National Interagency
To: Geographic Area Center Managers
Incident Commanders
Subject: NFES 1835 – 500 Person First Aid Station
Background – This kit exists to provide a pre-configured set of first aid supplies for large incidents. It contains over-the-counter medications and specialized medical equipment among its components. These components bear a significant cost and require specific skills in their use.
This kit was developed in parallel with the Incident Medical
specialist program in the
Issue – Since 1999 the demand for these kits have increased at an accelerated rate. The kits are built and maintained solely by the Northern Rockies Cache at a cost of $4,999. each. The loss percentage on the kit components has also increased dramatically, with some kits being returned almost empty.
This is a highly specialized kit that is in high demand. It requires stringent management control, adherence to established protocols, and emphasis on accountability. Incident management teams must ensure that qualified personnel are assigned to manage these kits. The following procedures are to be implemented for the 2003 fire season.
These procedures have been approved by the NWCG’s National Fire Equipment Subcommittee (NFES) and the Geographic Area Center Managers. With your assistance in managing this critical resource, we can minimize the cost and time required to refurbish the kits and ensure that qualified personnel are assigned to manage their use.
/s/ Kim Christensen
NICC Manager / Chair, NFES