
VFA 1     VFA 2     VFA 3     VFA 4     VFA 5     1997 & 1998     1996  

Vision Focus Area 1


1998 1.1.1 Develop a Regional policy to address compliance with driving regulations; combine efforts with other Regions.
Project Manager: Charlie Gripp
Due Date: 03/15/00
Status: Interim Regional direction issued; waiting on WO action to clean up national discrepancies in FS manuals. Need another letter to WO.
1998.1.1.2 Adopt Medical Aid First Responder DOT standard of training as recommended by the division chiefs as the regional standard. Reissue letter to Forest Supervisors.
Project Manager: Peter Tolosano
Committee: Division Chief
Due Date: 10/01/07 Status: Peter Tolosano will work on a manual supplement to be drafted by 9/01/07
Blue Page due 10/01/07.
COMPLETED (Regional Supplement)
1998 1.1.3 Review, update, and amend the 1993 Medical Surveillance, Blood-Borne Pathogen, and SCBA programs. Standardize training in the Region. 
Project Manager: Charlie Gripp
Due Date: 06/01/01 
Status: Redescribed… see 01 1.1.3  and 01 1.2.1
1998 1.1.4 Update and distribute the Pacific Southwest Region Emergency Disaster Plan. 
Project Manager: Ron Raley  
Due Date: 12/01/01  
Status: annual POW
1998 1.2.1 Provide aviation safety training - including S-370 and Aviation User Training - to users, pilots, and air tactical group supervisors. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 07/01/00
Status: Link to Training ongoing; establishing Aviation 2000 online through University of Montana.
1998 1.3.1 Develop a proactive action plan to address the Wildland Firefighter Safety Awareness Study.
Project Manager: Charlie Gripp
Committee: Safety First
Due Date: 08/01/00
Status: Safety First Committee is identifying items that are in place or need to be addressed. Ck. 3/18 IN PROGRESS
1998 1.3.2 Develop an aviation safety video on helicopter performance planning, Lessons Learned (part II), for national distribution.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 03/31/99
Status: COMPLETED 05/99
1999 1.2.2 Place all F&AM operational standards and guidelines into one field-usable document. Develop, publish, and distribute a Standards For Fire Operations Guide using BLM's as a basis.
Project Manager: Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Due Date: 06/01/00
Status: Recruiting a regional committee. Ck. 4/5—Nat’l. Office to take-on
1999 1.3.4 Develop an action plan to implement the SAFENET program
Project Manager: Charlie Gripp and FMOs
Due Date: 06/01/00 
Status: Ck.3/18
1999 1.4.1 Ensure that all line officers attend a Fire Managerment Course for Agency Administrators. Explore having this course placed online.
Project Manager: Greg Power
Due Date: 09/01/00
Status: will prepare & send letter to FS’s announcing 2001 data ONGOING
1999 1.4.2

To gain ground experience, line officers shadow F&AM personnel in incident operations, prescribed fire application, aviation operations, and fire prevention programs.
Project Manager: All Forest FMOs
Due Date: 12/31/00  

1999 1.4.3 Involve line officers in preparedness and other F&AM reviews.
Project Manager: All FMOs/RO
Status: Adopted.
1999 1.4.4 Assure an adequate number of qualified chief officers to safely Manager and supervise initial/extended attack and aviation Managerment programs.  Project Manager: Ray Quintanar
Due Date: 06/01/00 
Status: Completed &ONGOING
2001.1.1.1 Reissue Regional policy to address compliance with driving regulations; and reconcile with WO policy
Project Manager:Charlie Gripp 
Committee:  Division Chief  Due Date: 06-01-01
Status: Letter was reissued. Charlie Gripp will work on Health and Safety handbook update. Has been taken on by NWCG Safety and Health Working Team.

Review, update, and amend the SCBA programs.

Project Manager: Peter Tolosano

Committee: Division Chief Due Date: 10/01/07---4/30/10

Status: SCBA is complete as of 7/1/03. Currently being updated. Remainder to be done by 10/01/07. DRAFT Complete for review. 2/2/12. Final document completed 2/26/13.

COMPLETE Signed Copy posted to intranet on April 15, 2013

2002.1.1.1 Generate annual certification requirements for all regional handcrews. Reissue letter to Forest Supervisors. Conduct Regional Certification reviews as established or upon Unit request. Place process in R5 SOP "Red Book".
Project Manager: Joe Millar
Committee: Safety First
Due Date: 05/01/03
Status: 3 of 4 recerts were accomplished in '03. Certified 5 IHC's in '03
2001.1.2.1   Standardize training in the Region Blood Borne Pathogens, SCBA and Medical Surveillance. Place policy in R5 SOP "Red Book"
Project Manager: Shirley Sutliff
Committee: Training
Due Date: 04/01/03
Status: Safety is imbedded in all coursee and standardized. Will be addressed by FIREWORKS committee in Division Chiefs.

Identify threats and vulnerabilities through three key processes: 1) Day-to-day proactive risk Managerment by front line employees and Managers. 2) timely participation and analysis of SafeCom incident reporting system. 3) Professional and thorough accident and incident investigations and action plans. Place process in R5 SOP "red Book"
Project Manager: Dennis Brown
Status: Emphasis on SAFECOM system between DOI and ag.

2002.1.2.3 Regional Aviation Safety Officer and Regional Helicopted Program Manager conducts and assists in aviation operations "site visits" providing safety and technical asistance to Forests, Incident and Interagency aviation Operations. Place in R5 SOP "Red Book"
Project Manager: Dennis Brown and Greg Helsel
Status: 90% of the bases were inspected and 99% of the incidents were visited in '03. Participated in GACC Readiness Reviews
2002.1.3.3 Develop a regional strategy for inter-crew frequencies for T-1 crews. Currently crews are using unauthorized frequencies.
Prooject Manager: Mike Wingate
Committee: Communications
Due Date: completed
Status: Plan is in place and has been working for two years.
ONGOING and working.

Coach advocate, monitor, and encourage that fire facilities inspections are done on a timely basis, to standsrds, and include documentation and followup on needed corrections of unsafe/unhealthy conditions identified.
Project Manager: Kent Schwartzlander
Committee: Fire Facilities
Due Date: 3/31/04
Status: Letter to FS's and Directors is approved by RQ, Poucher, Stapleton. Signed by RF. Done

2002.1.2.2 Develop and deploy new technologies for improved performance and compliance of applying risk managment to aviation decision-making. Place in R5 SOP “Red Book"
Project Manager Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: New area fire similator contract issued. Closes by the end of November 03.  Simulator has arrived, implementation protocol for use and sylabus for training being developed.ONGOING
2002.1.3.1 Revisit Safenet protocol. Currently too easy to file a safenet with no opportunity for fire Managers to address on site. Cost and time to address several months after may be unreasonable. Place in R5 SOP “Red Book”
Project Manager: Peter Tolosano
Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: Peter will take forward to National Fire Safety Council 10/05/04 ...2/22/05 decision made to maintain current protocol.
2002.1.3.2 Revise Complexity Analysis. Current minimums on the form are not valuable in determining complexity on all forests. Allow forest to determine what the minimums wil be based on current Status of their geographic areas
Project Manager:Peter Tolosano
Committee:Safety First
Due Date: 10/01/05
Status: Create a letter to field addressing complexity analysis issue for T 3,4,5 fires. Pre-planned response in WildCAD meets the need for complexity analysis...10/01/05...currently using the Red Book
2004.1.1.1 Generate annual certification requirements for all regional handcrews. Reissue letter to Forest Supervisors.Conduct Regional Certification reviews as established or upon Unit request.
Project Manager: Jerry McGowan
Status: ONGOING...Will be presented at the 02/05BoD meeting.

Update FSM R5 supplement with prescribed fire specific notification procedures
Project Manager: Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 12/06
Status: Combined with 2006.1.4.2

2006.1.4.2 Update FSM 5140 R5 supplement once the revised national FSM 5140 direction is formally released
Project Manager :Kathy Murphy
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/06
Status: CFC-BOD developed R5 supplement update being incorporated into directives (6/06)
2010.1.4.1 Complete final edits and distribute the R5 Terra Torch Guide Project Manager: Dan Mapstone Committee: Safety First Due Date:06/2010 To Printer 10/2010. Distribute at December BOD COMPLETE Distributed and Posted to Web
2010.1.1.1 Evaluate whether FAM Chief Officer vehicles (pickups), which are equipped with power windows and locks support firefighter safety
Project Manager: Rocky Opliger Kit Bailey
Committee: Mobile Fire Equipment
Due Date: 12/2010 All command and chief officer vehicles have approval to have power package installed. Follow up is forest responsiblility...
Status: DONE

When entering data into the eSafety program (or other system), identify if the injury occurred during PT or fitness training.

Project Manager:
Pete Duncan
Due Date:

Status: Has become an SOP as agreed by BoD 12/2014


Utilize/Implement Safety Management Systems

Project Manager: Pete Duncan/Yolanda Soldana


Due Date: ongoing

Status: Discuss at Feb. 2015 BoD about how it is working with ground safety. Already in place with Aviation, ongoing. ongoing task Ground safety utilizes risk management and policy - ongoing October 2016 Archive

Vision Focus Area 2

top 2
1998.2.1.1 Update all Forest Fire Managerment Plans using the new National Fire Managerment Plan (FMP) format to meet FSH 5109.19   Project Manager: Bernie Bahro Committee: CFC
Due Date: 2/1/04  
Status: Seven forests (ANF, CNF,MDF,BDF,SQF,SRF,
TMU,LNF,MNF) have not completed a new Fire Managerment Plan. Workshop scheduled this spring for SoCal Forests.COMPLETED
1998 2.1.2 Develop a fuels assessment process that includes risk and hazard assessment, fuels, vegetation, fire regime, ladder fuel index, and fire history study data using existing data collection and GIS layers.
Project Manager: Larry Caplinger
Committee: CA Fuels
Due Date: 07/01/99.
Status: Approved at 07/99BoD meeting.
1998 2.1.2 Develop an action plan to implement the CFC fuels assessment process.
Project Manager: Larry Caplinger
Committee:  CA Fuels
Due Date: 09/01/00
Status: Approved at 07/99BoD meeting. Need action plan. Ck. 4/6
1998 2.1.3 Develop a fuels assessment guide that demonstrates application of the fuels assessment process to strategic planning at the watershed and project level
Project Manager: Larry Caplinger
Committee: CA Fuels
Due Date: 06/01/00
Status: Ck. 4/6
DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1998 2.1.4 Complete a fuels analysis for the FY2001 NFMAS budget submission to support restoration of healthy ecosystems.
Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Due Date: 09/01/99
Status: COMPLETED 09/99. Training delivered to NFMAS planners 09/99.
1998 2.1.5 Prepare a questionnaire and conduct a regional survey to assess current forest fuels programs. Share analyzed results, highlighting activities that are working well and identifying barriers to be eliminated.
Project Manager: Larry Caplinger
Committee: CA Fuels
Due Date: 06/01/00
Status: Ck. 4/6 DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1998 2.1.6 Urge line officers to plan large-scale fire use projects on a landscape (watershed) scale, regardless of administrative boundaries. Projects planned on a landscape scale should have priority for funding.
Project Manager: Sue Husari
Committee: CA Fuels
Due Date:10/01/00
1998 2.2.1 Participate in large well-attended events such as the California State Fair and county fairs to inform and educate the public on a variety of current fire Managerment issues. Provide report on accomplishments. 
Project Manager: Nancy Porter  
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: Ck. 5/01  Annual  POW
1998.2.2.2 Develop a regional public prescribed fire education plan, including print, broadcast, and online media.EMPHASIS HAS CHANGED IN CONSISTENCY WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PLAN
Project Manager: Pat Kidder Committee: Prevention Due Date: 6/1/04
Status: Began working on in spring 2002 and included Public Affairs.
Get status update...Delete as per Ron Raley...
1998 2.2.4 Develop a marketing plan to improve communication with local government and homeowner groups on fire Managerment issues. 
Project Manager:
Due Date: 12/31/02 
Status:  DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1998 2.3.1 Continue working with the NWS on fire weather forecaster issues. Maintain current IFFWUs at Redding and Riverside until the NWS MAR is proven to meet interagency needs.
Project Manager: Pat O'Bannon
Due Date: ONGOING until 2002
Status: Interagency discussions continuing. Congressional meeting 10/99 AOP meeting 4/11-12 Discussions continue on agreement rewrite-still differences on dedicated fire weather forecaster issue-Stds. Of accuracy
1998 2.4.1 Develop new technologies to exchange meteorological information to ensure prescribed fire compliance with Title 17 and to maximize available burn days.
Project Manager: Chris Fontana, Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 12/01/00
Status: 1.Transport winds/mixing depth project=contracted to DRI for development FY00. 2.Continue development of MM5 consortium for CA. 4/25
1998 2.4.2 Develop an interim contingency plan to address Title 17 changes.
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld.
Due Date: 06/30/99.
Status: COMPLETED with the MOU between FS and ARB.
1998 2.4.3 Implement Prescribed Fire Information Reporting System (PFIRS) coordinate and Manager prescribed fire impacts on air quality.
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 12/01/00  
Status: CARB is the lead. Their target date is 11/00
1998 2.4.4 Update software from DOS to Windows to track zero gravity weather balloons from a theodolite tracking system
Project Manager: Don Garwood
Due Date: 02/01/00
Status: DELETE 4/2000, RQ
1998 2.4.5 Link with state smoke Managerment plan to provide for EPA conformity rule and budgeting emissions for future prescribed burns.—
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 05/01/00
Status:COMPLETEDwith revision of Title 17, 3/00
1998 2.4.6 Charter interagency Rx Fire “Burners” Committee as an official group to present a unified voice to effectively address air quality regulatory issues. 
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 06/30/00  
Status: Group is functional. Charter COMPLETED but not approved. 
1998 2.4.7 Develop a centralized interagency prescribed fire authorization process to ensure acceptable air quality
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 06/30/00
Status: DELETE 4/2000 RQ
1998.2.5.1 Statewide mapping with CDF of fire regime and condition class to support National Fire Plan and Fuels treatment objectives in WUI.  
Project Manager: Neil Sugihara
Due Date: 12/31/03  
Status: Tactic relate to 2002.2.5.1 Draft layer is complete 3/1/03 COMPLETED
1998 2.5.2 Identify additional species for expansion of the FEIS database and facilitate input into FEIS.
Project Manager: Neil Sugihara.
Due Date: 01/31/00.
Status: 50 species added in 1999.
1998 2.6.2 Provide an annual accomplishment report for work completed in various functional areas by F&AM personnel.
Project Manager: Ken Blonski
Due Date: 04/01/00 
Status: link with
1999 2.2.5 Identify and participate in targeted group events such as OWAA conference. Develop display.
Project Manager: Nancy Porter
Due Date: 12/01/00  
Status: DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1999 2.6.1 Market Fire & Aviation Managerment personnel to accomplish other Natural Resource Agenda projects. 
Project Manager: Ray Quintanar 
Due Date: 12/31/00 
Status: link with and
RQD   03/14/01
2001.2.2.4 Improve communication with local government and homeowner groups on fire Managerment issues.
Project Manager: Pat Kidder
Committee: Prevention
Due Date: 6/1/04Status: Much work has been done through the CA Fire Alliance and Fire Safe Councils. There are now 138 Fire Safe Councils in the State.NEED DUE DATES

