Each year, the various land management agencies of the U. S. Government hire permanent and seasonal firefighters. Permanent positions in wildland firefighting are generally filled by career personnel within the agency who have an extensive background in natural resource management and fire management. However, seasonal positions are generally filled by non-career individuals who have the physical and mental ability capable of working in potentially hazardous conditions. Unfortunately, there is no one location which you can contact that handles employment for all of the agencies that plan to hire seasonal firefighters. Each agency, or more specifically, each Forest, Park, Refuge, etc, does their own seasonal hiring, oftentimes through a local Job Service office. If you are interested in finding employment as a wildland firefighter, it is best that you contact the Forest, Park, Refuge, etc. for the location in which you would like to work. They will know of what positions are available, when they will become available, or whether new hires will be made for a particular season.

Additional information on employment with specific agencies can be found at the following links: