Fire Academy 2022
S-219 Firing Operations

Course Description:This blended course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB) and outlines duties of other personnel who may engage firing operations. The course discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques. Although comprehensive in nature, the course work is not a substitute for the dynamic fire environment. The course provides students with important information regarding general tasks required to be successful. Any opportunity to show students a real ignition or demonstrate the use of an actual firing device will assist in transferring these new concepts and skills to the job. There is an optional field day outlined in the course, it is the discretion of the delivery unit to include the field day; however, if logistically feasible it is suggested by NWCG that a field day be conducted.

Course Objectives:
-Identify the roles and responsibilities of the FIRB for planning, execution, safety, coordination, and evaluation of an ignition operation on a wildland or prescribed fire.
-Describe the characteristics, applications, safety and availability of the various firing devices a FIRB has at their disposal.
-Given a wildland or prescribed scenario, prepare a firing plan and briefing that contains desired fire behavior, firing techniques, required resources, coordination, safety and risk management factors, and communication, to meet specific objectives.

Target Group: Personnel desiring to be qualified as a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB) and other operations personnel (i.e., FFT1, FFT2) that will benefit by gaining valuable information applicable to conducting and participating in firing operations.

Source: PMS 901-1
Course Prerequisites:

Qualified as a firefighter (FFT2).

Course Coordinator
Phone / E-mail Address
Nomination Form

Doug Phelps

Land Between The Lakes NRA

(270) 924-2179