Create a focused Landscape Analysis process for identifying outyear program of work in hazardous fuels and vegetation Managerment.
Project Manager: Berni Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 10/1/03  
Status: Draft process presented toBoD 12/02 and RF Staff 2/03 COMPLETED

2002.2.6.1 Coach advocate, monitor, and encourage that fire facilities projects includes, to the extent practicable, the needs, proportional funding, and commitment of all relevant disciplines on a Forest unit. Place in R5 SOP "Red Book"
Project Manager:Kent Schwartzlander
Committee:Fire Facilities
Due Date: 3/31/04Status: Ongoing task to remind principles that partners count when planning CIP projects. CIP gives extra weight to projects with partners.
2004 talking points completed and shared, div mtg, chair attended CIP 06 mtg. and close out and minor construction selections
2002.2.6.2 "Rapid Fire Response" Implement a research project to study the value and impacts of fuel treatment modifications versus the effects of these treatments imfluence fire ignition, rate of spread, fire severities, and/or suppression effectiveness.
Project Manager; JoAnn Fites-Kaufman
Due Date: 12/31/05Status: Working with R6 to gather photographic evidence of direct impacts fuel treatments may have had on fire strategy, tactics, severities, and reistance to control; on the Bisquit and Apple Fires...Project ongoing...funded under the NFP, funding no longer available
2004.2.1.1 Ensure that FMP's are updated.
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 6/1/05
Status: Letter issued - reply due 03/15/05
2004 2.1.2 Review Fire Mangement Plan to ensure that the Fire Danger Rating Operating Plans are appropriate. Ensure that the National Fire Danger Rating System outputs are utilized consistently between forests.
Project Manager:
Russ Gripp
Beth Little
Due Date: 06/15/05
Status: Report findings to Gary Thompson
Consistency and appropriateness evaluated for 2004 FMP's.
2004.2.1.2 Review LMP’s & FMP’s for consistency & adequacy of direction for fire.
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro 
Committee: CFC  Due Date: 5/1/04
Status: Consultant (Tom Locker) hired and is currently performing the review. Complete

Develop products that integrate weather, fuels, fire danger/behavior, and intel information, for use in planning, prioritizations, and resource allocation.
Project Manager: Ron Hamilton John Snook
Due Date:  2006
Status: Large fire potential on line 8/04. This product will be enhanced and other products developed in 05 and 06.


Enhance and improve daily briefings of current and forecast weather and fuel conditions, and fire danger/behavior given to staff at each GACC.  Develop a way to make these brifeings available to the field via the Internet.
Project Managers: FWC Managers.  Internet briefing, Mike Lococo and Brenda Graham
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Briefings being improved as new technology comes on line, briefings will be available via Internet in 2005.


Work with research labs and long range weather, and climate experts to improve and enhance the 30 to 90 day and seasonal assessments of fire weather and fire danger potential.
Project Managers: FWC Managers, Ron Hamilton and John Snook
Due Date:  12/31/05
Status: Regional team will attend annual assessment workshop in 05. Climate training also in 2005.


Utilize output from MM5 high resolution meteorological model to provide fire weather, fire danger, and fire behavior products.
Project Managers: FWC Managers, Ron Hamilton and John Snook
Due Date:  12/31/05
Status: Riverside Fire Lab has developed a way to use the MM5 output in FARSITE. Hourly forecasts of NFDRS output available in 2005.

2004.2.3.5 Identify GIS focal point at each Predictive Service Unit. Provide training opportunities for these people to become proficient. Use contracts and summer hires to improve current Predictive Service graphical products.
Project Managers: Predictive Service Unit Managers.
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Some training completed, with more due in 2005.
2004.2.4.1 Work with CANSAC to develop MM5, meso-scale meteorological model output that can improve smoke dispersion/Managerment forecasting. Implement Blue Sky.
Project Managers:
Tom Hatcher
John Snook
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: MM5 basic air quality graphics now on the internet. Blue Sky and other dispersion model available by 06/05
Pending refinement of Blue Sky, etc. by EPA
2004.2.4.2 Develop working relationship with Air Districts and CARB. Provide meteorological information to these Districts that do not have staff meteorologists.
Project Managers:
Ron Hamilton
John Snook
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: Daily conference calls are being held. FWC staff to attend CAPCOA and Air District meetings during 2005
COMPLETED 12/14/05
2004.2.4.3 Develop new smoke Managerment forecast that utilizes output from MM5.
Project Managers:
FWC Staff
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: Necessary MM5 output on line by Jan 05 with demo product by May 05.
2004.2.5.1 Regional fuels review. Accomplished FIRESHED analysis process that has been adopted by the RLT Team.
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Completed 02/09/05  Letter issued by RF.
2004.2.5.2 Implement Stewardship and Fireshed Assessment in development of Spatially Explicit 5-year Program of Work. Scheduling and oversite of Fireshed team may be accomplished by implementation team.
Project Manager: Berni Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Schedule of Fireshed Assessment workshops are plan for CY 2005

Work with forests to assist in the implementing the Project Activity Level Program (PAL)
Project Manager: Ray Hermit, Russ Gripp(interims, pending RFPO position)
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: Implementation Plan has been written.
...DROP redundant with 2006.2.6.2

2005.2.1.1 Ensure that the National Fire Plan is fully integrated into programs and policies within the Region.
Project Manager:  Ray Quintanar
Due Date: 12/31/05
2005.2.2.1 Marketing Contact - Accomplishment Reporting by Adaptive Managerment Services, providing summaries of fuels accomplishment annually in the Region.
Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Annually, based on contract renewal.
Contract not renewed. Once AD areas are restructured to include public educations, etc. have that group develop additional action items (aka "tactics").
2005.2.6.1 Provide assistance to accelerate evaluation of restoration needs following catastrophic events. Create a decision checklist for rapid assessment to determine if action should occur. Develop teams to assist in evaluation and implementation of restoration projects similar to BAER teams or IMT's.
Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Part of Fuels Review Action Plan, will be done in conjunction with EC, EP, NRM.
2006.2.1.2 Ensure that FMP's are updated.
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro
Due Date:12/31/06
Status: All but 5 Forest FMPs received and reviewed...SOP's
2006.2.1.3 Conduct integrated fuels Managerment and prescribed fire planning, implementation, budgeting, and program Managerment workshop for ‘all burners’ and other personnel involved in fuels and prescribed fire program and projects
Project Manager :Kathy Murphy, Bernie Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/4/06
2006.2.1.5 Improve LFML course by further incorporation of prescribed fire line officer role and expectations.
Project Manager: Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 12/30/06
Status: Ongoing
2006.2.1.6 Develop fuels, prescribed fire, and wildland fire use policy and Managerment information briefing and workshop for RLT for delivery in spring 2006 (Spring 2007 at latest )
Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Due Date: Spring '07
2006.2.1.7 Schedule Regional Office Fuels Group personnel 1-on1 ride alongs/lunch informal visits with Forest fuels personnel to improve understanding, support, and mentoring across organization levels
Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Due Date: 9/30/06
Status: Dates scheduled, about 50% complete

Ensure that Fuels Managerment is incorporated into all aspects of the predictive service units, including fuel modeling, FlamMap, and Farsite.
Project Manager: Mike Lococo, Bruce Risher
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05

2006.2.4.2 Maintain working relationship with Air Districts and CARB. Provide meteorological information to Districts that do not have staff meteorologists.
Project Managers: Ron Hamilton, John Snook
Due Date: 12/01/06
2006.2.4.3 Develop smoke management forecast, including long range cumulative effect forecast, for support of Wildland Fire Use analysis and prescribed fire.
Project Manager: John Snook
Due Date: 06/07
Status: ONGOING (use with spot forecasts for prescribed burning)
2006.2.5.2 Implement Stewardship and Fireshed Assessment in development of Spatially Explicit 5-year Program of Work. Scheduling and oversite of Fireshed team may be accomplished by implementation team.
Project Manager: Berni Bahro
Due Date: 12/31/06
Status: Redundant with 2006.2.5.3
2006.2.5.3 Assist Forests in integration of Stewardship Fireshed Assessment with the full development of spatially explicit program of work on the ENF, LTBTMU, MNF, SNF, SQF, STF, and TNF, and the Forest Plan revision process on the TMU and SQF
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro
Due Date: 12/06
2006.2.6.2 Work with forests to assist in the implementing the Project Activity Level Program (PAL)
Project Manager: Russ Gripp to be followed by the Regional Fire Prevention Officer
Due Date: 12/06
Status: Implementation Plan has been written.
Training and Monitoring plans developed
2010.2.1.2 Incorporate key learning’s from Escaped Rx Fire Reviews and updated FSM 5140 direction (due out as final in March 2010) into LFML
Project Manager:
Mike Minton
Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 3/15/2010
Completed: 03/10
2010.2.1.3 Incorporate key learning’s from Escaped Rx Fire Reviews and updated FSM 5140 direction (due out as final in March 2010) into: Burn Boss Refresher
Project Manager:
Sam Marouk  
Allan Setzer
Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 3/15/2010
Completed 03/10

Develop interim BMP for 2010 to prevent the spread of invasive species through FAM operations.

Project Manager: Jeanne Pincha-Tulley and task group

Due Date: 06/2010

Completed: 4/17/2014


Assist the R5 Ecosystem Management Staff in the Water Quality BMP revision process, responsive to State of California Water Quality Control Board timeframes, as related to fuels management BMPs
Project Manager:
Sam Maurok, CFC Chair
Allan Setzer
Due Date: 5/2010
CFC provided suggested BMP to R5 RO EM Staff March 2010 


Assist the R5 Ecosystem Management Staff in the Water Quality BMP revision process, responsive to State of California Water Quality Control Board timeframes, as related to fuels management BMPs
Project Manager:
Sam Maurok, CFC Chair
Committee: Allan Setzer
Due Date: 5/2010  CFC provided suggested BMP to R5 RO EM Staff March 2010 COMPLETED

2010.2.4.2 Continue work with the California Air Resource Board and individual Air Pollution Control Districts to use and improve PFIRS. 
Project Manager: Trent Procter
Committee:(Team) Pam Balazar, Incoming CFC Chair
Due Date: 03/2011 Letter adopting PFIRS issued by RF April 2010
Status: 2010/2011 Local Training Provided COMPLETED
2010.2.4.3 Lead interagency development of a Smoke Management Communication Protocol for use in Fire Season 2011. 
Project Manager: Trent Procter
Due Date: 06/15/2011  Draft Completed. Final Pending for Fire Season 2011
Status: DRF to present to 6/11 ALM and June RLT Conf call
2010.2.4.1 Continue work with CANSAC for refinement of unplanned ignition smoke forecasting. 
Project Manager: Trent Procter
Committee:(Team) John Snook
Due Date: 11/2011
Status: Complete...2/2012
2011.2.4.1 Revise Smoke Communication Protocol prior to Fire Season 2010
Project Manager:Trent Procter
Due Date: 04/2012
Status: Complete...2/2012

Revise the Strategic Plan for Managing Hazardous Fuels in the Pacific Southwest Region document, to incorporate current direction, document progress since the last version, and reflect key aspects of the pending 2010 cohesive strategy. 

