 am Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level II Duty Officer: St.Martin (970) 826-5023
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
NWD FMO, CH-11 Overhead St.Martin AZ Craig (970) 291-8180
NWD AFMO, CH-12 Overhead Voegtle U Craig (970)556-4184 (970)761-0124
NWDFA Program Analyst Overhead Dupire AZ NWD
Cache Manager, SC-12 Overhead vacant U .
DIV 13 Overhead Smith U Craig
NWDFA Admin Assistant Overhead U

North Zone BLM and FWS

Last Modified: 10/17/2024 8:22 am Central Time) Planning Level: II Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T4
E1446 Engine T4 U
E-1419 Engine T4 Nakai AZ Craig Boufford, Rogers
Engine T6
1611 Engine T6 U
Ia Module
1419 Chase Ia Module U
1611 Chase Ia Module U
1446 Chase Ia Module U

South Zone

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 2:14 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T4
E-1444 Engine T4 U Meeker
Engine T6
E-1613 Engine T6 U Meeker
E-1642 Engine T6 U Timed Out and Red Tagged
E-9611 Engine T6 U Meeker
Ia Module
1444 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
9611 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
1642 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
1613 Chase Ia Module U Meeker
Zone FMO, DV-14 Overhead U Meeker

Dinosaur NM

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 12:01 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Preparedness Level 1 Duty Officer: Joy Logan 970-629-0193
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T6
E-683 Engine T6 U DINO HQ
Ia Module
E-683 Chase Ia Module U DINO HQ
Zenobia Lookout Overhead U Zenobia
NPS AFMO (BC-8) Overhead Logan AZ DINO HQ 970-629-0193 *DO
Roundtop Lookout Overhead U Roundtop
NPS FMO (CH-8) Overhead Guarino AZ DINO HQ 970-629-1908
ICT5 Overhead Ecklund U DINO HQ Furlough
ICT5 Overhead Owens U DINO HQ Furlough

MBRTB South Zone

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 10:49 am Central Time) Planning Level: I Duty Officer: Kevin Thompson
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew (other)
E617 Crew (other) Alexander AZ Walden Mon-Fri 0800-1630
Storm Peak Crew (other) Cusack AZ Steamboat Mon-Fri 0900-1730
Silver Creek Fuels Mod Crew (other) U Yampa
Division Chief 1 (DV-1) Overhead Thompson AZ Yampa Mon-Thurs 0700-1730
Battalion 1 (BC1) Overhead Green AZ Yampa Mon-Thurs 0700-1730
Battalion 3 (BC3) Overhead Broyles AZ Steamboat Mon-Fri 0800-1630
Battalion 4 (BC4) Overhead Carey AZ Steamboat Mon-Fri 0800-1630

MBRTB Forest Staff

Last Modified: 11/13/2024 4:13 pm Central Time) Planning Level: 1 Duty Officer: Jeramy Dietz
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Forest FMO CH 1 Overhead Jay Miller AZ Laramie 307-399-1422
Forest AFMO CH 2 Overhead Jeramy Dietz AZ Laramie 307-760-6165 CZ DO
IBMS Overhead Torie Newton AZ Laramie 720-237-9906
Fuels Specialist CH-3 Overhead Wade Mcphetridge AZ Laramie 208-993-3743 Gov Cel
Forest Prevention Officer Overhead Kristen Thomason AZ Laramie 307-399-7862
Forest Fire Planner Overhead Raechel Compton U Laramie 719-352-8016
Forest Aviation Officer BR-1 Overhead Dan Sebern AZ Ft Colliins 970-420-0130
Forest Risk Manager Overhead Jon Ziegler AZ Laramie 928-951-2425
Forest Training Officer Overhead Melanie Morgan AZ Douglas, WY 307-241-9273

Northwest Colorado BLM Fuels

Last Modified: 10/16/2024 9:28 am Central Time) Planning Level: N/A Duty Officer: Smith DIV-13
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Fuels Program Manager, DIV13 Overhead Smith AZ Meeker 970-326-7653. Craig on Mondays and Wednesdays, Meeker on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Kremmling every other Thursday.
Fuels Specialist, FM 11 Overhead Brandon Voegtle AZ Craig 120 Day AFMO Detail
Fuels Specialist, FM 13 Overhead Bradley Husby AZ Craig
Fuels Specialist, FM 14 Overhead Shane Pfeiffer C Fire Assignment, OR
PV-11 Overhead Geoff Harrison C ID RMA CIMT3 Assignment in ID
Fuels Geospatial Ecologist Overhead Natalie Pawlikowski AZ Meeker GISS (T)
Fuels Technician - Fuels 12 Overhead VACANT AZ Craig
Fuels Technician - Fuels 15 Overhead VACANT U Meeker
Fuels Wildlife Biologist Overhead Kristin Ross AZ Meeker READ, REAF (T), INVF (T)
Fuels Intern Overhead Jacob Gonzalez AZ Craig
Fuels Archaeologist Overhead Wendy Parker AZ Craig READ, REAF, INVF (T)
Sheridan Overhead Sheridan Craig Filling in as Fuels Tech 636-734-1844


