2013 NRGA Year-to-Date Large Wildland Fires > 100 acres By State
(As reported via the National ICS-209 Program)
As of: 12/31/13
            Start End**         Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Pardee FSPC GVC IDS MCS 07/08/13 07/12/13 46 18 03N 116 07 27W L 309 $650,000 0 Handel
2 Rough Creek FSPC GVC USFS NPF 07/12/13 07/22/13 45 24 09N 116 12 51W L 2,600 $2,200,000 0 Fry(T2), Warden, Carlson
3 Lake Complex MON GVC USFS NPF 07/14/13 09/26/13 45 37 38N 115 03 56W L 7,265 $26,000 0 Pappani
4 Bailey MON GVC USFS NPF 07/14/13 09/26/13 46 15 59N 114 53 30W L 1,636 $2,000 0 Graves, Schaeffer
5 Crescendo FSPC CDC USFS IPF 07/15/13 10/23/13 46 56 54N 115 45 21N L 1,100 $1,710,000 0 Weeks, Freeman, Pollard
6 California Point MON GVC USFS NPF 07/18/13 09/26/13 46 19 50N 114 59 31W L 7,294 $17,500 1 Graves, Schaeffer
7 Moose MON GVC USFS NPF 07/19/13 09/26/13 46 17 21N 114 56 51W L 121 $3,500 0 Schaeffer
8 Bean MON CDC USFS IPF 07/27/13 10/23/13 47 00 56N 115 14 15W L 410 $21,500 0 Heisel, Stearns, Grasham, Pollard
9 Rock Creek MON GVC USFS CWF 07/31/13 09/26/13 46 47 01N 115 27 05W L 340 $2,450 0 Lubke, Peterson
10 Center (was part of Lake Complex) MON GVC USFS NPF 08/01/13 08/24/13 45 34 20N 114 59 43W L 1,595 $5,000 0 Pappani
11 Pettibone MON GVC USFS NPF 08/08/13 09/26/13 46 05 56N 114 44 15W L 242 $4,000 0 na
12 Too Kush FSPC GVC IDS MCS 08/09/13 08/14/13 46 07 38N 115 55 18W N/A 118 $160,000 0 Courson
13 Disgrace MON GVC USFS NPF 08/10/13 09/26/13 45 54 23N 115 11 15W L 295 $5,000 0 na
14 Flat Creek MON GVC USFS CWF 08/11/13 09/26/13 46 44 07N 115 30 18W L 625 $5,000 0 Lubke
15 Gardiner MON GVC USFS NPF 08/12/13 09/26/13 45 59 22N 114 44 00W L 332 $4,000 0 na
16 Fire Creek Complex MON GVC USFS CWF 08/12/13 09/25/13 46 12 48N 115 24 36W L 213 $3,350 0 Rogers
17 War Eagle MON GVC USFS NPF 08/13/13 09/24/13 45 30 12N 115 38 18W L 118 $5,000 0 Pappani
18 Mallard MON CDC USFS IPF 08/17/13 10/23/13 46 57 28N 115 31 53W L 169 $5,000 0 Pollard
19 Boyer FSPC CDC IDS PDS 08/18/13 08/17/13 46 30 31N 116 32 59W U 188 $216,000 0 Svancara
20 Incendiary Creek FSPC GVC IDS CTS 08/18/13 10/02/13 46 20 13N 116 01 37W L 1,100 $3,221,452 0 Young/Lubke, Kusicko(T2)/Norton
21 Triumph Lane FSPC GVC IDS CMS 08/19/13 08/24/13 46 25 32N 116 38 38W H 675 $339,000 0 Phillips
22 07 (Previously called Ought 7) FSPC GVC IDS MCS 08/22/13 08/26/13 46 08 02N 115 47 29W U 388 $484,813 0 Harvey/Svancara
23 Siah MON GVC USFS CWF 08/25/13 10/31/13 46 31 03N 114 27 59W L 425 $5,000 0 Young
24 T Bone MON GVC USFS NPF 09/15/13 09/26/13 45 28 35N 115 47 06W L 210 $70,000 0 Adams
NR IDAHO WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 27,768 $9,165,565 1