Project Manager: Robin Woods


Due Date: 6/2012

Status: Complete...6/25/2013, revised document was renamed "R5 Fuels Management Strategy" and issued under RF cover 5150/2020 on5/13/2013


Add to the R5 Fuels Management Strategy an Appendix D - Completed Actions

Project Manager: Rob Griffith

Due Date: 12/30/2013

has not been completed as of 12/2/13. Will be completed by 7/1/15. This is part of Fuels standard program of work. archived 1/2015


Regional review of fire facilities for hazmat runoff and solutions to address this issue.

Project Manager: Liz Wright

Committee: Facilities & Engineering

Due Date: 06/2010 report

Status: udpates provided 2/5/14 request update at Dec. 2014 BoD as per Gary Biehl in Jan 2015, archive.


Add to the R5 Fuels Management Strategy an Appendix C - Crosswalk to the R5 ecological Restoration Plan other key strategies (such as the national bark beetle strategy)

Project Manager: Rob Griffith


Due Date: 11/30/2013 as per the request of the R5 SLMBOD Part of the fuels program of work and will be archived. Jan 2015


Incorporate key actions from R5 Fuels Management Strategy as tactics in the R5 FAM Strategic Plan. Project Manager: Rob Griffith

Committee: Strategic Plan Comm./ Rob Griffith

Due Date: 10/30/2013

Status: Document name changed to R5 Fuels Management Strategy. 6/25/2013 update from R. Griffith. Updated status 12/2/13. Worked on tactics Jan. 2015. Will complete by Feb 2015 BoD. Oct 2016 - Archive - following discussion with Tactic Tracker, Chair and Project Manager, nothing in R5 fuels strategy is outside normal program of work to be incorportated into R5 FAM Strategic Plan.


Vision Focus Area 3

1998 3.1.2 Frame a F&AM marketing plan covering program leadership, program elements, and accomplishments -- including a component on communicating with elected officials. 
Project Manager: Nancy Porter
Due Date: 12/31/00
Status: Developing partnership with David Horne at UC Irvine to use grad students to develop marketing plan as a school project. First meeting 05/13/99. Ck. 3/28
1998 3.1.3 Develop a communication plan to maximize visibility on fires and address F&AM/media relations. Incorporate into marketing plan when completed.  
Project Manager:
Due 00/00/00
Status: link with ON HOLD
1998 3.1.4 Develop a Cooperative Fire Protection Plan for Guam and American Samoa.
Project Manager: Dennis Orbus   
Due Date: 06/30/00  
Status: Annual POW
1998 3.1.5 Develop standards for uniform wear and standard identification on PPE to provide a better public image of FS fire employees.  
Project Manager: Mike Madden
Committee: RFEC
Due Date: 10/01/00  
1998 3.1.6 Develop a regional policy for the resolution of structure protection issues identified in the regional Direct Protection Area review. 
Project Manager:
Due Date: 05/31/00 
Status: DELETE 5/1 RQ
1998 3.1.7 Adapt the BLM Fire Mangement Operations Standards and Guides Field Handbook for R5 FS use.
Project Manager:   Jeanne Pincha-Tulley   
Due Date: 12/01/00  
Status: link with Ck. 3/28 Working with Boise on national effort.
1998 3.2.1 Using California Wildfire Coordinating Group (CWCG) criteria and direction, each Forest will review existing Direct Protection Area boundaries with cooperators and make any necessary adjustments.
Project Manager: Maribeth Gustafson
When: completed
Status: Done
1998 3.2.1 Ensure local fire agency agreements are completed using the newly approved format.
Project Manager: Dennis Orbus and FMO’s
Due Date: 07/31/00
Status: Completed..local generic agreement 04/99. Implementation by forest 05/00
1998 3.2.2 Work with partners in the NASF, Western States Foresters Association, Pacific Island Committee, and WO to further identify funding needs for the Pacific Basin. Project Manager: Dennis Orbus.
Status: funding increasing.
1998.3.2.3 Conduct a feasibility study to contract incident logistical functions.
Project Manager:Bob Williams
Due Date: 6/1/04
Status: Contract solicitation is published. Bids will be received soon with potential for award prior to '04 fire season.
1998 3.2.4 Assist COT in developing appendices to the GSA plan to provide standard operating procedures to establish and Manager three pre-designated FEMA disaster mobilization centers: Northern California, Southern California, and Hawaii. 
Project Manager:  
Due Date: 12/31/00
Status: In progress. Interagency committee established in 1998. Committee regrouped 04/99 and continuing work on Travis AFB.  DRQ—3-14-01
1998 3.3.1 Update the Fire Evaluation Guide used to formally review line officer involvement and IMT performance. Identify assessment team members by functional area to conduct these reviews.
Project Manager: Dave Kohut.
Due Date: 12/31/99.
Status: Completed. Adopted at 07/99BoD meeting.
1998 3.3.2 Update Large Fire Transition form.
Project Manager: Charlie Gripp
Due Date: completed
Status: Presented three options at January 1999BoD meeting.
Decision: All three formats are valid. Each Forest to implement appropriate transition form.
1998 3.3.2 Audit three Forests to ensure WFPR funds are used to staff resource levels identified in the F&AM budget allocation model and budget narrative. 
Project Manager:  Ray Quintana,r Doris Parker
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: Three additional audits to be completed in FY2000
1998 3.3.3 Review four fire departments to ensure FEPP compliance. 
Project Manager: Dennis Orbus
Due Date: 10/31/00 
Status: Annual POW
1998 3.3.3 Ensure effective and efficient use of federal excess property on loan to state foresters and rural districts, including semi-annual updates to line officers andBoD. Project Manager: Dennis Orbus.
Status: Reported toBoD 07/99.
1998 3.3.4 Conduct base reviews to approve, monitor, and provide technical expertise for all contract aircraft and pilots. Reviews will monitor (and correct as needed) compliance with standards and procedures, cost-effectiveness, and safe operations within R5.
Project Manager: Morgan Mills.
Due Date: 10/01/99.
Status: Completed. Conducted reviews on all airtanker and helicopter bases in R5.
1998 3.4.1 The Angeles NF will develop a CD for WFSA training -- including WFSA values, associated documents such as delegation of authority, and course outline training plan -- and distribute to all Forests.
Project Manager: Joe Wood, Don Garwood
Due Date: 12/31/00  
1998 3.4.1 Develop a WFSA training package to be presented by FMOs to their line officers and leadership teams. The Angeles NF will develop a CD and distribute to all Forests. (Project Manager: Don Garwood, due 12/31/99)
Project Manager: Joe Wood.
Due Date: 07/99.
Status: Adopted byBoD; R5 will develop a CD with WFSA values, associated documents (e.g. delegation of authority), and course outline training plan.
1998 3.4.2 Conduct study of regional fire training centers, including a permanent location for the Apprenticeship Academy and training facilities at the RO and Mather. Study will recommend expenditures for regional fire training funds and closure of centers that are not economical. Assure that all centers recover ADA funds.
Project Manager: Larry Caplinger, Scott Vail,  Greg Power  
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: Group to meet in July 2000.  COMPLETED
1998 3.4.3 Accelerate training -- internally and externally -- on cost apportionment and cost sharing. Use a unified command cadre.
Project Manager: Ron Borda.
Status: Completed in 1999.
1998 3.4.4 Develop a budget allocation model to optimize initial attack capabilities while balancing fuels Managerment and prevention roles in a fire Managerment program.  Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Due Date: 12/01/00 
1998 3.4.5 Develop an interdisciplinary BD task group to clarify program direction, identify methods to produce economical timber sales, improve fund tracking, and examine GA assessments related to BD activities. 
Project Manager: Sue Husari 
Due Date: 10/01/01 
Status: Completed
1998 3.4.8 Complete a dispatch/coordination center (Regional, Forest, and District) study that identifies cost-effective, equal/better service to the field and technically feasible alternatives. Use data that includes law enforcement and other users of the dispatch system. 
Project Manager: Aaron Gelobter
Samuel Larry 
Due Date: 07/01/00  
Status:  DRQ 03-14-01
1999 3.2.6 Develop a plan to market the fire Managerment workforce and provide other revenue streams from outside sources. Concentrate on maximizing the use of F&AM employees during the off season to reduce WFPR unemployment expenditures and to develop full-time employment for our WAE 13/13s and firefighter apprentices. Emphasize natural resource skills in selection criteria for personnel.
Project Manager:
Due Date: 10/01/00 
Status: link with 99 2.6.1 and 99 4.3.4 ON HOLD
1999 3.2.7 Return fire resource damage funds to national forests by aggressively billing for all R5 trespass fires. Reduce the minimum billing ceiling for the enterprise-billing unit from $250,000 to $50,000.  
Project Manager: Ray Quintanar, Ron Borda   
Due Date: 08/15/00  
Status: Discuss w/Lindy   COMPLETED
1999 3.2.8 Develop a simple, straightforward standard regional format for processing trespass billings. Minimize the steps from investigation to actual cost recovery.  
Project Manager: Ron Borda LE / Billing Unit
Due Date: 12/31/00  
1999.3.2.9 Research feasibility of a "processing charge" for all R5 fire cache orders to make the caches self-sufficient.
Project Manager: Sheri Elliott
Committee:Budget & Allocation
Due Date:12/31/02
1999 3.2.10 Study feasibility of placing F&AM facilities into the WCF system for maintenance and replacement. Establish standard facility building plans.  Project Manager: Ron Borda Engineering Due Date: 10/01/00  Status: Tanker base standard designs in progress.
COMPLETED (hired Len Newell)
1999 3.2.12 Develop a pool of grant writers to identify and pursue grant sources.  Project Manager: Nancy Porter Due Date: 12/01/00  Status:
1999 3.2.13 Develop methods to decrease operational costs through centralized equipment marking, centralized radio installations, purchasing less expensive equipment, and increasing equipment service life.
Project Manager: Mike Madden
Committee: RFEC / Fleet
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: Tasked to MFEC and Communication Subcommittees (10/99); task groups assigned. Present at Division Chiefs Workshop.
1999 3.3.5 All FMOs will present WFSA packages to their leadership teams each year.
Project Manager: Forest FMOs.
Status: Completed in 1999.
1999 3.4.6 Conduct a study of the "Base 8 to P-Code" issue; evaluate the economic value of charging all base time costs to WFSU to reduce overall suppression expenditures. 
Project Manager: Gary Biehl, Ron Borda
Due Date: 12/31/00 
Status: Will be accomplished by WO 2001 DELETE 5/1 RQ
1999 3.4.7 Conduct a region-wide fire Managerment workforce organization study to look at alternative organizations, including merging with other federal fire Managerment agencies. Develop alternatives to maximize on-the-ground resources, minimize overhead costs, maintain appropriate supervision, and provide adequate Managerment oversight. Include alternatives for administrative support and possible outsourcing. Include alternatives for some regional positions to be shared between agencies. 
Project Manager:  Samuel Larry  
Due Date: 12/31/00 
Status: link to 99 3.4.9
DRQ 03-14-01
1999 3.4.10 Conduct R5 helicopter study to develop alternate funding strategies, cooperative sharing of resources, deployment (positioning) of aircraft, aircraft capabilities, and staffing levels.
Project Manager: Scott Vail   
Due Date: 08/31/00  
2001.3.1.1 Frame a marketing plan covering FAM program leadership, program elements, and accomplishments -- including communicating with elected officials, homeowner groups, local government, media, education, technology, and the workforce. Need a complete marketing plan.
Project Manager: Pat Kidder
Committee: Prevention
Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: Working with the Fire Prevention Committee.  Pat will clarify specifics with Ray Q.
2001.3.1.2 Develop a Regional Strategy for FAM Managerment staffing.
Projcet Manager: Gary Biehl
Committee :BoD
Due Date: 9/30/03
Status: Complete
2001.3.3.1 Conduct forest audits each year to ensure WFPR funds are used to staff resource levels identified in the FAM budget allocation model and budget narrative. Place the process in the R5 SOP’s “Red Book”
Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Committee: Budget and Allocation
Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: LPF completed. OIG has completed PNF and BDF. GAO will conduct STF and TNF. RO is tracking Forest expenditures and reporting to Director...
ONGOING  on request by forest...
2001.3.3.2 Audit three Forests to ensure appropriate use of cost pools against WFPR, WFHF & BD funds.
Project Manager: Gary Biehl 
Due Date: 12/01/04
Status: Need status update.
Will perform audits as requested
2002.3.1.1 Develop a Regional Strategy for Fire and Aviation Managerment facilities, based on existing and new funding sources.
Project Manager: Jerome Caston
Committee:BoD Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: Developed a numeric valuation process that allows for regional prioritization of projects. New funding sources include Pilot Conveyance Program & WCF. FFC is marketing this with the field and theBoD...working plan produced and available
2002.3.1.3 Implement the new Fire Weather Strategic Plan for California per the Fire Weather Center (FWC) Transition Plan and the National Agreement when finalized.
Project Manager:Tom Hatcher
Due Date: 6/1/04
Status: Completed
2002.3.1.4 Initiate development of an interagency agreement identifying supporting entities that will fund and manage a long-term California-Nevada MM5 project.
Project Manager: Tom Hatcher
Committee: BOD
Due Date:
Status: Funds have been set aside for the project.
ONGOING/developing a budget strategy w/BLM...State and counties are budget driven. Complete
2002.3.1.5 Update and Imiplement the R5 Tactical and Forest Aviation ATGS Strategic Plan.
Project Manger: Dennis Hulbert
Status: Complete
2002.3.1.6 Update and Implemnt the National Aircraft Aerial Supervision Planform Buildup Plan in support of the Firesnake program.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date 7/1/03
Status: ONGOING. ship #1 is complete
2002.3.1.7 Update and Implement the R-5 Helicopter Deployment in Accordance with the National Fire Plan 2003 and to meet the ever-changing budgets and needs within the Region
Project Manager: Greg Helsel
Due Date 05/10/04
Status: Implement with new helicopter contracts this FY. Numbers of Type II helicopters has increased.

