2006 NRGA Year-to-Date Large Wildland Fires > 100 acres By State
(As reported via the National ICS-209 Program)
As of: 12/31/2006
  Wildland Fire       Start End*         Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Kurby GVC IDS CMS 08/04/06 08/09/06 46 31 07N 116 39 49W H 550 $275,000 0 Hawkins
2 Baston-Cook Complex GVC USFS NPF 08/07/06 08/20/06 45 44 49N 115 11 52W L 206 $2,241,081 0 Kusicko(T2), Button
3 Hughes 32 Complex (Hughes 3,288 acres; Plowboy 1,234 acres; Continental 1 acre) CDC USFS IPF 08/10/06 11/06/06 48 51 03N 117 01 09W L 4,523 $2,629,500 0 Newton, Gunther, Butler
4 Lightning Creek GVC USFS NPF 08/12/06 08/18/06 45 26 09N 116 16 40W L 1,950 $1,159,000 0 Lane, McNitt(T2)
5 Long Canyon Creek CDC USFS IPF 08/16/06 11/01/06 48 50 48N 116 38 43W L 200 $27,000 0 Westfall
6 Ulm Peak CDC USFS IPF 08/18/06 10/13/06 47 53 33N 115 58 34W L 4,980 $4,253,000 0 Gunther, Secrest(T2), Martens, Nipp
7 Heavens Gate Complex (Black Butte 33,000 acres; Green Acres 6,700 acres; Horse Heaven 2,400 acres; and McCrea 200 acres) GVC USFS NPF 08/21/06 11/15/06 45 21 50N 116 30 33W L 42,300 $6,610,000 0 Rucklic, Stanich(T1), Grant(T2), Lane
8 Clear Creek GVC IDS MCS 08/22/06 08/23/06 46 30 36N 115 52 24W U 300 $100,000 0 Clapperton
9 Meadow GVC USFS NPF 09/03/06 09/21/06 45 44 23N 115 11 37W L 7,200 $1,329,055 0 Turman(T2), Bransford, Lundgren
10 Revett Complex CDC USFS IPF 09/08/06 10/13/06 47 35 00N 115 46 48W L 155 $111,000 0 Denney
NR Idaho Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 62,364 $18,734,636 0
Fire Use
1 Bar Creek (Incorporated into Pot Mountain Complex 8/17/06) GVC USFS CWF 07/06/06 10/02/06 46 46 00N 115 28 04W L 0 Lubke, Schrenk
2 Pettibone GVC USFS NPF 07/06/06 11/03/06 46 04 00N 114 45 00W L 682 0 Law
3 Pot Mountain Complex (Bar Creek 2,076 acres; Cave 1 300 acres; Cave 2 90 acres; Jack Knife .25 acre; Chateau Rock .25 acre; and Larson Pt .25 acre) GVC USFS CWF 07/06/06 10/02/06 46 46 01N 115 28 04W L 2,467 $350,000 0 Schrenk, Lubke, Schrenk
4 Brushy GVC USFS NPF 07/10/06 11/06/06 45 58 35N 114 38 59W L 2,772 $5,200 0 Sites, Law
5 Slide GVC USFS CWF 08/08/06 10/02/06 46 43 58N 115 11 24W L 1,430 $25,000 0 Gaines, Schrenk, Lubke, Schrenk
6 Hanson Meadows GVC USFS CWF 08/09/06 10/02/06 46 42 06N 114 54 06W L 744 $70,000 0 Lubke, Schrenk
7 Renshaw GVC USFS NPF 08/09/06 11/03/06 46 03 17N 115 31 59W L 491 $7,450 0 Law
8 Powell WFU Complex (Rabbit, Warm Spring, Hot Springs Point, Dan Creek, and Eagle. Acreage breakdown not provided) GVC USFS CWF 08/09/06 11/06/06 45 24 17N 114 38 05W L 2,498 $48,000 0 Wilson/Goicoechea, Wilson
9 62 Ridge GVC USFS NPF 08/09/06 11/03/06 46 08 30N 115 04 58W L 1,405 $3,200 0 Bonney
