February 8, 2018
Pacific Southwest Region
Fire and Aviation Management
operates as
Wildland Fire and Aviation Management Leaders,
Safely Sustaining,
Restoring Ecosystems
Leaders in applying science to the ground to successfully restore and maintain healthy fire dependent ecosystems
Accomplished in safe planning and execution of FAM operations
Active participants who provide leadership and support of the National Ecological Restoration Goals, National Fire Plan, and the Foundational Doctrine as well as all aspects of the Forest Service Mission
Innovators in developing interagency cooperation and partnerships
Leaders in conservation education
Appreciative of team members who work for a common goal and reward those who ensure and increase efficiency at all organizational levels
A well trained, educated, smart, multi-talented, multi-skilled, diverse, driven and motivated workforce who enjoys our work and are proud to serve the nation as Forest Service employees
This Strategic Plan is an enduring document that provides the vision, principles, and frame of reference used to guide all Pacific Southwest Region Fire, Fuels, and Aviation Management (FAM) actions, decisions, and behaviors. It is dynamic and responsive to the mission of FAM in the Pacific Southwest Region.
These areas are built upon the operational principles and form the operational agenda for achieving the Regional Fire and Aviation Management vision for the future.
Fire and Aviation Management will operate as an effective team to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs
Fire and Aviation Management will continually strive to give taxpayers the best value for their money
Fire and Aviation Management will promote excellence in fire training programs and consider training an integral part of all aspects of the program
Fire and Aviation Management will promote education - beyond fire qualifications - to give employees a larger framework of knowledge and to help make employees more valuable and marketable
Fire and Aviation Management will recruit and retain a diverse workforce of qualified, skilled, and motivated employees
Fire and Aviation Management will maintain an effective Regional Aviation program with the highest of standards in safety, training, certification, operating procedures, equipment and program management in support of the Forest Service mission, goals, and objectives.
Enhancing Organizational Trust
Fire and Aviation Management will continue to forge effective relationships, facilitate and engage in cooperative efforts.
Fire and Aviation Management will clearly communicate intent to achieve agency mission alignment at all levels.
Fire and Aviation Management will set the example by demonstrating we are holding ourselves accountable
The Program of Work is divided into Vision Focus Areas, with strategies identified for each.
Strategies are elements of a Vision Focus Area (VFA), and are supported by a series of cohesive and coordinated tactics that suppport and contribute to reaching the Vision. Strategies are intermediate in timeframe.
Tactics are short-term, measurable, and accountable actions that contribute to achieving the intent of a strategy. Each tactic is identified with a due date to display commitment ot accomplishemnt.
This plan uses a numbering scheme to track tactics and accomplishments. The tactic is assigned a number corresponding to the year it was developed; the numbering sequence is xx.n1.n2.n3
xx is the year the tactic was developed and adopted
n1 is the vision focus area
n2 is the strategy
n3 is the tactic numbered sequentially
For example, tactic1998.1.1.1 was introduced in 1998 and is the first tactic that works toward Strategy 1, which supports VFA 1.
This appendix lists the members of the strategic planning team, along with the roles and responsibilities of the members, the Fire and Aviation Management Board of Directors, chartered committees, and task groups.
This appendix lists all the chartered committees, who they report to, and the Board of Directors representative for each.
Included in this appendix are acronyms commonly used in the Strategic Plan, along with explanations.
Once a tactic is complete, it is moved to the archives to retain corporate memory.
STRATEGY 1.1 - Ensure safety standards and guidelines are kept current. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 1.2 - Ensure that Forest Service personnel understand and practice safety standards. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 1.3 - Attack the root behavioral causes of accidents. Create a culture of safety excellence. |
(consider changing language from root behavioral causes to creating a learning culture) |
STRATEGY 1.4 - Ensure that all personnel understand their role in safe FAM program implementation, organizational planning, funding, and incident staffing. | |
No tactics identified at this time. |
· Fire and Aviation Management will collaborate with other regional resource disciplines to help accomplish Ecological Restoration goals, emphasizing sustainable forest ecosystem management, forest roads, recreation, and watershed health and restoration.
STRATEGY 2.1 - Provide leadership, planning, and support for the management of fire in restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems. |
No tactics identified at this time |
STRATEGY 2.2 - Involve the public as a partner to support the management of fire in restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 2.3 - Establish and maintain predictive service units in support of fire management for restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 2.4 - Ensure that air quality issues enhance progress in the management of fire in restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 2.5 - Establish and maintain integrated, interdisciplinary support for management of fire in restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 2.6 - Provide assistance to other disciplines in support of the Natural Resource Agenda in the following areas: · Watershed health and restoration · Sustainable forest ecosystem management · Forest roads · Recreation. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
· Fire and Aviation Management will operate as an effective team to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs.