Update and Implement the R-5 Aviation Mishap Plan
Project Manager:Dennis Brown
Due Date 05/01/04
Status: Currently being updated

2002.3.1.9 Update and Implement the R5 Light Aircraft Program Plan.
Project Manager: John Litton
Due Date 5/1/03
Status: Complete
2002.3.1.10 Develop a Training Package that addressed the rising cost of aviation on large fires.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date 07/01/04
Status: Archive as per D.Hulbert 2/22/05
2002.3.1.11 Develop a Regional Strategy to address Border Fires with other Forest Service Regional and Agencies; Create GACC to GACC agreements to allow better flow of resources and equipment across artificial boundaries (i.e. Gondola Fire, Gate Complex, Cannon Fire)
Project Manager: George Motschal & Tom Hatcher
Due Date 4/30/03
Status: Susie Stingley has submitted a draft strategy that has National application potential...adjustments made in '04 nat'l mob guide
2002.3.1.12 Border Incidents: Meet with Border Agencies by May 1st each year and establish working agreements with protocols.
Project Manager:Tom Hatcher
Committee: Border Task Group
Due Date 2/7/03Status: Part of SOP's
2002.3.1.13 Develop intranet access to current Agreements and Operating Plans at the geographic and the local levels.
Project Manager: Dorothy Albright
Due Date: 6/1/04
Status: Need Status...
GIS intranet site developed/notes database
2002.3.1.14 Make more effective use of the skills and experience in FAM as a whole by converting regional workshops and meeting into forums to complete strategic plan tactics.
Status: Brief paper sent to John Wendt with recommendation to Division Chiefs Steering Comittee...Wendt retired...

Establish a Fall BOD meeting to review the previous year’s Fire and Aviation Management activities for issues and concerns to be brought forward as strategic plan tactics; prioritized and assigned as action items to Regional committees and work groups.
Project Manager: Jerry McGowan
Committee: Safety First
Due Date: 12/01/annually
Status: Kidder and Hulbert presented process at the 11/03 BOD meeting. Presentation termed “2003 Fire Review Implementation Process”.
Process will be repeated in 2004...completed in '04
Process will be repeated in 2005

2002.3.1.2 Work through the CWCG and the User Assessment Team (UAT) to assess and evaluate the National Weather Service and state services to the fire agencies to insure agreed upon products and standards are met
Project Manager: Tom Hatcher
Committee: BOD
Due Date: 06/30/05
Status: ONGOING. Participate in November meeting that provided feedback.
Presentation at 02/05 BOD
2002.3.4.2 Present the allocation model to the Region's Fire Planners at their next workshop to increase both their understanding and that of the architects of the model and the Budget Allocation Committee with scrutinizing the model in light of MEL funding to reveal the areas of marginal analysis where forests either suffer or unduly benefit. This would also give the planners a better view of how submissions connect with ensuing allocations to the forests.
Project Manager: John Wendt
Due Date:

Provide continuing oversight on activities related to competitive outsourcing. Regional position to maintain contact with the organization and communicate plans, activities, and intentions to the BOD as necessary. Display the extent of involvement of contract resources in fire suppression and related activities, monitor costs, and draw comparisons with the Federal workforce
Project Manager: Ray Quintanar
Committee: BOD
Due Date: 10/31/05
Series of 5 panels to be conducted
Status: Quadrennial Forest Review...ONGOING through 10/31/05

2002.3.4.3 Develop and implement a Regional method to determine staffing and justify budget for ECCs based on a workload analysis.
Project Manager: Tom Hatcher
Committee: Dispatch Due Date: 3/31/03
Status: Accomplished. The Dispatchers workgroup presented a proposal to theBoD.
2002.3.5.1 Facilities inventory and database: include condition and stage of upgrade or replacement, cost estimates for deferred maintenance or replacement, photos, and regional priority for funding; prepare GIS maps showing location of all Fire Facilities, and tie the inventory to the INFRA database
Project Manager: Kent Schwartzlander, Jerome Caston
Committee: Fire Facilities Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: The inventory upgrade was completed by Forests and the RO during August and early September, 2003, while performing the Facilities Master Planning tasks. Several Forests still have work to do to bring their FMPs up to the national standard; a contractor, facilitated by R5 Engineering, will be working with these Forests over the next few months. Target for completion is April '04. Integration with the INFRA database has been accomplished by Gary Biehl's grouop, as part of their work with the FFA; it is now possible to locate every building in R5, learn ist area in square feet, its condition etc. and what investments are needed to upgrade, change the use, or decommission it.
Incorporated INFRA database info into vacancy tracking data base. Planning to incorporate facilities into FPA.
2002.3.5.2 Integration and appropriate funding allocation: develop jointly funded projects at the Forest level, to gain buy-in from Forest leadership teams: develop NFMAS curves that rationalize investment in facilities.
Project Manager: Jerome Caston 
Committee: Fire Facilities
Due Date: 3/31/03
Status: Jointly funded projects are now the norm in R5 where partners exist. The partner availability decision is make only after getting 'outside the box' in thinking, e.g. 'If we built this barracks in Place 'B' instead od Place 'A' where the old barracks are, we could partner with BLM/CDF/NPA/Forest 'X'" etc. Reminders about the importance of partners in CIP helps to reinforce this thinking. NFMAS curves to rationalize investment; good thinking has gon into this and we now have the capability to do it. However OMB doesn't like us to talk abou NFMAS now so this work is on hold until we see which way the nation is heading; at that time what exists now can probably be adapted to the new direction.
2002.3.5.3 Establish a FallBoD meeting to review the previous year's Fire and Aviation Managerment activities for issues and concerns to be brought forward as strategic plan tactics, prioritized and assigned as action items to Regional committees and work groups. 
Project Manager: Jerry McGowan 
Committee: Safety First 
Due Date: 12/01 annually
2004.3.1.1 Develop and publish a Region 5 “Red Book” that consists of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Regional Policy and Procedures for the Region 5 FAM Program.
Project Manager: George Motschall
Committee: BOD
Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: To be revisited by BoD
2004.3.1.2 Develop a marketing plan covering FAM IT program leadership, program elements, and accomplishments. Will include FAM IT intranet, FAM IT Business Plan and Poster Display for internal and external exhibition.Project Manager:
Carolyn Higgins
Due Date 12/31/04
Status: In Process...FAM IT has been disolved due to outsourcing.

Determine the total existing R5 facility capacity, and total R5 facility shortfall at 100% MEL. This is a crucial and complex question.
Project Manager: Jerome Caston
Committee: Fire Facilities
Due Date: 5/31/05
Status: T
he Forest Master Facilities Plans, when finished to standards (April ’04 except 2 forests*) will have this data. When combined with data in INFRA, the answer to this question will become apparent. (*some assumptions may have to be made to move forward)


Compare real costs for modular or manufactured vs. stick-built construction. Using a Value Engineering approach.

Project Manager: Jerome Caston
Committee: Fire Facilities
Due Date: 09/30/05
Status: In fall 2003 requested RO Eng. To conduct a “value engineering analysis”. Request was approved but subsequently tabled.


Provide resources for reference, and advice for Fire Facilities Master Planning on Forests; put references on the FAM WEB site or Team Room, with links; add occasional reminders of due dates, funding opportunities, processes, etc.
Project Manager:Jerome Caston
Committee: Fire Facilities
Due Date: 06/05
Status: Working with RO to establish a useable web site or team room for effective information dissemination.

2005.3.6.1 In conjunction with Program Area 3: Communications 2005.3.6.3.
Develop a process to charge cell phone and or pager use to appropriate WFSU P codes. The ability to implement this process should be a consideration in the selection of a more cost efficient method of delivering cell phone and or pager services.
Project Manager: Jeff Stone
Team Members: Nancy Gibson
Due Date: 06/05
Status Report:

Identify existing operating costs for current number and placement of Air tanker bases in the region. Evaluate existing Air tanker base program for potential cost reductions commensurate with the change in numbers, management and types of National Shared Air tankers. Consideration should include full service contacts for retardant delivery, changing a number of bases to reload Status , contractor provided facilities including mobile retardant program. Coordinate evaluation with ongoing National effort in this area. Develop a cost efficient Air tanker base program proposal for BOD review and approval.
Project Manager: Don Kandarian
Team Members:Ed Isch, Joel Lane, Bob Will, Stan Kabota, Jim Boukidis, Jim Chestnut, George Almond, Wolfgang Levy
Due Date:
Status Report:


Identify current configurations, facility costs and capacity (human and technology) of existing Emergency Communications Centers (ECC). Identify maximum, efficient workload for a single center, as well as the maximum efficient organization to support workload. Utilize WILDCAD databases as part of this evaluation. Identify ECC geographic service areas, and agencies supported by existing ECC. Develop a Regional consolidation plan of ECC considering maximum workload capacity, facilities, geographic service area, agencies supported, and political concerns. Utilize ISO to develop a work plan and analysis of combined centers to determine the technology required to support the ECC consolidation plan. Develop a cost analysis/efficiency review to determine feasibility and savings from the Regional perspective of the consolidation plan.
Project Manager: Aaron Gelobter
Team Members: Jay Perkins, Ralph Domanski, Susie Stingley-Russell, Jerome Caston, Tom Sensintaffar, Mike McDonald, Elizabeth Wright, Christie Achenbach, Mark Glos,Rick Cartoscelli,
Dispatch Steering Committee Chairperson.
Due Date:
Status Report:
Complete and ONGOING


Identify the current Operations at the Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC). Identify the maximum efficient workload of a single GACC operation. Determine the maximum efficient organization (MEO) to support a single GAAC. Determine a reasonable site to co-locate the GACC that will efficiently accommodate the MEO and Operations requirements. Develop a GACC consolidation plan considering maximum workload capacity, facilities, geographic service area, agencies supported, and political concerns.
Utilize ISO to develop a work plan and analysis of combined GACC consolidation plan to determine the technology required to support the GACC. Develop a cost analysis/efficiency review to determine feasibility and savings of the consolidation plan.
Project Manager: Ralph Domanski
Team Members: Aaron Gelobter,  Mike Condon, Jerome Caston, Elizabeth Cavasso, Predictive Services Staff Member
Due Date:
Status Report:
Complete and ONGOING

2006.3.1.1 Provide regional support and oversight of Forest Fire Managerment Plan updates
Project Managers: Bernie Bahro, Gary Biehl
Due Date: 06/06
Drop. Redundant with 2006.2.1.2
2006.3.2.1 Conduct fuels unit cost activity reviews on LTBMU and BDF
Project Manager: Gary Thompson
Due Date: 06/06
Status: LTBMU completed 4/06. BDF completed (6/06).
2006.3.3.1 Conduct performance accountability integrated fuels/vegetation program activity reviews on the BDF, PNF, LNF, and SRF.
Project Manager: Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 09/30/06
Status: BDF completed 6/06.
2006.3.3.2 Oversee and coordinate budget, accounting, and reporting relative to WFHF, CWK2, BDBD efforts during NFPORS and FACTS database transition
Project Manager:Gary Thompson
Due Date: 09/30/06
Status: ONGOING Mid-year adjustments completed (6/06)

Develop multiple Integrated Fuels Budget Allocation criteria alternatives:
1.  BOD/RET alternative
2.  CFC alternative
for consideration for FY2007 budget allocation.
roject Manager: Rob Griffith
Due Date: 08/30/06
Status: Presentation to FFAM BOD Budget allocation committ
ee and BOD prior to/at 8/06 BOD meeting (6/06)

2010.3.1.3 Develop and submit the FY 2011 Program of Work for the California Fuels Committee for approval to the BOD
Project Manager: Allan Setzer
Committee: Sam Marouk, CFC Chair
Due Date: 10/2010  CFC to meet Nov 3 – 4, 2010 to develop FY11 POW. Will provide at Dec BOD meeting.
2005.3.6.10 Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of centralizing the Fire Budget for R5 by retaining funding in the Regional Office and allocating staffing resources, services and supplies to the Forests rather than funds. Develop potential cost savings of reducing the budget formulation and execution from 19 units to one. (i.e., Fire Management Officer (FMO), and other Fire staff hours spent performing budget functions that would no longer be performed at the Forest level, the extra time FMO and fire staff would be able to spend on program operations etc.). Identify other residual costs savings to consolidated budgeting in addition to the obvious savings to the Forests. Conduct an analysis of any increased staffing needs at the Regional level vs. cost savings at the Forest level. Develop an allocation process to afford the Forests the availability of staffing, services, and supplies they require to function at a planned level.
Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Team Members: Budget Allocation Committee Members
Due Date: 11/12
Status: Dropped per Gary Biehl Not approved 2/12

Identify all mandatory (SA, FAM, HR, ADMIN) training by module type. Identify the needs for all fire and fuels career development training by next logical position/function (including IFPM). Develop a reccurring annual process that determines Forest and Regional training 'needs' vs. 'wants'. Develop an effective and cost efficient delivery system that is based on the needs analysis. Consider the following cost savings measures in the delivery system: - Contract trainers vs. USFS - Ceiling on number of classes (trips for training) attended - Academy concept of training: multiple classes in one trip - Re-evaluate number and roles of training centers - Distance learning - Training Center funding become self-sufficient through tuition, ADA, barracks use etc.
Project Manager:
Team Members: Regional Training Committee

Due Date: 11/12
Status: Completed or nor longer applicable


Establish process for reviewing DPA adjustments where the local units don’t agree.
Project Manager: Willie Thompson
Due Date:  6/2010 
Status:  Expected to be included in CFMA re-write 2/2012 follow-up w/ Joe Millar12/10/12
COMPLETE  CFMA approved 4/2013 (Exhibit E)


Develop a new “class” of FAM vehicle for each vehicle that requires a "red lights and sirens" package to include cost and build up into the FOR.
Project Manager: Allan Setzer
Committee: Regional Fire Equipment
Due Date: 10/2010
Status: COMPLETED 2014
Needs new program mgr. RFEC to report back 2/2012; Complete for CO's, engines, crew carriers - 12/10/12; need to follow up on utilities 4/15/2013


Update SFAMO
Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Due Date:
Status: Completed 2014


Identify all existing vehicles in FAM by module type, base location and vehicle class. Develop a regional standard for number of vehicles and equipment for vehicles by class by module type and base locations.