10 Barren Hill GVC USFS NPF 08/09/06 11/03/06 46 15 29N 114 58 08W L 159 $1,000 0 Law
11 Twin Butte GVC USFS NPF 08/10/06 11/03/06 46 03 08N 115 01 09W L 1,190 $3,200 0 Law
12 Kettle Lake GVC USFS CWF 08/13/06 10/15/06 46 11 07N 115 14 11W L 437 $3,500 0 Lippencott, Wirt, Gauthier
13 Kettle 2 GVC USFS CWF 08/14/06 10/16/06 46 13 35N 115 13 07W L 798 $3,500 0 Lippencott, Wirt, Gauthier
14 Sled GVC USFS CWF 08/16/06 10/02/06 46 40 20N 115 01 09W L 1,700 $50,000 0 Schrenk, Muenster, Lubke
15 Collins Tooth CDC USFS IPF 08/17/06 11/27/06 46 58 13N 115 30 09W L 560 $173,000 0 Kuehner, Mark, Fritsen, Jerman
16 Corral GVC USFS CWF 08/21/06 10/16/06 46 29 31N 115 13 50W L 685 0 Ottosen, Wirt, Gauthier
17 Mink GVC USFS CWF 09/08/06 11/03/06 46 02 46N 115 06 33W L 786 $7,084 0 Law
NR Idaho Wildland Fire Use Totals 18,804 $750,134 0
NR IDAHO WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 81,168 $19,484,770 0
  Wildland Fire       Start End*   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Trout Creek BDC USFS CNF 04/14/06 04/21/06 45 03 48N 109 49 30W H 185 $105,000 0 Hensen, Viig
2 Snowshoe DDC MTS CES 05/16/06 05/17/06 44 42 47N 111 47 55W NA 425 0 Hahnkamp
3 Rice Coulee MCC BLM MCD 06/29/06 07/01/06 45 41 50N 106 12 49W H 202 0 Pauley
4 Jerry BDC BIA NCA 06/29/06 07/02/06 45 39 42N 106 41 34W H 100 0 Morgan
5 Mt. Jumbo MCC MTS SWS 07/04/06 07/06/06 46 52 38N 113 56 59W H 333 $125,000 0 Klemann, Gustafson
6 Phipps Park BDC MTS SOS 07/04/06 07/07/06 45 48 57N 108 41 17W H 172 0 Barrett
7 Coal Creek (Incorporated into Park City Complex 7/07/06) BDC MTS SOS 07/06/06 07/09/06 45 35 18N 108 57 35W L 0 Hoferer
8 Benedict (Incorporated into Park City Complex 7/07/06) BDC MTS SOS 07/06/06 07/09/06 45 40 00N 108 54 00W L 0 Cowger, Frank
9 Park City Complex (Coal Creek 1,012 acres; Benedict Gulch 833 acres) BDC MTS SOS 07/07/06 07/09/06 45 40 00N 108 54 01W L 1,845 $381,000 0 Heintz(T2)
10 Little Kid Creek BDC BIA CRA 07/08/06 07/19/06 45 12 56N 107 09 38W L 3,388 0 Old Horn
11 Saunders BDC MTS SOS 07/10/06 07/14/06 45 38 05N 109 24 52W L 3,175 $1,083,000 5 Heintz(T2)
12 Frozen Dog MCC BLM MCD 07/10/05 07/11/06 45 52 53N 106 18 57W L 500 0 Hageman
13 Cromo Creek MCC MTS EAS 07/11/06 07/11/06 46 01 09N 106 50 36W L 166 0 Martens
14 Bundy Railroad BDC BLM BID 07/12/06 07/20/06 46 06 44N 108 06 34W L 91,897 $2,900,000 2 Leach, Chapman, McNitt(T2), Brickell/Behrens
15 Pine Ridge Complex (Pine Ridge, Sarpy, and Waco fires. Acreage breakdown not provided) BDC MTS SOS 07/12/06 07/18/06 45 54 31N 107 51 10W L 121,210 $2,050,000 0 Ridden, Williams, Bennett(T1), Strenberg
16 Shane Ridge BDC MTS SOS 07/12/06 07/15/06 45 29 35N 109 05 20W L 806 $149,000 0 Heintz(T2)
17 Spring Creek (Incorporated into the Horton-Hay Complex 07/15/06) MCC MTS EAS 07/12/06 07/25/06 46 00 00N 106 15 00W L Adler