Last Modified: 05/06/2024 2:02 pm Central Time) Planning Level: N/A Duty Officer: N/A
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Crew T1
Craig IHC Crew T1 Clay Harvey AO Avail Nat
Crew T2ia
Platte River Crew T2ia NR Will have a call on Tuesday

Non-Federal Cooperators

Last Modified: 12/04/2024 4:27 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Engine T3
Engine 6-3 Engine T3 White 970-819-0872 AZ Steamboat Springs Contact Officer on Duty 970-879-7170, or 970-819-0872
GNDX-342 Engine T3 E. Janisch 610-425-7811 AO Granby Available County, Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
GRLX-363 Engine T3 Faith 970-389-7592 U Grand Lake Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
E-839 Engine T3 Shephard AO Oak Creek DO Phone: 970-761-9174
Engine T4
NR BR3-1 Engine T4 AZ Hahns Peak CDFPC T4 loaner in place and ready.
MFX-426 Engine T4 AZ Craig Contact Wheeler, 970-629-2855
MFX-425 Engine T4 AZ Craig Contact Wheeler, 970-629-2855
Engine T6
OAKX-862 Engine T6 Shephard AZ Oak Creek Contact Shephard (303)502-4881 Delayed Response
GNDX- 341 Engine T6 AZ Granby Available County, Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
KREX-415 Engine T6 Mathis AZ Kremmling Grand County Only Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
GNDX-340 Engine T6 E. Janisch 610-425-7811 AO Granby Available County, Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
MFX-628 Engine T6 Pryce AZ Craig Contact Wheeler, 970-629-2855
MFX-624 Engine T6 Walls AZ Craig Contact Wheeler 970-629-2855
HSSX-290 Engine T6 Baumgarten AZ Hot Sulphur Springs Available County Only, Call Grand CO dispatch 970-725-3311
Brush 6-1 Engine T6 AZ Steamboat Springs Contact Officer On Duty 970-879-7170
NR BR3-6 Engine T6 AZ Hahns Peak available IA in Routt County contact RC Dispatch
EGCX-471 Engine T6 Waldorf AZ winter park Available County Only, Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
GRLX-366 Engine T6 Faith 970-389-7592 AZ Grand Lake Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
Brush 6-4 Engine T6 AZ Steamboat Springs Contact Officer On Duty 970-879-7170, or 970-819-0872
Equipment (other)
4,500 Gal Water Truck Equipment (other) AZ Hayden, Oak Creek Avail through Road and Bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
NR EN 3-4 Equipment (other) AZ Clark T1 tac tender
Maintainer Equipment (other) Dan Miller/Bruce White AZ Moffat County 970-824-3211 Dan 970-326-5262 Bruce 970-326-7241
Water Tender Equipment (other) Dan Miler/Bruce White AZ Moffat County 970-824-3211 Dan 970-326-5262 Bruce 970-326-7241
Dozer D-6 Equipment (other) Dan miller/Bruce White AZ Moffat County 970-824-3211 Dan 970-326-5262 Bruce 970-326-7241
WT-851 Equipment (other) Shephard AZ Oak Creek Tactical Tender Call DO 970-761-9174
D-7 Dozer Equipment (other) C Routt County Currently working at Lynx Pass but can be made available if required with time; avail. through Road and Bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
Low Boy trailer Equipment (other) AO Routt County Avail. through Road and Bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
Graders Equipment (other) AZ Routt County Avail. through Road and Bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
D-4 Dozer Equipment (other) AZ Steamboat Springs Avail through Road and bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
D-6 Dozer Equipment (other) AZ Hayden Avail through Road and Bridge, requested through OEM (Mo DeMorat)
GNDX-322 Equipment (other) AZ Granby Type 2 Supply Tender Available County, Contact GC Dispatch 970-725-3311
Mobile Command and Communications Vehicle Equipment (other) Mo DeMorat AZ Steamboat Springs Workspace; Satellite capability for internet; radios for incident dispatch; operational via generator or shore power
Ia Module
Mad Creek Ia Module U Steamboat Springs Staffed with Shadow Mtn Mod
Shadow Mountain Ia Module Sergio Lemuz-Patino AZ Granby Sam Aslan, Curtis Scott, Colin Vanek, Jeremy Stib Tuesday-Friday 0700-1700
Grand 3; Special Operations Grand Co Sheriff Overhead Jeff Bauckman AZ Hot Sulphur Springs Cell (970) 531-0547
Grand County FMO Grand 33 Overhead Paul Mintier AZ Hot Sulphur Springs 970-531-3287
Moffat County FMO Moffat 706 Overhead Todd Wheeler AZ Craig