Project Manager: MFEC

Team Members:
Aaron Bilyeu, Mike Strawhun,
Kit Bailey, TMU
Mobile Fire Equipment Committee.
Due Date: 11/

Data collection is complete.
Analysis needs to be completed -

MFEC will bring forward recommendations in the spring of 2015, looking for expectations from BoD

Complete Jan. 2015 archive


Develop a definition of “Immediate Need” with the end state of inclusion in the CAL MOB Guide, including Dispatch procedures

Project Manager:
Paige Boyer
Due Date: 6/2010 

Status: done
will go into 2015 Guide

Jan. 2015 archive


Update FFPC numbers

Team Members Assigned: Gary Biehl

Status: Gary Biehl to provide update on potential new program at Dec. 2014 BoD. Archive Jan 2015, part of Strat. Svcs program of work and waiting on new program. *


Review existing handheld radios by users and standard module types. Determine appropriate FAM users, as well as accessories required. Develop regional standard number of handheld radios by standard module configuration.

Project Manager: Gary Biehl

Team Members Assigned:

Status: ONGOING 10/9/14 Update at Dec. 2014 BoD CNF BC on National Committee (Jason Kraling) Archive as per G. Biehl, part of normal program of work. Jan. 2015.*


Fire Prevention Committee develop action items from the Fire Prevention Reinvention Analysis for approval as part of program of work by BoD.

Manager: vacant

Committee: Regional Prevention Officer and Prevention Committee

Due Date: 11/30/2013 Staus: Jan 2015 Committee is working on some action items from Analysis. Due date will move to 6/15 as Regional position is currently vacant. Beth Brady developed the recommendations/action items associated with the gap analysis. *


Develop Regional standards and most cost efficient method of delivering cell phones, pagers, handheld radios, and satellite phone services for identified FAM users.

Project Manager: Jay Kurth - ENF Team Members: Pete Duncan - R05 Eric Martinez - BDF Captain Committee Chair Prevention Committee Chair Dispatch Committee Chair IHC Committee Chair

Due Date: 06/13

Status Report: ONGOING 10/9/14 Cap has been taken off smart phones. Cost is now taken off the top at the R.O. Satellite phones need to be addressed Handheld radios are a CIO issue, discussed at 2015 BoD meetings 10/4/2016 Archive


Identify opportunities within each Forest to combine existing Fire stations. Determine effect on Initial Attack efficiency vs. facilities costs (deferred maintenance, new construction, WCF etc.) Develop a cost analysis/efficiency review to determine feasibility and savings from the consolidation plan.

Project Manager: Liz Wright in conjunction with Strategic Services Team Members: 2 Rangers RO Engineering Employee from ANF Planning Staff, Elizabeth Wright, Facilities Steering Committee.

Due Date: 11/12

Status: Data collection is complete. Analysis needs to be done. As per Liz Wright, Jan. 2015, ongoing. October 2016, ongoing, but archive until the tools for analysis are available




Vision Focus Area 4

1998 4.1.0 4.30
Provide cooperative assistance training to California National Guard units in firefighting tactics and ICS in conjunction with CDF.
Project Manager: Greg Helsel
Due Date: Completed
Status: Done
1998 4.1.1 Through interagency coordination, improve the content analysis for RAWS, WIMS, and NFDRS training courses. Add prep for 520 candidates. Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld, Greg Power
Due Date: 12/31/00
Status: Completed
1998 4.1.2 Schedule and conduct a Fire Program Managerment training course. 
Project Manager: Greg Power
Due Date: 05/30/00  
Status: sessions scheduled @ Redding, 03/01
1998 4.1.3 Offer three 1-week fire ecology sessions through UC-Davis to enhance technology application and continuing education.  
Project Manager: Neil Sugihara   
Due Date: 12/31/00  
Status: sessions scheduled and under way. Need descriptions posted.
1998 4.1.8 Work with Society of American Foresters to support a curriculum change requiring students to complete courses in fire ecology for accreditation. Support and encourage Cal-Poly and Humboldt State forestry programs to include fire ecology.
Project Manager: Neil Sugihara John Wendt  
Due Date: 06/01/00 
Status:DRQ 03-14-01
1998.4.2.1 Conduct a review of the wildland firefighter apprenticeship program to determine whether elements of the program are barriers to permanent workforce retention.
Project Manager: Greg Power 
Committee: Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program 
Due Date: 09/01/01 
Status: National Review of program to be conducted the week of June 25.
1998 4.2.2 Update F&AM career guide to include accelerated development / upward mobility curriculum and place on the R5 intranet. 
Project Manager:  Greg Power 
Due Date: 10/01/00 
Status: Deleted
link to 01 4.2.1
1998 4.2.3 Develop a plan to increase retention of the fire Managerment workforce by increasing awards, pay, benefits, tour of duty, plus non-monetary and monetary incentives (e.g. 24 hour pay, separate incident pay scale, overtime pay cap)
Project Manager: Joe Reyes
Committee: FIREWERRQ
Due Date: 12/31/02
Status: Presentation will be made at the Div. Chief Workshop Feb. 2002
1998 4.2.6 Develop an action plan describing technologies and methods of training that will be used to quickly and effectively train Fire & Aviation Managerment employees in new technology associated with all aspects of the fire/ecosystem Managerment job.
Project Manager: Aaron Gelobter
Due Date: Completed
Status: Done
1998 4.3.1 Develop interagency call-when-needed re-certification standards.
Project Manager: Tom York
Due Date: Completed.
Status: Done
1998 4.4.1 Establish fire qualification and training standards for F&AM chief officers (leadership and Managerment positions). 
Project Manager:  Ray Quintanar  
Due Date: 12/15/00  
Status: awaiting receipt from Regional Partnership Council.
DRQ  03-14-01
1998 4.4.2 Develop regional guidelines to train and equip Organized Crews (OC), including OC Leader fireline supervision qualifications and standards for FS supervision for OC crews.
Project Manager: Jeanne Pincha-Tulley.
Due Date: 12/98.
Status: Done. Distribution 09/99. Update Mob Guide in 2000.
1998 4.4.3 Develop, classify, and implement standard position descriptions for F&AM positions. · PHASE I: engines, helitack, and hotshots · PHASE II: fuels, prevention, dispatch, aviation · PHASE III: fire Managerment officers · PHASE IV: RO fire organization
Project Manager: Dan Regan.
Due Date: 11/30/99.
Status: Phase I complete; staffing plan for Phase II being drafted, Phase III in review, Phase IV on hold; committee work in progress.
1998 4.5.4 Develop a regional standard requiring Type II IMT Command and General Staff (C&G) experience as a prerequisite for Type I IMT C&G positions.  Project Manager: Pat O'Bannon Greg Power
Due Date: 02/01/00 
Status: not needed-currently required in 310-1 & 5109.17
1998 4.6.1 Train base and camp Managers on reasonable accommodation access for people with disabilities; R5 will provide accommodations for incident facility visitors and qualified personnel.
Project Manager: Greg Power.
Status: checklist developed.
1998 4.6.2 Work with NIFC to ensure contractors' facilities fully comply with Title VI ADAAG. 
Project Manager: Susie Stingley 
Due Date: 02/01/00 
Status: in progress  Completed
1998 4.6.3 Assess commonly used incident facilities for accessibility compliance, opportunities, or issues.
Project Manager: Lynn Boone  
Due Date: 12/01/00 
1999 4.1.4 Work with the California Community College System to develop a curriculum and program for an A.S. degree in Wildland Fire Technology to diversify and expand the applicant pool for fire Managerment positions. Identify other institutions with accredited programs. 
Project Manager:Sue Husari Neil Sugihara  
Due Date: 09/01/00  
Status: link to 99 4.3.5 -- LA Valley and Allen Hancock Colleges will have programs in place by 01/00.
1999 4.1.5 Market and increase participation in continuing education programs such as Technical Fire Managerment and California State Los Angeles Wildland Fire Administration program.
Project Manager: Greg Power 
Due Date: 12/31/00 
1999 4.1.6 Develop and implement a cost-effective and comprehensive internet-based aviation training delivery system. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert  
Due Date: 12/31/00 
Status:   DRQ 03-14-01
1999 4.1.7 Work with a university to develop a short course to apply the human dimensions in fire and ecosystem Managerment, including sociology, phychology, and fire ecology and its role in ecosystem Managerment. 
Project Manager:    
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: DELETE 5/1 RQ
1999 4.1.9 Develop contract training and qualification specifications that mirror agency requirements to ensure common skills and training requirements for all contractors. 
Project Manager: Tom Hamilton, Dave Allasia
Due Date: 01/01/01 
Status: DELETE 5/1 RQ
1999 4.1.10

Establish a program to retain knowledge (e.g. retirement, other jobs, other careers) and pass on skills from employees leaving the F&AM organization. 
Project Manager: Ray Quintanar
Due Date: 08/01/01 

1999 4.1.11 Review existing courses (e.g. CDF Fire Managerment I, Extended Attack IC, Fire Program Managerment) and recommend new courses to help employees bridge from module leader to battalion chief
Project Manager: Greg Power
Due Date: 07/01/00 
Status: Review in progress. Including NFA Executive Fire Officer Program. Change CDF course to Incident Mgt III
1999 4.2.4 Review F&AM career guide to ensure that career paths are still valid. Review and prepare analysis as to where PFT is valid. 
Project Manager: Greg Power, RO, HRO
Due Date: 12/01/00 
Status: Deleted
link to 01 4.2.1
1999 4.2.5 13/13 appointments
Project Manager: Gary Biehl
Due Date: 12/31/00 
Status: link with 99 3.4.7 and 99 3.2.6
DRQ  03-14-01
1999 4.3.1 Increase opportunities for diversity and decrease operational costs by developing an "open and continuous regional temporary firefighter roster for use by forests in R5. 
Project Manager: Greg Power, Angie Lavell  
Due Date: 10/01/00  Status: decision to proceed with either OPM or Southern Province ops group, whichever is the "lowest bidder" and best service. COMPLETED (WO)
1999 4.3.2 Develop a regional temporary recruitment plan for tactic 99 4.3.1 
Project Manager: Greg Power, Angie Lavell  
Due Date: 05/15/00 
1999 4.3.3 Establish regional "open and continuous" rosters for all similar F&AM positions such as engine captains, fire prevention technicians, etc. Consider demo-hiring authority where appropriate.
Project Manager: Greg Power RO HRO & OPM Angie Lavell Due Date: 12/31/00
Status: Southern California Province is planning to implement in FY2000. Negotiation with union and CR is occurring (10/99).
1999 4.3.4 Develop an internal marketing plan to gain additional interest in R5 positions from outside the region and from other wildland fire Managerment agencies.
Project Manager: Samuel Larry, Angie Lavell
Due Date: 07/01/00  
Status: link with,,,,,
1999 4.3.5 Change the regional policy to allow the selection of permanent F&AM employees via the apprenticeship program or students enrolled in an A.S. Wildland Fire Technology degree program and forestry colleges. 
Project Manager: Greg Power, Angie Lavell
Due Date: 12/01/99 
Status: link with 99 4.1.4
DRQ  03-14-01
1999 4.5.1 Develop an assessment of personnel with ICS qualifications to determine shortage categories by functional area. Issue a regional policy directing that all F&AM personnel will have one qualification in a function other than ops. Study reasons behind "unable to fill" orders for overhead. 
Project Manager: Pat O'Bannon, Samuel Larry
Due Date: 09/01/00 
Status: A report of shortage overhead positions has been prepared and a survey and analysis of reasons for UTFs is online. Waiting on forests to update 2000 quals. system. 5/1
1999 4.6.4 Work with NWCG and NIFC to review ICS position descriptions to identify opportunities for persons with disabilities. 
Project Manager: Greg Power, Lynn Boone
Due Date: 10/01/00 
2000 4.7.1 Develop an R5 Air Tactical Group Supervisor/Fire Aviation Officer (ATGS/FAO) Aviation Managerment Program Strategic Plan to accommodate National Policy change in the “low-level” mission, as well as meet ATGS/FAO coverage needs.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 11/30/00 
2000 4.7.2