18 Sage BDC BIA NCA 07/12/06 07/22/06 45 36 29N 106 18 31W L 1,069 $72,000 4 Old Bear, Reid(T2)
19 Birthday 2 BDC BIA CRA 07/12/06 07/21/06 45 24 12N 107 53 12W H 6,194 2 Pretty On Top, Amundson
20 Horton-Hay Complex (Horton Hay 24,350 acres; Spring Creek 530 acres; and Iron Jaw 120 acres) MCC MTS EAS 07/12/06 07/20/06 46 09 28N 106 13 20W L 25,000 $700,000 0 Martens/McAvoy, Grant(T2), Pauley
21 Watt Draw MCC BLM MCD 07/13/06 07/21/06 45 29 28N 105 58 17W L 17,552 $1,600,000 0 Wallin, Reid(T2)
22 Iron Jaw (Incorporated into the Horton-Hay Complex 07/15/06) MCC MTS EAS 07/13/06 07/25/06 46 15 00N 106 15 00W L 0 Pauley
23 King Mountain MCC BLM MCD 07/14/06 07/17/06 45 30 43N 106 13 58W L 234 $150,000 0 Wolfe, Reid(T2)
24 Butte Creek BDC BIA NCA 07/14/06 07/17/06 45 35 30N 106 34 36W U 200 $50,000 0 Spang
25 Black Pulaski Complex (Black Pulaski 15,695 acres; Chalk Butte 24,314 acres; Hill Coulee 2,847 acres; Lodgepole 16,614 acres; Lost Creek 32,576 acres; Soda Creek 32,238 acres; and Square Butte 621 acres) MCC BLM MCD 07/16/06 07/23/06 47 40 11N 104 46 50W L 124,905 $2,958,900 3 McAvoy, Heintz(T2), Stanich(T1)
26 Flat Tire Complex (Flat Tire 18,585 acres; Middle 8th Ridge 140 acres) LEC FWS CMR 07/16/06 07/21/06 47 31 54N 107 56 57W L 18,725 0 Pallas, Turman(T2), Schmidt
27 Soda Creek (Incorporated into the Black Pulaski Complex 07/18/06) LEC BLM LED 07/16/06 07/23/06 47 31 54N 107 56 57W L 0 McAllister/DeRosier
28 Packer Gulch MDC MTS SWS 07/16/06 07/28/06 46 45 01N 113 20 52W H 3,059 $3,366,851 3 Wallace, Kusicko(T2)
29 Mejarus BDC MTS SOS 07/17/06 07/21/06 46 16 55N 108 28 03W NA 1,100 $300,000 3 Anderson, McNitt(T2)
30 South Pine (Incorporated into the Paradise Valley Complex 08/30/06) BZC USFS GNF 07/17/06 10/19/06 45 27 29N 110 28 40W L 0 Kitchen, Hall(T2), Ueland, Kitchen
31 UL Bend LEC FWS CMR 07/18/06 07/24/06 47 29 21N 105 19 51W L 2,800 0 Pallas
32 Buffalo Creek WY-CPC MTS SOS 07/18/06 07/21/06 44 51 51N 106 18 41W L 9,914 0 Reid(T2)
33 Valley County Fire LEC BLM LED 07/18/06 07/25/06 48 05 00N 107 27 00W L 6,595 2 Lurke
34 Juniper BDC MTS SOS 07/23/06 07/26/06 46 22 35N 108 32 22W L 317 0 Johnson
35 Beaver Creek MCC MTS EAS 07/24/06 07/24/06 45 46 10N 106 12 56W L 144 0 Adler
36 Bear Creek LEC BLM LED 07/24/06 07/24/06 47 11 00N 108 54 00W L 600 0 Killham
37 Box Elder LEC BLM LED 07/24/06 07/24/06 47 11 00N 108 50 00W L 2,000 0 Killham
38 Gash Creek BRC USFS BRF 07/24/06 10/31/07 46 23 42N 114 15 14W H 8,800 $6,600,000 0 Hoag, Turman(T2), Smith, Pfau
39 Buffalo Ranch BDC BIA FPA 07/24/06 07/26/06 48 21 40N 105 18 51W L 2,800 0 Moran
40 Woodchuck MDC MTS SWS 07/25/06 07/31/06 46 41 00N 113 57 02W H 1,060 $1,600,000 2 Klemann, Grant(T2)