            Start End**   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Winter FSPC BDC BIA CRA 01/08/13 01/09/13 45 22 48N 107 51 35W H 2,756 $50,000 0 Estey
2 Rumsey Gulch FSPC MDC MTS SWS 05/13/13 05/19/13 46 17 27N 113 16 59W H 349 $471,180 8 Brabender
3 Sweats Complex FSPC HDC USFS HNF 05/15/13 05/21/13 46 47 48N 111 46 36W U 457 $952,120 0 Beagley, Buhl, Emacio, Plagenz, Emacio
4 West Mullan FSPC MDC USFS LNF 07/14/13 08/01/13 47 12 52N 114 56 34W H 6,282 $9,749,000 0 Heintz(T2), Pfister
5 Gold Creek FSPC MDC USFS LNF 07/15/13 08/11/13 47 05 22N 113 46 59W L 141 $2,700,000 0 Benes(T2), Shinkle, Angert
6 Gold Pan Complex (Gold Pan 41,888 acres, Goat 15 acres, Thirteen 1 acre, Nez Peak 1,525 acres) PZP BRC USFS BRF 07/16/13 10/03/13 45 39 25N 114 46 47W L 43,429 $11,860,878 0 Olpin, Hutton(WFMT), Poncin(T1), Hutton(WFMT), Turman(T1), Handel
7 Moose Meadows FSPC DDC USFS BDF 07/16/13 10/18/13 46 04 37N 113 38 16W L 3,500 $6,900,000 0 Pearson(T2), Lambert
8 Red Shale PZP GDC USFS LCF 07/18/15 09/26/13 47 48 14N 113 00 34W L 12,379 $1,080,000 0 Tveidt, Inabnit, Brooks, Williams, Sherer, Tveidt
9 Copper City FSPC HDC USFS HNF 07/21/13 07/23/13 45 59 26N 111 32 45W H 390 $50,000 0 Culbreth
10 Emigrant (Incorporated into Miner Paradise 8/16) FSPC BZC USFS GNF 07/21/13 08/16/13 45 28 50N 110 53 43W L 0 $0 0 Kearns/Shanfelt
11 Mission Falls MON MDC BIA FHA 07/22/13 09/24/13 47 20 22N 113 55 51W L 103 $20,000 0 Swaney
12 Mill Creek FSPC MDC MTS SWS 07/25/13 08/01/13 47 01 00N 114 12 12W H 708 $628,000 0 Parks
13 Firestone Flats FSPC MDC BIA FHA 07/27/13 08/02/13 47 10 44N 113 58 31W H 1,570 $3,000,000 0 McCrea, Fry(T2), Trahan
14 Indian Creek FSPC DDC USFS BDF 08/08/13 08/14/13 45 31 25N 112 08 21W L 124 $135,000 0 Agner, Gue, Mortin
15 Ferry Basin FSPC MDC BIA FHA 08/10/13 08/12/13 47 25 21N 114 24 21W L 171 $80,000 0 McCrea, Carpenter
16 Damnation PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/11/13 10/24/13 47 40 30N 113 19 59W L 8,246 $450,000 0 Carbonari, Flint
17 Snow Creek PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/11/13 09/27/13 47 41 31N 113 23 46W L 212 $57,000 0 Wilson/Flint/Counts
18 Eureka FSPC DDC USFS BDF 08/12/13 10/17/13 44 49 26N 111 53 37N L 6,468 $4,860,000 0 Fritsen, Heintz(T2), Jones, Barnes
19 Nimrod FSPC MDC MTS SWS 08/15/13 08/29/13 46 42 00N 113 29 00W H 604 $1,200,000 0 Parks, Fry(T2)
20 Miner Paradise Complex (Emigrant 10,850 acres, Sheep Cr 570 acres, North Eight Mile 414 acres, Horsetail 126 acres) CON BZC USFS GNF 08/16/13 09/18/13 45 28 50N 110 53 43W L 11,960 $9,179,874 0 Sites, Benes(T2), McBratney(WFMT), Lannan
21 West Fork 2 (Incorporated into Lolo Cr Complex 8/20) FSPC MDC USFS LNF 08/18/13 08/20/13 46 44 48N 114 21 05W L 0 $0 0 Bauman