Develop an R5 Aviation Charter of Committees and Working Groups to ensure proper direction and Managerment through the R5 F&AMBoD.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 11/30/00 

2000 4.7.3 Develop an aviation plan in support of implementation of 4 Standard-category Type One Helicopters (FIRESTOP) Exclusive Use. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 11/30/00 
2000 4.7.4 Establish at both GACC’s a full time Aviation Dispatcher position and a comprehensive Aviation Dispatcher training plan. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 12/15/00 
2000 4.7.5 Develop a “FAST TRACK” training plan to meet the needs of red-carded aviation Managerment shortages within the region, i.e. ATGS and Air Operations Branch Director (AOBD.)
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 12/15/00 
2000 4.7.7 Produce and provide a 10 min. video on the R5 aviation portion of this Strategic Plan. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 12/15/00 
2000.4.7.8 Continue development and implementation of the web-based R5 TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) page as well as an additional web-based aviation Managerment web-page.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert 
Committee: Aviation Officers 
Due Date: 12/15/01 
Status:  ONGOING
2001.4.2.1 Provide stimulus for continuous improvement of facilities, especially living quarters, officers and garages, so employees feel safe and comfortable at work and at rest. 
Project Manager: Kent Schwartzlander
Committee: Fire Facilities 
Due Date: 12/31/02
Status: This is done in three ways: (1)through one-on-one contacts with FMOs, Battalion and Division Chiefs, Captains, FEOs and Forest Engineers during Fire Facilities Reviews of Forests; (2) through FFAM active participation in National and Regional inintiatives such as Facility Master Planning, Conveyance Program etc.; (3) through FFC reports and communications to theBoD
2001.4.2.1 Update FAM career guide to include accelerated development/upward mobility curriculum. Review FAM career guide to ensure that career paths are still valid.
Project Manager: Shirley Sutliff
Committee: Division Chief ..
Due Date: 12/31/02
Status: Joe Reyes (FIREWERRQ) will take the lead. DROP
2002.4.1.2 Continue Development of fire training facility in Sacramento (McClellan) to house the WFAP, regional level training, and administrative offices for FAMSAC
Project Manager: Shirley Sutliff
Status: Completed
2001.4.2.1 Provide stimulus for continuous improvement of facilities, especially living quarters, officers and garages, so employees feel safe and comfortable at work and at rest. 
Project Manager: Kent Schwartzlander
Committee: Fire Facilities 
Due Date: 12/31/02
Status: This is done in three ways: (1)through one-on-one contacts with FMOs, Battalion and Division Chiefs, Captains, FEOs and Forest Engineers during Fire Facilities Reviews of Forests; (2) through FFAM active participation in National and Regional inintiatives such as Facility Master Planning, Conveyance Program etc.; (3) through FFC reports and communications to theBoD
2001.4.2.2 Make career guide available through the inter/tntranet.
Project Manager:Shirley Sutliff 
Due Date: 12/31/02 
Status: Carolyn Higgins will take lead
2002.4.1.1 Work with individual regional level fire training center to ensure college credits are offered for successful completion and that the agency has an agreement in place with local junior college districts for financial offsets.
Project Manager: Neil Sugihara
Due Date: 10/01/02Status: This is currently being accomplished by all centers with the exveption of WFTC. The local college has limited our hours to the apprenticeship program.
2002.4.1.3 Continue a partnership with the US Fire Administration, National Fire Academy to develop interactive computer based NWCG couse simulation exercises. The plan is to expand this partnership to inculde a financial partnership on projects of mutual benefit.

Project Manager: Shirley Sutliff
Committee: Training
Due Date: 9/30/07Status: Ongoing
Need to replace this with specific projects.

2002.4.1.4 In support of the Regional FAM training program; explore the opportunity for development of curriculum to include as AS Degree in Wildland Fire Technology through the Community College System in Northern California...
Project Manger: Shirley Sutliff
Status: Drop
2002.4.1.5 Develop and implement Advanced Fuels Course (M350) in coordination with Region 6 and the California Fuels Committee.
Project Manager:Neil Sugihiara
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/04
Status: Neil Sugihara will report at AprilBoD meeting...Incorporated into Fuels Academy
2002.4.1.6 National Fire Ecology Institute development for 2002 or 2003 and complete Regional Needs Assessment for Fire Ecology.
Project Manager: Neil Sugihiara  
Committee: CFC 
Due Date: 9/30/03
Status: CEFM – Scheduled Continuing Education in Fuels Mgt at WFTC 12/04
2002.4.1.7 Develop curriculum for Fire GIS “field of study” at McClellan training facility 
Project Manager:Dorothy Albright
Committee: Due Date: 9/30/03
Status: Utilize Neil Sugihara’s Wildland Fire Studies Institute.
2002.4.1.8 Standardize annual training - safety, refresher, module reviews. Place in R5 SOPs "Red Book"
Project Manager: Jean Pincha-Tulley Suggest this would be a good tactic for Division Chiefs, Captains Group and IHC/Regional Cres Committees to develop. Recommend once completed and accepted it would be included in R5 FSM or mobilization guide.
2002.4.1.9 Develop a Federal Dispatcher Academy to provide for a structured training program for initial attack dispatchers. Develop a training program that will provide dispatching skills from the entry level to the advanced level; as well as, on-going training to maintain proficiency in all aspects of center operations.
Project Manager: Jerrilynne Hayes (CNF)
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: Being established
Cancelled due to lack of participants.
2002.4.2.2 Develop a plan to increase the retention of the dispatcher workforce  
Project Manager: Cliff Snider (TNF)
Committee: Dispatch
Due Date: 
Status: Check with Cliff
2002.4.4.1 Implement California Interagency ATGS course and Mentorship Program.
Project Manager: Dennis Grown
Due date: 6/3/04
Status: Accomplished and ongoing annually. Ken Duvall provides project leadership.
2002.4.4.1 Implementation of a second (two year program) R-5 Training Experience Aviation Mentoring program.
Project Manager: Wes Shook
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: In progress, #2 program started Spring 2004...50% complete

Four Biennial Helicopter Operations Workshops
Project Manager: Tom York
Due Date: 7/3/03
Status: In progress

2004.4.1.10 Formulate a Regional Fire Training Committee (with Charter) tat will report to theBoD. The purpose of the Committee is to serve as a forum for identifying and resolvind wildland training issues.
Project Manager: Scott Vail (ENF)
Due Date: 2/1/04
Status: Draft Charter and membership has been forwarded to FAM Director approval. Presentation at MarchBoD meeting scheduled.
2005.4.1.1 Develop and implement Fuels Managerment Academy. Complete a training needs assessment and develop action plan for comprehensive fuels training. Evaluate how existing and planned training modules addresses KSA's. Continue and expand as needed continuing education in fuels Managerment.
Project Manager: Ray Hermit
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Drop. Being incorporated with other training efforts and 2006.2.1.3
2005.4.2.1 Regional Award - recognize an individual that goes above and beyond to provide training and/or suppport to fire training in the Region.
Project Manager: Rusty Witwer
Committee: Regional Training
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Award Template completed and waiting for review/approval.
2005.4.3.1 Implement Fuels Review Action Items #25 Fuels Certification, #27 Short Course on Flora and Fauna, #28 Fire Effects training, #29 NEPA Training and #26/31 Contract/Stewardship Training.
Project Manager: Ray Hermit
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Part of Fuels Review Action Plan, will be done in conjunction with EC, AQM, EP, NRM.
Drop. Also being incorporated with other training efforts and 2006.2.1.3
2005.4.3.2 Develop a strategy paper on how to improve the hiring process in order for FAM vacancies to be filled in a timely manner.
Project Manager: Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Committee: BOD
Due Date: 06/30/05
2005.4.4.1 Create a website that has links and querying ability to address commoon needs such as: 1) requirements to fill positions; 2) acquisitions and contracting assistance and examples; 3) databases of sample NEPA language for projects; and 4) current informations on fuel and vegetation Managerment policy, planning, and implementation.
Since it is part of the Fuels Review Action Plan we need to better define this action item (aka "tactic") and assign to multiple appropriate AD areas (or the Deputy) rather than dropping it. Do not give it a committee assignment. Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05Status: Part of Fuels Review Action Plan, will be done in conjunction with HR, AQM, EP, NRM.
2005.4.5.1 Update and standardize classification for district/zone fuels positions. Update position descriptions to reflect the increasing complexity of duties that currently are imposed by externally driven factors (e.g. National Fire Plan)
Project Manager: Rob Griffith
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: Carried over into 2006 with Kathy Murphy as PM

Incident Management Team Policy and Direction for identifying tasks such as: number of teams, tenure of members, recruitment (i.e.versa-skill announcement), and pre-positioning of teams.
Project Manager: Rusty Witwer
Committee: BOD
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: First meeting 02/05

2006.4.4.1 Maintain and update links and upgrade fuels/vegetation treatment support website
Project Managers: Gary Thompson, Carolyn Higgins
Due Date: 09/30/06
2006.4.4.2 Conduct a burn boss operational and policy refresher course using SameTime conferencing
Project Manager: Kathy Murphy
Due Date: Spring '06
Status: Complete
2006.4.5.1 Update and standardize classification for district/zone fuels positions. Update position descriptions to reflect the increasing complexity of duties that currently are imposed by externally driven factors (e.g. National Fire Plan)
Project Manager:
Kathy Murphy
Due Date: 06/07
Status: Initiated (6/06)Completed. Provided team member for national fuel PD re-write process in 2008. These PDs are now available for use. although individual BOD members have expressed a desire to implement a standard configured fuels management organization region-wide (some work was done on this in the last decade), there is no intent or direction to pursue this approach at this time.
2010.4.3.1 Develop a minimum of 3 quality proposals for submission for 2011 -2013 Diversity Funding (WO, R5)
Project Manager: Lorene Guffey
Due Date:
Status: update 04/2010 & 2011(Completed) ONGOING
2010.4.4.1 Develop BoD member information package, create Task Group Strategic Plan Handbook Web info Contact list Mentoring partnerships / identify contacts 
Project Manager:
Task Group Lorene Guffey Curt Palmer Curtis Coots Mike Haddock
Due Date:
Status: update 04/2010 2/12 Complete
2010 4.5.2 Develop Incident Leadership principles for FFMOS
Project Manager: Jerry McGowan Mike Minton
Due Date: 06/10
Status: update 04/2010 Complete
2010 4.5.3
Update/review Standard Module Org. Project Manager:
Gary Biehl
Due Date:

Status: update 06/2010
proposal to review 04/2012
Check w/ Gary Biehl

Completed 2013

Develop a process to ensure that Fire and Fuels personnel meet FS FPM qualification standards by October 1, 2013
Provide written strategy to BoD by June 2012

Project Manager:
Sharon Allen-Brick
Due Date: 06/2012

begin implementation
6/11, needs a written strategy.
Some actions taken (priority trainees at PFTC in 2011 and 2012)
Check w/ Sharon Allen-Brick and Robyn Woods
- significant work has been occurring

Complete 12/2013

Develop a plan to assure GS 5/6/7 Demo hires attain the same courses as are offered at the Apprentice Academy, when slots are not available in the National program Project Manager: Task Group
Sharon Allen-Brick
Mike Minton
Due Date:

Status: Done 2014

This is a program management issue, not a NIJAC issue. There is ability to send someone through the academy if space is available. They have to attend the whole academy, not just the classes they want.

Develop administrative training (personnel, budgeting, etc) for Module leaders as key developmental experience for chief officer positions. Project Manager:
Sharon Allen-Brick
Due Date: 06/13

Status: Completed. PLA successfully held in 2015, deferred for 2016, scheduled for 2017

10/9/14 Still in implementation

Suggest this would be a good tactic for Division Chiefs. May be incorporated into Regional Fire Leadership academy's

Renamed Primary Leadership Academy. Presentation to BoD 12/3/2013 for status update

Presented to RLT 10/14 with positive results

Update at Feb. 2015 BoD

Oct 2016 Archive -

Determine how to get access to ASC employees with Red Cards Project Manager: Yolie Thomas
Due Date:

Status: Done October 2016. Have been able to get ASC employees hosted by R3 and have utilized employees using name request.



