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This form is provided for those assigned to a dispatch center or an incident in the Southwest Area. See the help document for assistance.

  ICS-209 Roles
1. Do you have a FAMAuth (previously known as iNAP) account? *

Yes ... go to 2.
No ...  do not go further.  You will need to create an iNAP account. Speak with your agency or AD administration or local dispatch center for help getting an account. 

2. Do you have "SIT-209" as an "Assigned Role" in your iNAP account? *

Yes ... go to 3.
No ...  follow the directions on the help document for assistance and after requesting account access (completing step I), proceed to the next question on this form. Make sure to notify SWCC Intel after you have attempted to login to SIT-209 for the first time so they can provision your account.

* You must attempt to login to SIT209 after you are notified that your account has been created before roles can be assigned

3. Name *
4. E-Mail Address *
5. Home Unit *
Example: AZS, Cibola NF, Saguaro NP, etc
6. ICS-209 Access Needed - Select one:

"Data Entry" access to enter incidents for my home (or detail) unit only.  
Enter the Dispatch Center: (i.e. NM-ABC, AZ-TDC, etc)
"Data Entry" access to enter incidents for an IMT.  
Enter Team Name: (i.e. SW CIMT - Team 4, SEZ Type 3 IMT, etc)
"Data Entry" access to enter incidents for a specific incident.  
Enter Incident Name: (i.e. Black (NM-GNF), Goose (AZ-KNF), etc)
"Reports Only" access.

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1. Do you need access to the SIT Application?

Yes   ... Select "Yes" only if you work in a dispatch center and will be submitting daily SIT Reports on behalf of the dispatch center.  Please enter the SW Dispatch Center: (i.e. AZ-TDC, NM-ADC, etc)

Type    SWCCPW   into the block before clicking SUBMIT (can be in upper or lower case). 


(Data retrieved via this form is not used for any purpose other than to verify the individual is active in the IROC program.)