22 Schoolhouse (Incorporated into Lolo Cr Complex 8/20) FSPC MDC MTS SWS 08/18/13 08/20/13 46 46 20N 114 15 04W L 0 $0 0 Parks
23 Lolo Creek Complex FSPC MDC MTS SWS 08/18/13 09/25/13 46 46 20N 114 15 04W L 10,902 $13,000,000 9 Parks/Bauman, Poncin(T1), Nikoleyczik
24 Stoner Creek FSPC KIC USFS FNF 08/18/13 08/21/13 48 01 01N 114 16 43W U 105 $75,000 0 Kaber
25 Rock Creek FSPC BDC USFS CNF 08/20/13 09/10/13 45 07 04N 109 18 02W H 950 $4,000,000 0 Brown, Pearson(T2), Brown
26 Rock Creek PZP GDC USFS LCF 08/20/13 09/26/13 47 43 51N 113 08 01W L 600 $5,000 0 Williams, Sherer
27 Harry's Flat PZP MDC USFS LNF 08/27/13 10/30/13 46 31 48N 113 45 49W L 596 $300,000 0 Seielstad, Laroche, Zenner, Wood
28 Rosebud Battlefield FSPC MCC CNTY LG22 08/26/13 08/28/13 45 13 56N 106 58 39W U 201 $28,400 0 Redden
29 Saylor FSPC MCC BLM MCD 08/28/13 08/29/13 47 17 59N 107 23 05W L 800 $0 0 Dolbear
30 Beaver Creek FSPC DDC USFS BDF 08/28/13 09/20/13 45 53 14N 113 31 15W L 75 $700,000 0 Karuzes/Hutton(T2)
31 Mount Two Top FSPC BZC USFS GNF 08/30/13 09/30/13 44 35 01N 111 14 01W L 173 $2,400,000 0 Northcott, Wegley
32 Hells Canyon FSPC DDC USFS BDF 09/07/13 09/20/13 45 42 13N 112 25 55W L 150 $500,000 0 Martin, Lambert, Rux
33 Irvine Flats 1 FSPC MDC BIA FHA 09/16/13 09/20/13 47 40 45N 114 16 10W H 392 $30,000 0 McCrea
MONTANA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 114,793 $74,461,452 17
            Start End**   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Pautre FSPC NDC USFS DPF 04/03/13 04/06/13 45 52 54N 102 32 53W H 10,800 $371,000 1 Buckalew
2 Gregor Pasture FSPC NDC USFS DPF 05/07/13 05/09/13 46 27 37N 97 20 43W H 1,381 $30,000 0 Knudtson
            Start End**         Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Snake (Incorporated into Druid Complex 8/13) PZP BZC NPS YNP 08/05/13 08/13/13 44 08 50N 110 36 05W L 0 $0 0 Lewelling
2 Druid Complex (Snake 189 acres, Druid 205 acres, Alder 4,240 acres, Alum 7,299 acres, Passage 1 acre, Calderon 1 acre) PZP BZC NPS YNP 08/06/13 10/03/13 44 54 17N 110 11 02W L 11,935 $3,108,577 0 Lewelling/Woffinden, Hahnenberg (NIMO), Cerda, Bundshuh, Cataldo
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA   Estimated Structures  
Acres Costs Destroyed  
2013 NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 166,677 $87,136,594 19
* = Kind             ** = End Date    
              (i.e. Contain, Control, Out or Final ICS-209 submitted)
FSPC = Full Suppression Strategy (Perimeter Control)     *** = CAUSES      
PZP = Point or Zone Protection Strategy (Limited Perimeter Control)   H= Human Caused    
CON = Confine Strategy           L= Lightning Caused    
MON = Monitor Strategy           U= Under Investigation    
              NA= Non-applicable (coal-seam, etc.)