2022 Year-to-Date Fires and Acres By State & Agency
(Fires & Acres reported by land protection via National Interagency Situation Reporting Program)
Updated: 12/31/22
Human Human Lightning Lightning WILDFIRE
Caused Caused Caused Caused TOTALS
Fires Acres Fires Acres FIRES ACRES
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 15 2,042 0 0 15 2,042
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
ID Counties C&L 0 0 0 0 0 0
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Forest Service FS 21 162 232 79,687 253 79,849
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Idaho Department of Lands IDS 111 1,721 131 544 242 2,265
  147 3,925 363 80,231 510 84,156
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 427 28,654 59 2,171 486 30,825
Bureau of Land Management BLM 10 7 27 137 37 144
MT Counties C&L 604 18,285 144 21,462 748 39,747
U.S. Forest Service FS 171 1,393 284 60,800 455 62,193
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 0 0 5 366 5 366
National Park Service NPS 1 1 8 1,707 9 1,708
Dept of Natural Resources & Conservation MTS 182 2,242 165 284 347 2,526
  1,395 50,582 692 86,927 2,087 137,509
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 92 857 0 0 92 857
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Forest Service FS 7 85 2 0 9 85
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 4 539 0 0 4 539
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
North Dakota Forest Service NDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
  103 1,481 2 0 105 1,481
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Harding County C&L 4 57 4 543 8 600
SD Wildland Fire Suppression SDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
  4 57 4 543 8 600
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 534 31,553 59 2,171 593 33,724
Bureau of Land Management BLM 10 7 27 137 37 144
Counties C&L 608 18,342 148 22,005 756 40,347
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Forest Service FS 199 1,640 518 140,487 717 142,127
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 4 539 5 366 9 905
National Park Service NPS 1 1 8 1,707 9 1,708
State Agencies ST 293 3,963 296 828 589 4,791
TOTAL - ALL NRGA AGENCIES FOR 2022 1,649 56,045 1,061 167,701 2,710 223,746