Southern California Interagency Support Cache






            To:                   Southern California Cache Customers

            From:               David A. Estes, Fire Cache Manager   

            Date:                1 April 2004

            Subject:            Cache Operational Hours



Effective with the start of Fire Season and/or Emergency Incident Management Support activity, the Southern California Interagency Support Cache will implement an initial operational period of 12 hours extendable to 16 hours daily.  With the exception of initial attack and large fire initial orders, the following operational procedures will be in effect:


1.      The daily operational period will be 0600 to 1800 daily, extendable to 2200 hours based on situation.


2.      Supply orders will be processed between 0600 and 1800.  Small orders (20      lines or less) will also be processed until 1800 daily for delivery in the same operating period depending on distance, driving time and mode of transport.


3.      To simplify processing and minimize logistical problems, we highly recommend each incident consolidate and transmit orders via facsimile no more then twice daily.  Depending on distance and driving time this may be curtailed to one order per day depending on the situation region and interagency wide.  The cache is willing to set up regularly scheduled times:  To do so contact the cache at (909) 930-3207/3208/3206.


4.      The last scheduled dispatch of supply orders will be 1800 hours depending on distance and driving time to the incident.  Cache management retains the prerogative to extend the dispatch window to meet verifiable critical needs on a case-by-case basis.  Our intention is to comply with work/rest guidelines and driving policy, and will not place drivers on the road between 2200 and 0500 for safety reasons.


5.      Haul back shipments will be accepted and processed between the hours of 0600 and 1800 hours.  Shipments arriving after 1800 hours will be unloaded at or around 0600 hours the following day.  Customers must abide with published haul back guidance and coordinate with the Cache prior to haul back to ensure delivery and off load accomplishment by 1800 hours.





Initial attack orders, initial fire orders and orders for supplies directly related to protecting life and property are exceptions to the rule, as long as the safety of the cache personnel and drivers are not compromised.  These can be processed outside the operational period when necessary.  Ideally, contact the Cache directly by telephone if the order will be sent outside the operational period.  This process will only be in effect during periods of major emergency incident activity.


David A. Estes


Fire Cache Manager, CA-LSK