Smoke Call Status:   Weekdays (M-F) @ 1300 hrs PDT (except holidays)
Issued: 12:30 PM   Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Discussion - Thursday & Friday
One more day of unseasonably warm and dry conditions on Thursday before a subtle trend in cooler onshore flow begins to impact the N State on Friday.  The current light wind pattern, both surface and transport winds, will continue as well on Thu but by Friday a trough approaching from the Oregon Coast will slide eastward and scrape N Ops resulting in increased W-SW winds to the N and NE counties.  A High Risk for large fire has been issued for NE CA and Fire Weather Watches from the NWS are likely.  So although mixing and increased ventilation will occur on Thu the potential for new fire is elevated for those areas along with the Sierra and Crest. Given the absense of potential absense of any large fire, good to fair air quality should continue. 
Transport winds
Mixing Heights
(mph) (ft AGL)
Thursday Afternoon Thursday Afternoon
Thursday Night Thursday Night
Click on images to enlarge
Transport winds
Mixing Heights
Friday Afternoon Friday Afternoon
 Saturday - Monday
Weakening high pressure aloft and increased SW flow aloft will provide a subtle enhancement ot onshore flow for most of the N State.  Thus a little more marine influence and decreased stability should maintiain the good air quality for most areas.  The fire threat should also be reduced as temperatures (although still slightly above normal) will fall considerably compared to this past few days and RH values should rise as well. 
Helpful Resources:
Air Resources Board
San Joaquin Air Quality
AirNow Fire and Smoke Map
North Zone Predictive Services Weather Page
South Zone Predictive Services Weather Page
NWS California Fire Weather Page
NWS Spot Forecast Request
This Product was developed by the Predictive Services group, located at the North Zone Coordination Center in Redding, California