


October 19-21, 1999

Quincy, MA

Members Attending: Ralph Alworth

Tom Boatner

Tom Bourn

Paul Broyles

Rich Caballero

Bob Leaverton

Tim Murphy

Mike Phillips

Phil Street

Glenn Wiltshire

Others Attending: Beth Spencer

                             Merrie Johnson (TWT Quals Liaison)

Steve Hart (TWT, 10/19 only)

Bill Leenhauts (FUWT, 10/19 only)


Roger Browning will no longer be on the team as the SE States Representative. Phil Street is transitioning with Mike Phillips as the FWS rep. Nate Shourd has been nominated by the BIA to replace Rich Caballero.


310-1 Interim Document

310-1 was put out for use for the 1999 fire season to determine if there were any fatal flaws in the document. Comments were received from NPS, USFWS, BLM, the NE States, and PNW/OR State. The comments were in the following categories:

  1. Confusion over use. (Document is for use for national mobilization)
  1. OJT vs. formalized training. (Cost of qualification)
  1. Position combination issues. (Fire Use vs. Fire suppression)

--Fire Use Manager/Incident Commander. Recommendation of FUWT to add the ICT2 as a prerequisite to Fire Use Manager. (Right now it is an "or" with Burn Boss). IOS WT agreed to this.

  1. Position specific recommendations.

--Contains skill and knowledge to do the assigned job. (The course is the only way to obtain technical information with uniformity and consistency.)

--FFT2. Currently S130 and S190/Arduous.

  1. Impact on participation in national mobilization. (Cost and time to maintain quals)
  1. Confusion between OJT trainees and Trainee assignments. (Same term being used for both)
  1. Confusion about agency responses vs. responses from GACC's. (Comments are supposed to come through the agencies, with state comments coming through NASF)

Other Specific Agency Comments on 310-1







RESPONSE TO AGENCY COMMENTS. Each IOS WT member will write a response to their agency regarding the submitted comments and forward to Beth in Word by the end of November. She will merge and forward to Bob for a cover letter.

310-1 Presentation to NWCG

We presented a summary of the process of 310-1 to date and what we had decided at this meeting. Asked NWCG for their approval and coordinated support of document and implementation. We also requested some support for Rich and his workload. He will submit last revision to NWCG to approve or not at their January meeting.

ICS Form 208/Site Safety Plan

Proposed by FIRESCOPE that form be available for everyone if they wish to use it. We discussed forwarding it to Safety Officers at our Reno meeting (May 1999). The Safety and Health WT rejected this form after our Point Reyes meeting (April 1998) as they felt agencies are responsible for this, not IMT's. Rather than submit to the Safety Officers, we will submit through the SHWT again for comment. Ralph will have FIRESCOPE submit a formal letter to Bob who will forward to the SHWT Chair with a cover letter.

GIS/Damage Inspection Tech Specialist Mnemonic

Rich will forward to Mnemonics Board to get a mnemonic for this position.

FIRESCOPE Glossary of Terms/1999 Field Operations Guide

Glossary distributed by Ralph for information. He will send Field Operations Guide to IOS WT members in both a small version and an 8 ½ x 11 camera-ready version.

ICS 209/Incident Status Summary

Three versions—the original, the version developed by the Western Great Basin, and a revised form from Ralph. Rich researched and found that the intelligence community is split on this issue. Rich will forward all three to the Intelligence Group at their next meeting. Forms review is not until 2002, but if it is important enough we can go ahead and do. Rich will follow up.

Safenet Process

For information. This is the Fire Ops Safety and Health Network. Developed following the TRIDATA study to create a safety communications system for ground health and safety issues. Currently the process is being finalized.

Urban Interface Skills Task Group Update

TWT has budgeted for SME's (fire department people and Dave Engles) to look at interface skills already in the PTB's and what needs to be in the courses based on the PTB's. S205 will be dissected and added to other classes.

NFPA 1051 Update

NFPA is updating standards for wildland qualifications system. Paul Broyles, John Roberts and Tim Murphy are all involved. Currently it looks at FFT1, FFT2, ICT4, although it may be extended to other positions. Tim and Paul are trying to ensure it does not conflict with 310-1 too much. Process began in June 1999 and is scheduled to be a two year process. Travel for Tim was approved in the IOS WT budget.

3 Year Out-year Planning

Requested by NWCG. Bob will write up and forward to Jim Stumpf with a cover letter:

--Long/Short team (2000-2001) $3000

--Type 2 Crew Standards (2000) $3000

--410-1 (2000-2002) $8000 in 2001 and $8000 in 2002

--OSD/Operational System Description (map for ICS) (2001-2002)

--Position Manuals (2000)

--Glossary of Terms (2001)

--Global Forms Review (2002)

--Interagency Fire Operations Standards (2000-2001) in conjunction with 410-1

--Interface Training Package (2001) TWT should pick up cost

--NFPA 1051 (2000-2001) $3000

Interagency Operations Guide

These were developed by agencies because of dissatisfaction with 410-1. If 410-1 is revised, these may not be needed. Agencies can always create their own supplements to 410-1. Future agenda item included with 410-1 review.

OSD/Operational System Description

Reno agenda item. The OSD was on our 10-year plan to review. Rich will mail the current OSD to the IOS WT members to look at.

Complexity Analysis

Rodger Vorce brought all the different complexity analyses to the Reno meeting. The goal is to have one complexity analysis that is valuable in 410-1. Deferred until some other issues are determined such as long team/short team, type 2 crews, ICS question. We will look at in conjunction with 410-1 review. Save the stuff from Rodger for now.

Type 2 Crew Issue

Tasked to us from NWCG. Includes the following issues:

--National Standards

--Type I Crew Standards (national). Paul will get copies.

--Willie Begay, SW Board. Mike or Bob will contact.

--Determine purpose—what are the crews going to be used for?

Long Team/Short Team Discussion

Tasked to us from NWCG. Need to look at Long and Short Team configuration: Fire vs. non-fire incidents, required positions, national standards, and other configurations. Issues include:

Need to get external input over the next couple of months from GACC's (Bob will include with type 2 crew letter), home agencies and IC's. Future agenda item.


ICS Evaluation Guide

ICS 230-3, ICS Evaluation Guide. Cindy Wolfe would like to discontinue it at PMS as it was only ordered 15 times last year. We will need to look at in conjunction with our overall review of ICS.

IOS WT Charter

Ralph recommended looking at our charter for the following: including recognizing the previous team name (ICS WT), expand the duties of the Executive Secretary, list the membership of the team and possibly add a vice-chair. Some of this may be a good attachment to the charter. NWCG may be looking at all the team charters for duplications, overlaps and contradictions. Future agenda item.

Executive Secretary

The new Executive Secretary will be Claudia Standish from the Santa Fe NF. Beth will attend the San Diego meeting to transition with her.


November 9, 1999 – Time TBA

December 14, 1999 – Time TBA

January 11, 2000 – Time TBA

Rich will schedule and let Beth know time and phone number.

All calls on Tuesdays


February 8-10, 2000 San Diego, CA

May 9-11, 2000 Whitefish, MT

October 31-November 3, 2000 Location TBA