41 Hutchinson Coulee BDC MTS SOS 07/26/06 07/28/06 46 04 14N 107 08 44W L 1,350 0 Krish, Wilkins
42 Toavs BDC BIA FPA 07/26/06 07/27/06 47 17 20N 105 48 30W L 1,800 0 St. Marks
43 Owl BDC BIA CRA 07/26/06 08/02/06 45 09 52N 107 15 14W H 5,500 0 Pretty On Top, Brightwings, Old Horn
44 Little Spar KDC USFS KNF 07/26/06 08/06/06 48 10 53N 115 58 00W L 83 $1,400,000 0 Crawford, McNitt(T2)
45 Red Eagle FDC NPS GNP 07/28/06 09/21/06 48 38 50N 113 30 50W U 32,230 $7,072,000 3 Smith, Heintz(T2), Stanich(T1), Heintz(T2), Solheim
46 Big Creek (Incorporated into the Paradise Valley Complex 08/30/06) BZC MTS CES 07/29/06 10/19/06 45 18 57N 110 52 07W L 21 Grahm, Reid(T2), Kitchen
47 Sand Creek MCC MTS EAS 07/29/06 07/30/06 46 26 51N 106 24 27W L 2,378 0 Martens
48 Maggie LEC BLM LED 07/29/06 08/01/06 48 20 00N 108 55 00W L 8,000 1
49 Howard GDC BIA FBA 07/29/06 08/01/06 48 17 33N 108 17 24W L 3,000 0 Cole
50 Paradise Valley Complex (Big Creek 14,000 acres; Passage Falls 6,620 acres; and South Pine 788 acres) BZC USFS GNF 07/29/06 10/19/06 45 18 57N 110 52 07W L 21,400 $5,800,000 0 Kusicko(T2), Bennett
51 Bearmouth MDC MTS SWS 08/01/06 08/06/06 46 41 45N 113 21 18W NA 1,000 $1,300,000 0 Hansen, Grant(T2)
52 Indian Coulee BDC BIA NCA 08/01/06 08/03/06 45 38 37N 106 59 41W U 477 0 Morgan, Russell
53 Schultz Saddle DDC USFS BDF 08/02/06 08/06/06 45 45 44N 113 48 05W L 30 $490,000 0 Heintz(T2)
54 Irvine MDC BIA FHA 08/05/06 08/06/06 47 44 00N 114 20 00W H 1,035 $200,000 0 McCrea, Trahan
55 Ford Creek GDC USFS LCF 08/07/06 10/27/06 47 25 21N 112 43 50W L 323 $630,000 0 Plagenz, Smith
56 Lolo Steakhouse MDC MTS SWS 08/08/06 08/11/06 46 46 21N 114 06 54W L 108 $385,000 0 Klemann, Heintz(T2)
57 Lee Creek MCC USFS CNF 08/08/06 08/10/06 45 14 16N 106 21 02W L 600 0 Pauley/Ford
58 Oliver MDC BIA FHA 08/08/06 08/11/06 47 35 00N 114 23 00W L 662 $20,000 0 Morigeau
59 Ragged Point BDC BLM BID 08/08/06 08/09/06 46 44 00N 107 58 00W L 520 0 Gunther
60 Mailbox BDC MTS SOS 08/09/06 08/11/06 46 18 06N 107 42 04W L 2,100 4 Gunther, Wilkens
61 Road Creek MCC MTS EAS 08/09/06 08/10/06 45 54 19N 105 34 42W L 2,543 0 Rodgers
62 Ashley Lake MDC BIA FHA 08/09/06 10/13/06 47 22 22N 113 58 04W L 3,800 $570,000 0 McCrea
63 Charles Creek MCC BLM MCD 08/10/06 08/11/06 45 30 18N 105 28 38W L 110 0 Venn
64 Twinkie (Burned into the Dovetail fire 08/11/06) LEC BLM LED 08/10/06 08/12/06 L 0 Pallas/Klemann
65 Smokey (Burned into the Twinkie fire 08/11/06) LEC BLM LED 08/10/06 08/12/06 47 19 00N 108 04 00W L Hawkaluk, Pallas/Klemann
66 Square Butte GDC MTS CES 08/10/06 08/12/06 47 25 47N 111 44 31W L 1,000 0 Anderson
67 Dovetail LEC MTS NES 08/10/06 08/12/06 47 18 00N 108 03 00W L 1,527 $203,000 0 Pallas/Klemann
