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Block 31.  Public Status Summary

Block 31: Public Status Summary

  • Do not estimate fatality information.
  • Do not include first responder information in this block. Complete Responder Status Summary, Block 32 for responder information.
  • When a previous 209 exists for this incident, numbers previously entered in this block are carried over to the Previous Report Total column. The Total # to Date column sums the first two columns together to provide a total for the duration of the incident.

This section is for summary information regarding incident]related injuries, illness, and fatalities for civilians (or members of the public). Explain or describe the nature of any reported injuries, illness or other activities in Life, Safety, and Health Status/Threat Remarks, Block 33. Illnesses include those that may be caused through a biological event such as an epidemic or an exposure to toxic or radiological substances. Please use caution when reporting information in this section that may be on the periphery of the incident or change frequently. This information should be reported as accurately as possible as a snapshot in time, as much of the information is subject to frequent change.

Do not complete this block if the incident covered by the ICS 209 is not directly responsible for these actions (such as evacuations, sheltering, immunizations, etc.) even if they are related to the incident. Only the authority having jurisdiction should submit reports for these actions in order to mitigate multiple/conflicting reports.

The application totals the data that is entered in the bottom row Total # Civilians (Public) Affected.

For example, if managing evacuation shelters is part of the incident operation itself, do include these numbers in Block 31 J with any notes in Block 33. If values are estimated, explain in Remarks, Block 47.

Handling Sensitive Information

Release of information in this section should be carefully coordinated within the incident management organization to ensure synchronization with public information and investigative/intelligence actions.

Use caution when providing information in any situation involving fatalities, and verify that appropriate notifications have been made prior to release of this information. Electronic transmission of any ICS 209 may make information available to many people and networks at once. Information regarding fatalities should be cleared with the Incident Commander and/or an organizational administrator prior to submission of the ICS 209.