Develop a white paper to address this strategy for 2014

Project Manager: Jeff Power Committee:

Due Date: June 2014 BoD

Status: ongoing New 2/5/14 Update at Feb. 2015 BoD Oct. 4, 2016 Has been completed. Archive






Vision Focus Area 5

1999 5.1.1 Perform a technology assessment of state-of-the-art information hardware/software available to assist F&AM programs. 
Project Manager: A.D. Info Mgmt
Due Date: 09/01/00 
Status: need action plan.
1999.5.1.2 Identify and develop FAM information requirements in the FS corporate database environment. Use the IRM function,BoD, functional FAM committees, and IMTs to address information requirements. 
Project Manager:  Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 10/01/01 
Status: In progress. MWCG has chartered a IRMWT GIS task group to do this. Dorothy Albright is a participant. 5/1
1999.5.1.4 Develop a technology transfer process. Perform review to ensure effective hardware/software integration within FAM units and cooperators.  Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 11/01/01...
1999 5.2.1 Create a R5 F&AM website that links all current technological "tools for the job" and informational documents online under one address, including fwx, reporting, fire behavior tools, training, mob guide, strategic plan, statewide agreements, F&AM Operations Standards and Guides Handbook, etc.
Project Manager: Arlen Cravens, Carolyn Higgins
Due Date: 08/01/00
Status: in progress at Ck. 5/1 COMPLETED
1999 5.2.3 Provide funding mechanisms to obtain the necessary equipment, software, and training to implement these baseline systems so that each forest has equal capability. 
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 12/31/00
Status: DELETE 5/1 RQ 
1999 5.2.4 Develop a marketing plan to gain line officer support for technology enhancements and field personnel support for learning and implementing the technologies, and support of funding efforts.
Project Manager: AF Info
Due Date: 08/01/00
Status: link with,,, 99.3.2.,6 and
1999 5.2.5 Implement a practice to track accomplishments (e.g. completed strategic plan tactics, natural fuels accomplishments, I-209s) online to collect and share information on a real-time basis. 
Project Manager:
Due Date: 08/01/00 
Status: link with
1999.5.2.6 Prepare action plan to centralize FAM corporate database information (e.g. red card qualifications, fire reports), system Managerment, data inputs, and quality control. 
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld 
Committee: BoD 
Due Date: 08/01/01 
Status: ONGOING at National Level
1999.5.2.7 Develop action plan for linking all FAM computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, including interagency links. 
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld 
Committee: Dispatch
Due Date: 11/01/01 
1999 5.3.1

Develop a training assessment and plan to maximize the use of computer-aided tools for all levels of the F&AM organization.
Project Manager: Barb Bonefeld
Due Date: 11/01/01
Status: DELETE RQ 03-14-01

1999 5.3.2 Develop partnerships with universities or other external sources to assist in determining the best method(s) for changing cultural values and building employee skills to incorporate timely adaptation to technological applications.>
Project Manager: Nancy Porter
Due Date: 03/01/00
Status: ON HOLD...DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1999 5.3.3 Hire or contract for an Information Managerment application consultant to assist in F&AM organizational computer training, application, and software assessments.
Project Manager:James Whiteside
Due Date: 06/01/00
Status: DELETE RQ 03-14-01
1999 5.3.4 Evaluate and update application software programs: FARSITE and FIRECAST/BEHAVE
Project Manager: Sue Husari, Larry Caplinger
Due Date: 06/01/00
1999 5.3.5 Maximize opportunities to create interagency computer and software applications.
Project Manager: A.D. Info Mgmt
Status: DELETE 5/1 RQ
1999 5.4.1 Determine and report toBoD the viability of drone air platforms. 
Project Manager: Regional Aviation Officer
Due Date: 06/01/00
Status:Ck.4/17 DOD is contact. Classified info not available. DELETE 5/1 RQ
1999 5.1.3 Develop a plan maximizing the use of online technologies to enhance training and availability of fire Managerment information based on current efforts in Aviation Managerment internet training. Tie in with NWCG.CWCG training working teams.
Project Manager: Shirley Sutliff
Committee: Training
Due Date 12/31/04
Status: To be done Nationally

Develop vehicle-based applications and equipment for field use of available data and exchange of on-site situation(s) or information. Incorporate satellite coverage for resource mapping.
Project Manager: Mike Dietrich
Committee: Regional Fire Equipment
Due Date: 12/31/04
Status: Interagency project with BLM/NPS. Equipment installed in 10 vehicles in ’02. Evaluation of units in ’03 and completion in ‘04.

2002 5.1.1 Work with Regional IRM group to provide access to the Forest Service Wide Area Network (WAN) from remote fire stations.
Project Manager: Barbara Bonefeld
Due Date: 12/31/02
Status: Working with WO to develop pilot. Purchase of 70 systems was recently approved for R5.
2002 5.1.2 Develop and implement a long-range Regional GIS strategy for Fire and Aviation applications.
Project Manager: Dorothy Albright
Status: Has acquired a contractor to complete needs assessment.
2002 5.1.3 Continue development and implementation of the web-based R5 TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) page as well as updates in support of the Regional FAM web Page
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due date: 05/04/03
Status: Complete
2002 5.1.4 Continue development computer based "Aviation Dispatch" training course
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date 02/01/03
Status: Complete
2002.5.1.5 Implementation Phase II of a joint research project with Space Instruments, PSW, and R-5 Aviation Unit to enhance performance of the FireMapper multi-spectral infrared imager.
Project Manager:
Dr. Philip Riggan
Due Date 12/12/04
Status: In progress for #2 Cobra ship
2002.5.1.6 Continue development of Airborne Infra-Red Imaging System in AA-07 project. 
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert 
Due Date 12/12/04 
Status: Phase III

Develop and implement a training laboratory for evolving and evaluating aerial firefighting system concepts and human aiding technology. This Fire-simulator will be designed to be implemented at the McClellan Training Center.
Project Manager: Dennis Hulbert
Due Date: 12/31/06
Status: Under construction...50% complete

2002.5.1.8 Negotiate national EERA’s for leased equipment and imagery 
Project Manager: Dorothy Albright
Due Date: 12/31/04

Collaborate with CDF and BLM on joint data repository project (community-based fire planning) and manage FS Fire Management Data Repository Project (Fire Management ArcIMS site)
Project Manager:
Gary Biehl
Due Date: 12/31/05

2002.5.1.10 Coordinate with the regional and national F&AM data standards (including data content, data exchange, metadata, and presentation) and coordinate Oracle standards involved with the data warehouse
Project Manager: Barbara Bonefeld
Due Date: 12/31/04
2002.5.1.11 Continue defining specific work processes and updating existing GIS platforms that can be used in Fire Planning and support to other functional areas. These areas include but are not limited to; Fire Station Base Locations,R5FM.apr Project Representative Location Optimization Model
Project Manager: Gary Biehl 
Due Date: 12/31/0
2002.5.3.1 Develop and Implement a plan to provide Functional Assistance Trips to all Federal California ECC’s
• A minimum of three Federal California ECC’s will receive functional assistance reviews to be planned and conducted prior to fire season each year.
• Recommended makeup of the review team will include some of the following:BoD Dispatch Representative, North and South Ops Representative, a Center Manager or Assistant and a Line Officer.
• Develop or utilize the existing process for the reviews to assure consistency.
• Review teams will provide a letter of findings to be submitted to the Forest line officer andBoD within 30 days of the review.
Project Manager:Jerrilynne Hayes (CNF)
Due Date: 12/31/03
Status: ONGOING. At least two ECC’s were reviewed in 03.
Also, 3 ECC's reviewed in 2004
ONGOING...incorporated as SOP
2002.5.4.1 Participate with the National Team in the development of a new set of incident mapping tool compatible with ARCGIS 8
Project Manager:Gary Biehl
Due Date: 12/31/04
2002.5.4.3 Implement the facilities design and initiate the hiring for the Northern FAM radio shop at Redding.
Project Manager: Mike Wingate  
Due Date: 12/31/02 
Status: On hold because of competitive sourcing
2002 5.4.4 FAM systems will take over the project Managerment of the ISUITE program. Coordinate software development, enhancements and deployment. Develop integrated ISUITE training for all R5 Incident teams. Train single resources on all components of ISUITE (IRSS, ITS,ICARS). Fully support this product as needed for all incidents.
Project Manager: Barbara Bonefeld
Status: of 10/03 ISUITE is Managerd by NWCG
2002 5.4.5 Coordinate and conduct a Computer Technical Speciaist (ICS CTSP) training class here at Mather to increase the pool of qualified CTSP available for fire assignments.
Project Manager: James Whiteside
Status: complete

Increase quality and reliability of Regional RAWS Program by establishing a Regional RAWS Operations Guide including standards for inspection, monitoring, coordination, maintenance, and compiling and retrieving data.
Project Manager: Beth Little
Due Date: 04/01/05
Status: New direction as of 10/04

2004.5.1.1 Develop Regional GIS data layers to support FPA 
Project Manager: Gary Biehl 
Due date: 12/31/2005
Status: Required GIS layers are still being defined in collaboration with Berni Bahro
2004.5.1.2 Collaborate with CDF and BLM to develop a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWFPP) website available to the public.
Primary Contact: Gary Biehl  
Due date: 04/01/05
Status: Ongoing related to 2004.2.1.1
2004.5.1.3 1. DevelopBoD intranet website for document Managerment and efficient format for information sharing.
(Priority 1)
2. Develop interactive McClellan Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center internet website based on coordination efforts with the Centers’ Manager.
(Priority 2)
3. Develop Fuels and Fire Use internet website based on coordination efforts with the Fuels, Smoke Managerment, and Fire Use Program Specialists.
(Priority 3)
4. Develop Fire Facilities intranet website based on coordination efforts with the Fire Facilities Group Leader.
(Priority 4)
5. Develop GIS internet website based on coordination efforts with the Regional
FAM GIS Specialist.
(Priority 5)
Project Manager: Carolyn Higgins Due Date: 9/30/04
Status: will prioritize with AD. (done)#1…complete (lotus teamroom)#2…complete#3…information presented to Managers#4… complete (lotus teamroom)# 5…need coordination
2004.5.1.4 Perform GIS reviews on large fires and develop an “After Action Report”
Project Manager:  Dorothy Albright
Due date:
Status: Ongoing
2004.5.1.5 Update and implement the long-range Regional GIS strategy to support planning, fuels Managerment, and operational data and analysis needs.
Project Manager: Dorothy Albright 
Due date: 12/31/2004 
2004.5.2.1 Establish a series of GIS courses, including ArcGIS I, ArcGIS II, and Geodatabases I. at McClellan to support the transition to new GIS software.
Project Manager:  Dorothy Albright 
Due date: 09/30/04
Status: Courses are already determined
2004.5.2.2 Collaborate in the presentation of three GIST courses in California, including FIRESCOPE GIST (Ione and Ventura) and Incident Mapping ArcGIS 8.x (McClellan)
Project Manager: Dorothy Albright 
Committee: FIRESCOPE GIS Training Cadre 
Due date: June 2004 
Status: Yolanda Durston is providing logistical support.
2004.5.3.1 Recruit employees with interest and potential technical skills to continue the proper Managerment and development of the regions weather programs – WIMS, NFDRS, RAWS operation and maintenance.
Project Manager: Beth Little
Due Date: 12/31/05
2005.5.2.1 Develop fact sheet on different methods, software and underlying assumptions used to calculate crown fuels.
Project Manager: Bernie Bahro
Committee: CFC
Due Date: 12/31/05
Status: 02/14/06
Training held during week of 11/05 CFC meeting.

Explore web page or ftp area with password protection for status checks and deliverables
Project Manager:  Carolyn Higgins
Committee:  Technology
Due Date:
Status:  update presentation 06/2010.  Continue to pursue SharePoint solution  06/2012
SharePoint BoD site created


Review existing cell phone and pager contracts, their rate structure, users, and coverage areas. Determine appropriate FAM users, as well as accessories needed.
Team Members Assigned:
Status:  ONGOING      2014 archive the tactic


Review use of existing satellite phones. Identify appropriate FAM users for this type of technology. Determine appropriate accessories. Develop a regional standard module configuration and a cost efficient method of delivering services to FAM users.
Team Members Assigned:
ONGOING    2014 archive the tactic


Improve the communication of the R5 Open and Continuous roster processes to reduce duplication/redundancy in outreach and recruitment activities utilizing the RLT and Civil Rights or Strategic Workforce Planning and Diversity Committee
Project Manager: Gary Biehl, Sharon Allen-Brick
Due Date:
04/2014 working with civil rights, ongoing - Gary Biehl


Conduct outreach at the same time the vacancy announcement is open to help with timelines.
Project Manager:  Gary Biehl
Due Date:
Status:  10/9/14 Completed, this is an allowable practice.


Compare staffing of lookouts with other available technology

Project Manager:

Committee: James Whiteside

Due Date:

Status: new 2/5/14 update at Feb. BoD and confirm it is really a tactic Oct 2016 BoD - Archive ONGOING


Develop a consistent and standardized strategy for replacement, procurement, transition, and training for hand-held and mobile radios that will take PSW FAM into the future.

Project Manager: Kit Bailey

Committee: James Whiteside, Andy Horrell, Stan Strizhevsky, AQM rep, Regional Fire Equipment Committee, Gary Biehl

Due Date: January 22, 2016, to present at Feb. 2016 BoD

Status: New 10/2015 Oct. 4, 2016. Archive. This is out of the control of FAM and is part of the CIO.


