Smoke Call Status:   Daily @ 1300 PDT w/ARA(s) Deployed in N Ops
Issued: 12:30 PM PDT  Monday, October 21, 2024
Discussion - Tuesday & Wednesday
Fairly strong SW flow will continue over N Ops Tue followed by a turn to westerly flow w/a low pressure trough moving across the N Wed. There's likely to be a lot of cloud cover Tue into Wed, esp across NW-N areas along w/a possibility of some light rain & mtn snow across the far N counties Wed afternoon-evening. Generaly light westerly flow is likely W-NW of the Sac Valley w/somewhat breezy SW flow from the Sac Valley eastward. Mixing Tue will be poor most of the morning improving to mdt-good in the afternoon, least NW & greatest E. Very low RHs are likely across most mid-upper elevation areas Wed morning w/mostly poor mixing area-wide. Wed afternoon a frontal boundary is likely to be present from the bay area NE-ward, drifting SE-ward w/time. This will bring gusty SW winds ahead of it & gusty NW winds behind it Wed afternoon & mdt to very good mixing. Expect smoke impacts from the Shoe Fire to continue in the Redding area.   
Transport winds
Mixing Heights
(mph) (ft AGL)
Tuesday Afternoon Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday Night Tuesday Night
Transport winds
Mixing Heights
Wednesday Afternoon Wednesday Afternoon
Extended Outlook:  Thursday - Saturday
Westerly flow & a trend toward more dominant high pressure ridging is likely Thu before a weak trough brushes by in SW flow Fri followed by the approach of a stronger trough later Sat. Breezy to locally windy N-NE winds are likely thru the gaps & passes of the Marble Mtns, Cascades, & Sierras into the Sac Valley Wed night into Thu morning followed by mostly light winds Thu afternoon. Southerly winds are likely to increase to breezy-windy Fri afternoon followed by lighter winds Sat & rain along the N Coast Sat. Overall, expect mixing to follow a diurnal pattern of poor in the night to morning hours & mdt to good during the afternoons. SW winds & mixing are likely to prevail into Fri evening-Sat morning across NE areas, however. Shoe Fire smoke impacts are likely to be greatest Thu & Sat and least Fri.
Helpful Resources:
Air Resources Board
San Joaquin Air Quality
AirNow Fire and Smoke Map
North Zone Predictive Services Weather Page
South Zone Predictive Services Weather Page
NWS California Fire Weather Page
NWS Spot Forecast Request
This Product was developed by the Predictive Services group, located at the North Zone Coordination Center in Redding, California