- New Mexico State Forestry
           - Capitan District (N5S)
      - BLM - New Mexico
           - Carlsbad Field Office (CAD)
           - Roswell Field Office (ROD)
           - Las Cruces District Office (LCD)
      - US Fish & Wildlife
           - Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge (BTR)
           - San Andres National Wildlife Refuge (SNR)
           - SW Native Aquatic Research & Recovery Center (DXH)
      - US Forest Service
           - Lincoln National Forest (LNF)
      - National Park Service
           - Carlsbad Caverns NPS (CCP)
           - Guadalupe Mountains NPS (GUP)              
           - Fort Davis National Historic Site (FDP)
           - White Sands National Monument (WHP)
           - Chamizal National Memorial (CHP)
           - Amistad National Recreation Area (AMP)
      - Bureau of Indian Affairs
           - Mescalero Agency (MEA)

Alamogordo Interagency
Dispatch Center
3500 Airport Rd., Box 10
Alamogordo, NM 88310

Cooperating federal agencies in the Alamogordo Dispatch Area
National Park Service Bureau of Indian Affairs U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Bureau of Land Management U. S. Forest Service New Mexico State Forestry