2012 Year-to-Date Fires and Acres By State & Agency
(Fires & Acres reported by land protection via National Interagency Situation Reporting Program)
As of: 12/31/12
Human Human Lightning Lightning WILDFIRE
Caused Caused Caused Caused TOTALS
Fires Acres Fires Acres FIRES ACRES
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 16 66 2 1 18 67
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0
Idaho Department of Lands IDS 77 1,695 69 174 146 1,869
USDA Forest Service USFS 32 48,687 205 195,462 237 244,149
  125 50,448 276 195,637 401 246,085
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 488 87,550 115 347,198 603 434,748
Bureau of Land Management BLM 43 11,160 188 296,217 231 307,377
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 3 46 24 10,365 27 10,411
National Park Service NPS 0 0 3 160 3 160
Private Land PRI 266 71,794 165 126,437 431 198,231
Dept of Natural Resources & Conservation MTS 180 20,596 141 20,040 321 40,636
USDA Forest Service USFS 218 19,277 378 209,806 596 229,083
  1,198 210,423 1,014 1,010,223 2,212 1,220,646
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 727 14,664 3 65 730 14,729
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 18 984 2 24 20 1,008
National Park Service NPS 2 620 1 0 3 620
Private Land PRI 10 692 3 4,861 13 5,553
North Dakota Forest Service NDS 1 119 0 0 1 119
USDA Forest Service USFS 19 1,418 8 570 27 1,988
  777 18,497 17 5,520 794 24,017
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 9 2,794 9 2,794
Private Land PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0
SD Wildland Fire Suppression SDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 9 2,794 9 2,794
National Park Service NPS 5 1 12 4,429 17 4,430
  5 1 12 4,429 17 4,430
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 1,231 102,280 120 347,264 1,351 449,544
Bureau of Land Management BLM 43 11,160 197 299,011 240 310,171
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 21 1,030 26 10,389 47 11,419
National Park Service NPS 7 621 16 4,589 23 5,210
Private Land PRI 276 72,486 168 131,298 444 203,784
State Agencies ST 258 22,410 210 20,214 468 42,624
USDA Forest Service USFS 269 69,382 591 405,838 860 475,220
TOTAL - ALL NRGA AGENCIES FOR 2012 2,105 279,369 1,328 1,218,603 3,433 1,497,972