Last Modified: 08/11/2024 9:10 pm Central Time) Planning Level: 1 Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
INVF Overhead Landon Smith C Trainee Assignment, NW 970-326-7653
INVF Overhead Brandon Voegtle AZ Craig
INVF (T) Overhead James Roberts AZ Meeker Resource Staff, WRFO
INVF (T) Overhead Tim Barratt AZ Meeker Resource Staff, WRFO
INVF (T) Overhead Geoff Harrison C ID
INVF (T) Overhead Kristin Ross AZ Meeker Resource Staff, Fuels
INVF Overhead Ben Brown NR Meeker LEO, WRFO

Little Snake Field Office

Last Modified: 07/03/2022 5:24 pm Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer:
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Resource Advisor/AA Overhead Hunter Seim U Craig Range Supervisor
Resource Advisor Overhead Mark Lowrey AZ Craig Range Management Specialist
Resource Advisor Overhead Brian Naze AZ Craig Cultural
Agency Administrator Overhead Larry Sandoval AZ Silt Larry is the Agency Administrator through July 21st 970-309-0340
Resource Advisor Overhead Desa Ausmus AZ Craig Wildlife (only available by phone, can't go to fire)
Resource Advisor Overhead Jennifer Maiolo AZ Craig Mining/minerals/paleo
Agency Administrator Overhead Bruce Sillitoe U Craig
Law Enforcement Overhead Emerson LE-10 NR Little Snake Will the LEO contract unless otherwise notified.

Kremmling Field Office

Last Modified: 07/10/2022 8:40 am Central Time) Planning Level: Duty Officer: Chris Ziegler
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
FFT2 Overhead Keith Carson U Kremmling Call for availability
Driver Overhead Tifany Rubalcaba U Kremmling Call for availability
FFT2 Overhead Andrew McElwee U Kremmling Call for availability
ARCH Overhead Avery Check U Kremmling Call for availability
FFT2, Driver Overhead Avery Arduser U Kremmling Call for availability
GISS Overhead Shannon Bradley U Kremmling Call for availability
Driver, REAF Overhead John Monkouski U Kremmling Call for availability
PIOF, PIO2 Overhead Marybeth Pecotte AZ Kremmlimg Call for availability

White River Field Office

Last Modified: 07/29/2024 3:32 pm Central Time) Planning Level: III Duty Officer: Bill Mills
Resource ICS Type Leader Name Status Location Remarks
Driver Overhead Eric Allen AZ Meeker cell (970)-355-5180
Driver Overhead Donald Hobbs AZ Meeker cell (970)-956-0357
Driver Overhead Chad Woodruff AZ Meeker cell (970)-942-3195
Katie Day Overhead Driver AZ Meeker cell (970)-321-2052
Driver Overhead Amy Hobbs AZ Meeker cell (970)-210-8996
Read, IADP, Aircraft(T) Overhead Aimee Huff AZ Meeker cell (541)-740-6510
Driver Overhead Pete Doan AZ Meeker Cell 330-987-1848
Agency Administrator Overhead Kyle Arnold AZ Meeker cell (575)-626-7452
LOGS Overhead San Riebold AZ Meeker cell (970)-942-7301
Oil and Gas Liason/Driver Overhead Justin Wilson AZ Meeker cell (970)-629-3768
Agency Administrator Overhead Bill Mills AZ Meeker Primary cell 970-440-0922
FSC3(T) Overhead Tamara Sandoval AZ Meeker Cell (970)-261-9930
READ, FF1(T), Plans (T) Overhead Matt Dupire AZ Meeker cell (970)-217-2648
PSC3, READ, AA, INVF(T) Overhead James Roberts AZ Meeker cell (970)-620-6589
READ, FF1(T) Overhead Tyrell Turner AZ Meeker cell (970)-355-4838
READ Overhead Lucas Trout AZ Meeker cell (970)-319-4945
Driver Overhead Shawna Wiser U Meeker cell (970)-629-2100
FSC3 (T) Overhead Crystal Roberts AZ Meeker cell (970)-948-1225
READ O&G, INVF(T) Overhead Tim Barrett AZ Meeker office (970)-878-9940
GISS (T), Driver Overhead Heather Woodruff AZ Meeker cell (970)-214-1769