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If you are seeking information on employment in wildland fire, click on the following links:
REPORT - A - FIRE If you have noticed a wildland fire occurring near you, click here to find out where to report the fire.
FIRE INFORMATION If you have comments or questions about wildland fire activity, resources, maps, or other aspects of wildland firefighting in the Southwest Area, please use this form.
WEBSITE MANAGER If you find broken links, missing files, or any other technical error on the Albuquerque Interagency Dispatch website, please use this form.
NM-ABC Logo Albuquerque Interagency Dispatch Center
2113 Osuna Road NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

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Cooperating Federal and State Agencies in the Albuquerque Dispatch Area

National Park ServiceBureau of Indian Affairs U. S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceBureau of Land ManagementU. S. Forest ServiceNew Mexico State Forestry