68 Keep Cool HDC USFS HNF 08/10/06 08/17/06 47 01 56N 112 39 07W L 302 0 Kockler, Lindgren
69 Sand Basin DDC USFS BDF 08/13/06 08/25/06 46 12 26N 113 40 10W L 700 $2,200,000 0 Lambert, Grant(T2)
70 Danny BDC BIA NCA 08/15/06 08/17/06 45 34 15N 106 33 05W L 300 0 Spang
71 Sappington Junction DDC MTS CES 08/15/06 08/18/06 45 47 00N 111 53 00W NA 679 $350,500 0 Dykman/Degrosky, Williams
72 Peanut BDC BIA CRA 08/17/06 08/19/06 45 24 46N 107 38 14W L 709 Old Horn
73 Woody MCC MTS EAS 08/20/06 08/23/06 46 22 00N 105 36 00W L 1,657 0 Miller
74 Sun Dog FDC USFS FNF 08/21/06 10/12/06 48 40 48N 114 26 01W L 1,560 $3,500,000 0 Woods, Heintz(T2), Woods, Dardis
75 Holland Peak FDC USFS FNF 08/21/06 11/23/06 47 30 00N 113 36 20W L 1,840 $1,400,000 0 Reuter, Willits, Schmidtke, Gillespie, Benavidez, Heintz(T2), Gillespie
76 Emerald Hills BDC MTS SOS 08/22/06 08/25/06 45 47 36N 108 21 56W U 3,863 $766,537 3 McKinney, Bennett(T1)
77 Derby BZC USFS GNF 08/22/06 10/19/06 45 31 54N 109 56 02W L 199,500 $20,500,000 47 Bennett, McNitt(T2), Bennett(T1), Stanich(T1), Reid(T2), Sites
78 Trisha BDC BIA CRA 08/22/06 08/23/06 45 39 48N 108 08 12W U 1,446 $20,000 0 Old Horn
79 Murr Creek FDC MTS NWS 08/22/06 08/31/06 47 54 19N 114 48 59W L 343 $880,000 0 Merriman, Glaspey
80 Clarks Canyon DDC MTS CES 08/23/06 09/04/06 45 00 00N 112 45 00W H 15,400 $750,000 1 Copple/Marsh, Copple, Copple/Hahnkamp
81 Drag LEC BLM LED 08/24/06 08/27/06 47 23 00N 108 03 00W L 2,000 0 York
82 Jungle BZC USFS GNF 08/25/06 10/19/06 45 25 00N 110 28 52W L 24,070 $2,100,000 3 Allen, McNitt(T2), Cones(T2), Stanich(T1), Reid(T2)
83 Liscom Creek MCC MTS EAS 08/28/06 08/30/06 45 55 48N 105 59 15W U 4,417 0 Miller
84 Mission Lake GDC BIA BFA 08/28/06 08/28/06 48 34 55N 112 39 28W H 958 0 Little Dog
85 Hole in the Wall MCC USFS CNF 08/29/06 08/31/06 45 25 38N 106 18 51W H 256 0 Sundberg
86 Rattlesnake MCC BLM MCD 08/29/06 08/31/06 45 40 18N 105 05 29W H 1,356 0 Donahey
87 Ross Complex KDC USFS KNF 09/06/06 10/30/06 48 17 10N 115 57 40W L 815 $60,000 0 Johnson
88 Cigarette Rock GDC USFS LCF 09/09/06 09/22/06 47 23 30N 112 52 17W L 2,900 $117,000 0 McBratney, Weldon(T2), Smith
89 Soldier BDC BIA NCA 09/11/06 09/12/06 45 37 04W 106 37 49W L 103 0 Old Bear
90 Morgan MCC FWS CMR 09/11/06 09/13/06 47 37 14N 107 03 11W L 160 0 Haugen
Montana Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 814,382 $74,904,788 109
Fire Use
1 Mt. Aura BRC USFS BRF 07/13/06 10/24/06 45 51 44N 114 48 24W L 1,317 $7,750 0 Hoyt
2 Jenny Creek FDC USFS FNF 08/08/06 11/01/06 47 17 00N 113 16 00W L 1,020 0 Wirt, Clark, McBratney, Wirt
3 East Langdon BRC USFS BRF 08/07/06 10/24/06 L 1,893 $1,800 0 Hoyt
4 Bare Peak BRC USFS BRF 08/07/06 10/24/06 45 50 58N 114 24 49W L 1,370 $250 0 Hoyt