1997 – 1998  FAM Strategic Plan Accomplishments

1.0 - SAFETY
GOAL:  Zero fatalities or “serious” injuries to firefighters and the public in Fire and Aviation Managerment (FAM) activities. 
OBJECTIVE:  1.1  Implement/enforce existing (internal and external to FAM) safety standards  
STRATEGY 1.11 Ensure Forest Service personnel know, understand, apply and practice FAM safety standards.



1.111 Review FAM training courses for safety standards (findings So. Canyon Interagency Managerment Review Team) and recommend changes as needed to appropriate Region 5 (R-5) and National levels. 6/11/96: Review was conducted, courses are adequate. Submitted recommendations to the W.O. to change 10/18 back to 10/13. 1/98: W.O. response-no change will occur.
1.112 Recruit and fill an R-5 Fire Safety Officer position. 3/98: Completed. Charlie Gripp selected


Ecosystem Managerment activities fully incorporate fire effects, with the most current data for threatened and endangered species.
  2.1  All plans and actions consider the effects of fire on Pacific Southwest ecosystems, including threatened and endangered species and their habitat.




2.111 Incorporate the Fire Managerment Plan (FMP) approved at the March 1996 Board of Director’s (BoD) meeting, as a Regional supplement 4/98: A Fire Managerment Plan format is included in Integration of Wildland Fire Managerment into Land Managerment Planning distributed to Forests 3/98.  An Interagency Committee is developing the final FMP tied to the Wildland Fire Managerment Policy.  Completion expected in 1998.
2.112 Ensure that all Forests are consistent in the application of appropriate suppression strategies. With the Federal Wildland Fire Managerment Policy, this has been incorporated in Tactic 2.111.
2.113 Identify a technique to analyze fire regimes at the watershed level for all Forests, for inclusion in the Land Managerment Plan (LMP) process For FY 96, 4 Northern California forests and the Los Padres will implement for late successional reserves. 4/98: Ongoing at the Province level.
2.121 Pacific Southwest Research and Experimental Station (PSW) Riverside gather existing data on Threatened and Endangered species habitat and organize in a database. 2/27/96: Preliminary report submitted.  Priority projects include standard data mapping, Threatened and Endangered (T&E) occurrence information, and incorporation of T&E information in the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). 3/98: Program requires updating as information changes.   Adopted as FAM philosophy.
STRATEGY 2.11 Assure land and resource Managerment plans and fire Managerment action plans are aligned with the objective, are coordinated for each province and are planned and implemented at landscape/watershed levels. 


2.111 Incorporate the Fire Managerment Plan (FMP) approved at the March ’96 R-5 Board of Directors (BoD) meeting, as a Regional supplement. 4/98: A Fire Managerment Plan format is included in integration of Wildland Fire Managerment into Land Managerment Planning distributed to Forests 3/98.  An Interagency Committee is developing the final FMP tied to the Wildland Fire Managerment Policy.  Completion expected in 1998.
2.112 Ensure that all Forests are consistent in the application of appropriate suppression strategies. With the Federal Wildland Fire Managerment Policy, this has been incorporated in Tactic 2.111
2.113 Identify a technique to analyze fire regimes at the watershed level for all Forests, for inclusion in the Land Managerment Plan (LMP) process For FY 96, 4 Northern California forests and the Los Padres will implement for late successional reserves. 4/98: Ongoing at the Province level.

Fund and/or sponsor the collection, research and dissemination of information about fire effects on target species habitat.

2.121 Pacific Southwest Research and Experiment Station (PSW) Riverside gather existing data on Threatened and Endangered species habitat and organize in a database. 2/27/96: Preliminary report submitted.  Priority projects include standard data mapping, Threatened and Endangered (T&E) occurrence information, and incorporation of T&E information in the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). 3/98: Program requires updating as information changes. Adopted as FAM philosophy.


  Reduce costs of large fires.
  3.1  Examine cost centers of large fires.

STRATEGY 3.11 Optimize the efficient use of high-cost resources.
3.112 Develop Line Officer actions to reduce large fire costs. 4/97:  Completed at Line Officer/Fire Managerment Officer meeting.
GOAL:  Increase efficiency in all functional areas of large incident Managerment.
  3.2  Develop and implement a review process for use in oversight.
STRATEGY 3.21 Utilization of pre-identified assessment teams.
3.213 Develop a formal process for team recommendation follow-up and closure 3/98: Completed. Briefing paper presented to R5 FAMBoD 11/98. Process provided to NZ for inclusion in California Mob Guide under 63.10, Incident Evaluaiton Assessment Teams.
3.214 Develop formal review3 of Line Officers involvement with Incident Managerment Teams. 6/97: Review criteria has been developed. No reviews to-date.  Incorporated into 1998 tactic 3.211.


GOAL:  All emergency incidents and prescribed burns are adequately staffed with qualified personnel.
OBJECTIVE:  4.1  Expand the pool of available resources inside and outside the Forest Service to support an  average fire season.

STRATEGY 4.11 Increase the pool of overhead resources available to staff incidents.



4.112 Expand existing process to increase opportunities for recruitment. Consider reserve/non-fire personnel, contractors, and incentives. Reference 1996 accomplished Tactic 4.111. Combined with Tactic 4.111.
STRATEGY 4.12 Fund and/or sponsor the collection, research and dissemination of information about fire Evaluate number of incident Managerment teams in Region 5 and effects on the ability to staff incidents.



4.121 Evaluate the number of Type 2 Incident Managerment Teams needed in R%, and the need for a rotation scheme. Submit recommendations to FAM Director for decision. 5/13/97: Completed. California Mobilization Guide addition 63.5 Area Incident Managerment Teams.
4.122 Evaluate the number of Type 1 Incident Managerment Teams needed in R5 for 1998. Submit findings to FAM Director <10/97: Completed. Briefing paper submitted to FAM Director. Decision to remain with 5 teams for 1998
4.141  Inventory and evaluate incident Managerment uses of Graphic Information System (GIS) technology currently in use across the Nation. 12/2/97: Booklet of National fire GIS applications was prepared and presented at the National Fire Planners meeting.
4.142   Fire and Information System Managerment (ISM users group develop short and long-term desired applications and end products. 4/98: Contract recently approved for development of field applications with some sample projects. Presentation pending for 6/98BoD meeting.


All employees have the fire Managerment training necessary to safely restore, sustain and protect ecosystems.
5.1 Develop and implement training necessary to meet the stated goal.

STRATEGY 5.11 Ensure that agency Administrators, Line Officers and Staff receive appropriate level of fire Managerment training.
5.112 Develop and present a FAM Preparedness Program for the Regional Leadership Forum, including safety, cost apportionment, sample Delegation of Authority, Escaped Fire Situation Analysis, agreement , Large Fire Take-Over Form, Line Officer Briefing, Area Command, 97% Initial Attack success rate, California Interagency Incident Managerment Team Meeting participation. 5/15/97: Completed.
STRATEGY 5.12 Develop and adopt a Regional FAM session(s) targeted to interdisciplinary team members and other resource specialists.



5.121 Review and determine in R5 wants to continue with the “Fire Managerment Practices and Techniques for Ecosystem Managerment: course. 5/98: CFC turned course material over to Regional Training Coordinators.
STRATEGY 5.13 Maximize FAM training funds by utilizing cost efficient locations, facilities, and organizations, and by using state-of-the-art delivery systems.



5.132 Develop, implement and encourage Resource Specialists to participate in the Fire in California Ecosystem Managerment Symposium. 11/17-20/97: Completed.
STRATEGY 5.14 Develop, adopt and implement program Managerment training that supports career development identified in the FAM Career Guide.



5.141 Research current available technologies that would improve delivery of training and make recommendation to R-5 FAMBoD on level of investment to minimize training costs. 2/5/97: Working with U.S. Army and National Fire Academy on information exchange and potential applications of battle simulation technology for fire training. 3/98: Project on going. Signed MOUY with National Fire Academy to develop 5 courses.
5.143 Develop and implement an internal Firefighter Apprenticeship Program in conjunction with the Department of Labor. 3/98: Completed 1stBasic Academy. Advanced Academy planned for Spring 1999. Adopted as FAM philosophy.


Organization, structure, skills and values accomplish the vision…safely enhance ecosystems, in light of fluctuating budget scenarios. OBJECTIVE:  6.1  Fire personnel are accountable participants in Forest land Managerment teams and ecosystem Managerment projects.  Skill levels respond to meet the mission and are maintained and enhanced.

STRATEGY 6.11 Support organizational alternatives that foster teamwork and working relationships that cross functional lines.



6.11 1   FAM will develop and recommend criteria for Forest Supervisors’ consideration when developing organizational alternatives. 12/97: Briefing paper submitted to FAM Director including findings from the National FAM Workforce Needs Analysis Report. Tactics 6.111, 6.112, 6.113 have been initiated for 1998.
6.112 Develop a process to identify surplus fire employees and opportunities to transfer to vacant fire positions Region wide, including apprentice needs and vacancies. 4/98: Completed. Firefighter Apprentice Mobility Agreement developed and implemented. WRAPS system addresses affected employees identified in Workforce planning efforts.
STRATEGY 6.12 Align budget requests with our mission.
6.121 Expand the Budget Allocation Model to assist with setting priorities for funding resources. 3/98: Completed. Budget Allocation Model is the mechanism to allocate funds based upon established priorities.
6.122 Review Regional Office organizations. Look at recommendations of the October 1995 R-5 FAMBoD meeting. 4/98: Completed. Regional Forester put a cap on the FAM Operating Budget. 1999 is reduced by 3% over 1998 and 2000 the same as 1999.
STRATEGY 6.14 Support organizational development and diversity.
6.141 Develop and Manager a R5 Firefighter Apprenticeship Program in conjunction with the Department of Labor. 3/98: Completed 1stBasic Academy. Advanced Academy planned for Spring 1999. Adopted as FAM philosophy.


: The FAM program is recognized as a professional organization.
7.1 Enhance the professionalism of the FAM organization.

STRATEGY 7.11 Develop methods to improve FAM’s professional image with internal and external customers.



7.111 Identify audiences associated with FAM issues and establish partnerships to increase communication and cooperation. 4/98: Incorporated into 1998 tactic 7.111
7.113 Conduct two Line Officer and Fire Managerment Officer reviews per year. Invite cooperators. 4/98: Completed. Conducted 3 reviews in 1997. Adopted as FAM philosophy.


8.0   – BUDGET
A Regional Fire and Aviation Managerment organization that ties to NFMAS, maintains flexibility in all budget scenarios, responds to targets and does not jeopardize firefighter or public safety.
8.1 Develop a FAM organization capable of responding to fluctuating budgets.

STRATEGY 8.11 Identify at the Province level an adequate mix of resources, considering cooperator resources, to meet initial attack objectives.



8.112 Establish a centralized billing unit for the Region. 4/98: Completed. Developed, implemented, self sufficient and operating from FAM Mather


Maximize and streamline cooperative efforts, while ensuring safety, fiscal integrity, efficiency, and effective utilization of fire resources.

STRATEGY 9.4    



9.412 Develop Cooperative Fire Protection Plan for Commonwealth of Mariana Islands. 4/98: Incorporated into 1998 tactic 7.111

1996 FAM Strategic Plan Accomplishments




1.112 Schedule regular Safety service visits on selected units and selected incidents. Adopted as FAM philosophy.
1.212 Implementation of Regional Fire and Aviation safety package. Incorporated into 1997 tactic 1.211.
1.213 Review Safety programs outside fireline activities, i.e.: vehicle operation, project work, prescribed burning, etc. Adopted as FAM philosophy.
2.111 Fire Managerment Action Plan approved at March 1996BoD meeting. 3/96: Completed and approved.
3.111 Review the Fire suppression Costs on Large Fires, (10/95) and recommend specific actions to theBoD for R5 use in FY96. 12/4/96: Completed Briefing Paper - -Strategic Plan Item 3.111, Large Cost Containment. Recommendations presented to and approved byBoD.
4.111 Determine the number of personnel by position needed to support the average worse case R5 fire season. 2/97: Completed. Briefing Paper - -Strategic Plan item 4.111, Estimate of the Number of personnel by Position Needed to Support an Average/Worst R5 Fire Season.
4.211 Re-evaluate drawdown levels based on 1996 resources of engines and overhead. 6/25/96: Worked completed by Gary Biehl has set the framework to accomplish this.
4.212 Develop recommendations on the following:
- Minimum resources alternatives
- Dozer vs. handcrew alternatives
- Availability of resources prior to approving the EFSA.
5/16/96: Electronic EFSA presented by Joe Wood allows for consideration of multiple alternatives.
5.111 Schedule a Fire Managerment for District Rangers course and assure all District Rangers receive mandatory training 5/17/96: Completed at Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) meeting.
5.132 Schedule “Fire Managerment Practices and Techniques for Ecosystem Managerment” developed in tactic 5.131 and ensure interdisciplinary team members and other resource specialists attend. 5/6-10/96: Presented the course to 42 students. FY97 session is scheduled for 4/7-1/97.
7.116 Make effective use of emissary actions (i.e.: use other Forest Fire Managerment Officers [FFMO] to make presentations on a Forest.) Adopted as FAM philosophy.
8.211 Look at shifting funds from unit to unit as needed. Completed
8.212 Review mobile fleet and shift equipment as needed. Completed
8.213 Place a freeze on the purchase of new equipment. Completed