· Fire and Aviation Management will continually strive to give taxpayers the best value for their money.
STRATEGY 3.1 - Develop operating plans to provide the best customer service possible. Use these plans to deliver services, maintain and boost staffing levels, increase resource availability, and make efficient funding decisions. Keep these plans current with customer expectations, technological changes, and budget trends. |
2010.3.1.2 |
Review the status/conditioning and futuring of our radio system (backbone, consoles, handheld, and other devices) with CIO to develop a purchase, repair and replacement program that meets regional operational needs. (see 2010.5.5.1) |
Project Manager: |
Status: 10/4/2016 needs validation Tie to
2017.3.1.1 | 2018 CFMA rewrite project: utilize subject matter experts to assist in the process as needed based on their expertise. This will include DPA realignment. | Project Manager: Yolie Thomas Committee: Forest Chiefs, Director, Deputy Director, GACC ADs, Marva Willey Due Date: January 1, 2018 modified to March 1 |
Status: began process in October 2016and working through monthy meetings. April 2017 progress with interagency group, expect draft to legal by Sept. 2017 January 2018, Final draft out to participants and legal. One more meeting Feb 2018. Expect Document for Signatures on March 1, 2018. Agreement expires March 20 so will be signed by March 21. Next steps will be a training/sharing rollout interagency in nature. (assign rollout as a new Tactic) |
2017.3.1.2 | 2018 CFAA rewrite project: utilize subject matter experts to assist in the process as needed based on their expertise. | Project Manager: Yolie Thomas Committee: Forest Chiefs, Director, Deputy Director, GACC ADs, Marva Willey Due Date: January 1, 2018 - updated to March 30 |
Status: Initial meeting to be held before March of 2017. Feb 2018: March 10 audits to be complete by ASC; findings will determine next moves |
STRATEGY 3.2 - Change budget and operational systems to create management incentives for safer, smarter, and more cost-effective decisions. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 3.3 - Ensure appropriate expenditure of funds and proper implementation of Fire and Aviation Management programs. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 3.4 - Make resource allocations, funding, and procedural decisions based on economic criteria to maximize output per dollar expended. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 3.5 - Upgrade the inventory and database of R5 fire facilities, integrate this work with other R5 facilities and funding programs, and advocate as appropriate. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 3.6 - In each identified program area, identify, analyze and where determined appropriate by BoD, implement cost savings measures that will enable the Region FAM to continue to provide 5376 FFPC while "living within" our allocated WFPR funding levels. |
Program Area 1: Administration |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Program Area 2: Aviation |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Program Area 3: Communications |
Program Area 4: Dispatch |
2014.3.1.1 |
Develop a template for dispatch center remodels. |
Project Manager: Jay Kurth Team Members Assigned:Dispatch Steering Committee; Anthony Masovero, James Whiteside, |
Status: Ongoing 4/7/14 DSC to prepare a Best Practices white paper for Dec. 2014 BoD 10/4/2016 Dispatch Commmittee working on this, should have something by Dec. 16, 2016, may need to reword tactic. Jay will check. Feb. 2018: multi-faceted problem, have a good list of considerations, need to work on a viable plan, include funding, conduit between CIO, facilities, etc. Jay will work with DSC to redefine tactic to be more descriptive. |
Program Area 5: Facilities |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Program Area 6: Fleet |
2018.3.6.1 |
Identify all existing vehicles in FAM by module type, base location and vehicle class. Develop a regional standard for number of vehicles and equipment for vehicles by class by module type and base locations. Tie in with MFEC to see work previously done by MFEC: Data collection was completed
Project Manager: Asher Tafuro Team Members Assigned: BAC |
Status: Feb. 2018 Retrieved from Archives to be revisited |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Program Area 7: Operations |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Program Area 8: Training |
No tactics identified at this time. |
· Fire and Aviation Management will promote excellence in fire training programs and consider training as an integral part of all aspects of the program.
· Fire and Aviation Management will promote education - beyond fire qualifications - to give employees a larger framework of knowledge and to help make employees more valuable and marketable.
· Fire and Aviation Management will recruit and retain a diverse workforce of qualified, skilled, and motivated employees.
· Fire & Aviation Management will maintain an effective Regional Aviation program with the highest of standards in safety, training, certification, operating procedures, equipment and program management in support of the Forest Service mission, goals, and objectives.
