2011 Year-to-Date Fires and Acres By State & Agency
(Fires & Acres reported by land protection via National Interagency Situation Reporting Program)
As of: 12/30/11
Human Human Lightning Lightning WILDFIRE
Caused Caused Caused Caused TOTALS
Fires Acres Fires Acres FIRES ACRES
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 18 79 1 3 19 82
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0
Idaho Department of Lands IDS 116 612 80 171 196 783
USDA Forest Service USFS 47 1,081 186 25,196 233 26,277
  163 1,693 266 25,367 429 27,060
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 320 1,263 94 28,986 414 30,249
Bureau of Land Management BLM 15 337 83 57,334 98 57,671
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 0 0 3 412 3 412
National Park Service NPS 1 6 5 0 6 6
Private Land PRI 49 1,282 53 4,069 102 5,351
Dept of Natural Resources & Conservation MTS 126 6,002 104 3,773 230 9,775
USDA Forest Service USFS 178 5,318 304 59,228 482 64,546
  689 14,208 646 153,802 1,335 168,010
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 226 1,514 2 2 228 1,516
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 5 82 0 0 5 82
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 0 0 5 11 5 11
North Dakota Forest Service NDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
USDA Forest Service USFS 5 643 6 95 11 738
  236 2,239 13 108 249 2,347
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0
SD Wildland Fire Suppression SDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0
National Park Service NPS 3 0 18 1,125 21 1,125
  3 0 18 1,125 21 1,125
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 564 2,856 97 28,991 661 31,847
Bureau of Land Management BLM 15 337 83 57,334 98 57,671
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 5 82 3 412 8 494
National Park Service NPS 4 6 23 1,125 27 1,131
Private Land PRI 49 1,282 58 4,080 107 5,362
State Agencies ST 242 6,614 184 3,944 426 10,558
USDA Forest Service USFS 230 7,042 496 84,519 726 91,561
TOTAL - ALL NRGA AGENCIES FOR 2011 1,109 18,219 944 180,405 2,053 198,624