2009 Year-to-Date Fires and Acres By State & Agency
(Fires & Acres reported by land protection via National Interagency Situation Reporting Program)
As of: 12/31/09
Human Human Lightning Lightning WILDFIRE
Caused Caused Caused Caused TOTALS
Fires Acres Fires Acres FIRES ACRES
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 19 11 2 0 21 11
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 1 0 1 0
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0
Idaho Department of Lands IDS 112 223 162 161 274 384
USDA Forest Service USFS 38 1,566 243 3,300 281 4,866
  150 1,789 406 3,461 556 5,250
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 528 2,915 109 1,137 637 4,052
Bureau of Land Management BLM 20 413 124 1,071 144 1,484
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 1 1 9 37 10 38
National Park Service NPS 2 0 11 0 13 0
Private Land PRI 28 2,033 12 1,038 40 3,071
Dept of Natural Resources & Conservation MTS 179 20,497 133 45 312 20,542
USDA Forest Service USFS 192 1,194 383 18,531 575 19,725
  950 27,053 781 21,859 1,731 48,912
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 204 1,993 3 167 207 2,160
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 11 637 2 1 13 638
National Park Service NPS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 1 7 0 0 1 7
North Dakota Forest Service NDS 0 0 0 0 0 0
USDA Forest Service USFS 5 90 1 0 6 90
  221 2,727 6 168 227 2,895
Bureau of Land Management BLM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Land PRI 1 1,070 0 0 1 1,070
  1 1,070 0 0 1 1,070
National Park Service NPS 3 1 17 10,877 20 10,878
  3 1 17 10,877 20 10,878
Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 751 4,919 114 1,304 865 6,223
Bureau of Land Management BLM 20 413 125 1,071 145 1,484
Department of Defense DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 12 638 11 38 23 676
National Park Service NPS 5 1 28 10,877 33 10,878
Private Land PRI 30 3,110 12 1,038 42 4,148
State Agencies ST 291 20,720 295 206 586 20,926
USDA Forest Service USFS 235 2,850 627 21,831 862 24,681
TOTAL - ALL NRGA AGENCIES FOR 2009 1,344 32,651 1,212 36,365 2,556 69,016