NOTE: RMACC News & Notes will not provide you all the fire activity occurring in the Rocky Mountain Area. ALL initial attack activity in the Rocky Mountain Geographic Area is managed within the local centers' area of influence, using their own or their neighbors' resources. We will only place entries where RMACC is being impacted (i.e. ordering resources for an incident) or specific intelligence received on an incident is relayed to RMACC.
ac. = acres; IMT = Incident Management Team; IC = Incident Commander; AT = Airtanker; VLAT = Very Large Airtanker; SEAT = Single Engine Air Tanker; Lead = Lead Plane; AA = Air Attack; SMKJ = Smokejumper; T1H = Type 1 Helicopter; T2H = Type 2 Helicopter; T3H = Type 3 Helicopter; IHC = Interagency Hotshot Crew; T1C = Type 1 Crew; T2IAC = Type 2 Initial Attack Crew; T2C = Type 2 Crew; ENG = Wildland Fire Engine; FF = Firefighter |
Date |
News and Notes |
09/29/2014 |
NEW: Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being reduced to 1 (PL1). |
09/01/2014 |
NEW: Turtle Lake (CO-LPX) 3 mi N of Durango, CO (37 20 14N 107 52 32W). 2 ac. IHC, Heavy A/T, SEAT, ASM, and T3 Helo ordered. |
08/25/2014 |
NEW: Effective at 1200 MDT the National Preparedness Level is being reduced to 2 (PL2). |
08/18/2014 |
NEW: Effective immediately the Rocky Mountain Area Preparedness Level is being reduced to 1 (PL1). |
08/18/2014 |
Effective at 1200 MDT the National Preparedness Level is being reduced to 3 (PL3). |
08/12/2014 |
New: Tonahutu (CO-RMP) 15 mi NE of Granby, CO. (40 15 54N 105 49 24W). 5 ac. T3 Heli on scene & 2 T2 Crews ordered. |
08/03/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 4 (PL4). |
07/24/2014 |
New: Roane Creek (WY-BHF) 21 mi NE of Greybull, WY. (44 46 16N 107 52 54W). 1 ac. 2 ATs and 1 LP ordered.
07/24/2014 |
NEW: Effective immediately the Rocky Mountain Area Preparedness Level is being elevated to 2 (PL2).
07/23/2014 |
New: Carl’s Hole (CO-WRD) 17 mi SE of Rangely, CO. (40 00 01N 108 29 17W). 30+ ac. SEAT and SMJKs on scene. 2 IHCs ordered.
07/23/2014 |
New: South Fork (CO-RTF) 17 mi NE of Steamboat Springs, CO. (40 43 19N 106 43 20W). 4 ac. Contain/Confine Strategy. WFM T2 & T3 Heli ordered.
07/22/2014 |
New: Camp Creek (CO-RTF) 18 mi N of Walden, CO. (40 59 32N 106 16 21W). Approx. 8 ac. AA, SEAT & T1 Heli ordered. Moderate spread potential. Multi-agency response.
07/22/2014 |
New: Mesa Cortado (CO-SJF) 16 mi SE of Pagosa Springs, CO. (37 03 22N 106 51 45W). 1 ac. T3 Heli ordered. Active fire behavior.
07/22/2014 |
New: North Draw (WY-BFD) 15 mi NE of Gillette, WY. (44 28 30N 105 24 10W). Approx. 2-5 ac. AA onscene. T3 Heli, SEAT & Type 1 Crew ordered.
07/19/2014 |
New: Weston (WY-CMX) 22 mi NE of Gillette, WY. (44 35 29N 105 23 59W). Approx. 8 ac. T3 Heli on scene. 2 SEATs and 1 AA ordered.
07/15/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 3 (PL3).
07/12/2014 |
New: Pedro (WY-HDD) 40 mi NE of Rawlins, WY. (42 18 02N 106 51 33W). Approx. 3 ac. 1 SEAT, 1 AA, 1 T1 Helicopter ordered.
07/10/2014 |
New: KV (CO-SJF) 13 mi. E of Bayfield, CO (37 14 24N 107 21 03W). Approx. 5 ac. 2 AT, SEAT, LP ordered. Power lines in the vicinity. Active fire behavior.
07/07/2014 |
New: Owen (WY-MBF) 8 mi. N of Albany, WY (41 09 48N x 106 06 52W). Approx. 50 ac. 2 ATs, 1 LP, 1 AA ordered. WUI. Evacuations in progress.
07/02/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 2 (PL2).
06/29/2014 |
New: Fravert (CO-GWD) 2mi NW of Rifle, CO. (39 33 01N 107 49 17). 3ac. 2 SEATS and AA enroute. Structures threatened. Spread potential high.
06/27/2014 |
New: 8 Mile (CO-RGD) 10 miles NE of Canon City, CO. (38 32 40N 105 06 22W). Estimated at 60 acres, spotting observed. RMA IMT2 Team B (Dallas) and 4 T1 Crews ordered.
06/23/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being reduced to 1 (PL1)
06/09/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 2 (PL2)
06/03/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being reduced to 1 (PL1)
05/14/2014 |
Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 2 (PL2)