STRATEGY 4.1 - Promote excellence in fire training. |
2014.4.1.1 |
"Regional Instructor of the Year" program re-energized |
Team Members Assigned: Stew Ricter and Training Committee (Kristel Johnson) |
Status: update at Feb. 2015 BoD Oct. 4, 2016 Ongoing, on POW for WFDT Feb 2018: completed, Instructor of Year reinstituted. Archive this tactic. |
STRATEGY 4.2 - Improve Fire and Aviation Management employee retention. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 4.3 - Improve recruitment of a high-quality and diverse workforce by expanding candidate pools at both entry and merit promotion levels. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 4.4 - Establish standards to ensure Fire and Aviation Management employees are well trained and highly qualified |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 4.5 - Provide necessary staffing to safely and efficiently manage incidents using FAM employees, other personnel, and private sector resources. |
2010.4.5.1 |
Engage a Task Group to develop tactics to improve overall workforce capacity to support Fire Management. | Project Manager: |
Status: ongoing Engaged in this with an action plan and training. In March of 2014 there was a finance academy held. ASC has 83 red-carded employees they are trying to get to the field. Check with Yolie Thomas for clarifying language and update at Dec. 2014 BoD Oct 2016 update, actively mobilizing CATS, COST, FSC, to increase capacity. Would like to continue for one more year to be at full capacity for succession planning Feb. 2018: will continue to reach out to build capacity. |
STRATEGY 4.6 - Ensure that all incident facilities are accessible to enable physically challenged employees to participate. |
No tactics identified at this time. (October 2016, this is a standard practice at all Federal Incidents) |
STRATEGY 4.7 - Align Aviation Management workforce, skills, abilities, and resources to effectively maximize and support the Forest Service mission with current technologies. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
· Fire and Aviation Management will stay current with the latest technology,
evaluating its effectiveness and training our workforce to use it to its full
STRATEGY 5.1 - Evaluate and plan for the effective use of computer-aided information management technology to support Fire and Aviation Management jobs. |
New BoD rep is Tim Dunfee (Oct. 2016) |
STRATEGY 5.2 - Train employees to implement current market technologies available for Fire and Aviation Management operational use. |
2014.5.2.1 |
Identify and standardize the use of Aerial wildfire mapping tools available |
Project Manager: Brent Skaggs Committee: Walter Bunt, Phil Ketel, Joel Lane, James Whiteside, Due Date: 5/1/15 |
Status: new 12/4/14 Oct. 4, 2016. Ongoing. Progress being made: purchased FLIR updgrade for FireWatch, upgraded mapping capability, NightWatch program exploring new missions, Dirty Bird project, mapping incidents from a distance. Feb. 2018: have recieved good input from SME's; not yet at regional standardization, but much better. Continue tactic. FLIR upgrade completed; layering in new map programs good; need to pick one mapping program; good training occurring; working on typing for contract mapping to include better specs. Need to assure good training continues. Next steps utilizing newer technology and looking forward. (maybe a new tactic for April BoD) |
STRATEGY 5.3 - Realign Fire and Aviation Management workforce skills, abilities, and cultural values to maximize computer-aided technology. |
James Whiteside currently working on this and will develop tactics and recommendations for deployment of equipment, etc |
STRATEGY 5.4 - Use technology to reduce employee risk and exposure to Fire and Aviation Management operational hazards. |
No tactics identified at this time. |
STRATEGY 5.5 - Evaluate and plan for the effective use of communications technology to support Fire and Aviation Management |
2010.5.5.1 |
Have independent contractor review backbone radio system in Region. Report to BoD on situation (ref. 2010.3.1.2) |
Project Manager: Greenwood/Masovero Committee: Due Date: |
Status: Feb. 2018 No work has been done on this tactic. No contractor was hired. Suggest deleting it and/or move under the Technology group to pursue. ARCHIVE |
2015.5.5.3 | Complete an analysis for radio replacement that will consider: base cost, accessory costs, repair costs and time, durability, compatibility both regionally and nationally (cooperators, current stock, what is in national radio cache), interoperability, assuring that PSW FAM, as the customer, is working in conjunction with CIO and AQM. | Project Manager: Kit Bailey Committee: James Whiteside, Andy Horrell, Stan Strizhevsky, AQM rep, Regional Fire Equipment Committee, Due Date: January 22, 2016, to present at Feb. 2016 BoD |
Status: New 10/2015 Oct. 4, 2016 Reword tactic to include backbone system for radios Feb. 2018: Decision space has been changed; continue tactic to come up with master plan for radio replacements; re |
Enhancing Organizational Trust
Fire and Aviation Management will continue to forge effective relationships, facilitate and engage in cooperative efforts.
Fire and Aviation Management will clearly communicate intent to achieve agency mission alignment at all levels.
Fire and Aviation Management will set the example by demonstrating we are holding ourselves accountable.
topSTRATEGY 6.1 - Promote communication to enhance trust and accountability with our employees, cooperators, stakeholders, and the public. | |||||||||
STRATEGY 6.2 - Develop regional approach to document the account of incidents of significance. | |
No tactics identified at this time. |
Tactic 6.1.2