5 Lake of the Rocks BRC USFS BRF 08/08/06 10/24/06 45 52 03N 114 20 43W L 949 $11,200 0 Hoyt
6 13 Creek BRC USFS BRF 08/08/06 10/23/06 45 32 48N 114 44 00W L 560 $1,750 0 Hoyt
7 Tango Point FDC USFS FNF 08/11/06 11/01/06 47 31 45N 113 33 28W L 1,467 0 Wirt, McBratney, Wirt
8 Rival Creek (Incorporated into the Rival Nanny Complex 09/06/06) GDC USFS LCF 08/19/06 09/22/06 48 01 15N 112 47 13W L 0 Horn, Clark
9 Little West Fork (Burned into Bare Peak 08/24/06) BRC USFS BRF 08/07/06 10/24/06 45 50 51N 114 26 44W L Hoyt
10 Nanny Creek (Incorporated into the Rival Nanny Complex 09/06/06) GDC USFS LCF 08/20/06 09/22/06 48 01 01N 112 50 27W L 0 Horn
11 Rival Nanny Complex (Rival Creek and Nanny. Acreage breakdown not provided) GDC USFS LCF 09/06/06 09/22/06 48 01 15N 112 47 13W L 2,434 $610,000 0 Clark, Horn, Smith
12 Brushshack FDC USFS FNF 09/07/06 11/01/06 48 07 45N 113 18 00W L 702 0 McBratney, Wirt
13 Highrock FDC USFS FNF 09/07/06 11/01/06 47 39 18N 113 39 42W L 492 0 McBratney, Wirt
Montana Wildland Fire Use Totals 12,204 $632,750 0
MONTANA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 826,586 $75,537,538 109
  Wildland Fire       Start End*   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Riverdale Wood NDC NDS NDS 04/04/06 04/04/06 47 28 25N 101 25 08W H 1,725 0
2 Raging Hills NDC NDS NDS 04/05/06 04/06/06 48 16 32N 101 23 35W H 1,800 0
3 Emmons NDC NDS NDS 06/21/06 06/21/06 46 30 15N 100 18 15W H 600 0
4 Little Heart Bottoms NDC NDS NDS 06/27/06 07/01/06 46 41 50N 100 48 00W H 150 0
5 Fullers Lake NDC FWS VCR 11/20/06 11/22/06 47 18 00N 97 36 00W H 927 0
North Dakota Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 5,202 $0 0
Fire Use
North Dakota Wildland Fire Use Totals 0 $0 0
  Wildland Fire       Start End*         Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Stinky BZC NPS YNP 08/15/06 09/27/06 44 46 48N 110 04 25W L 1,010 $270,000 0 Klukas, Hafer, Majors
Yellowstone NP Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 1,010 $270,000 0
Fire Use
1 Magpie BZC NPS YNP 07/17/06 10/19/06 44 36 42N 110 43 41W L 3,235 $324,000 0 Perkins, Mitchell
Yellowstone NP Wildland Fire Use Totals 3,235 $324,000 0
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA   Estimated Structures  
Acres Costs Destroyed  
Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 882,958 $93,909,424 109
Wildland Fire Use Totals 34,243 $1,706,884 0
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES for 2006 917,201 $95,616,308 109
*= End Date      
(i.e. Contain, Control, Out or Final ICS-209 submitted)
** = CAUSES    
  H= Human Caused  
  L= Lightning Caused  
  U= Under Investigation  
  NA= Non-applicable (coal-seam, etc.)