Kentucky Interagency Coordination Center
Hosted by:
Daniel Boone NF Supervisor's Office
1700 Bypass Road
Winchester, KY  40391
Phone:  859-745-3171 or 3172
Fax:  859-744-7086


Predictive Services

Situation Reports: National - Southern - KY Div Forestry
WildWeb Info: KY-KIC and Other Coordination Centers

Fire Weather Information and Forecasts
(Fire Danger Info)

Pocket Cards
Daniel Boone NF - Spring & Fall
KY Division of Forestry
Spring: Eastern - KY River - Northeastern - Southeastern Districts

Fall: Eastern & Southeast Districts

Logistics / Dispatch
National Contracts - Buses - Crews - Aircraft & Other Resources
Aviation - Aviation Business System (ABS)
Equipment - VIPR and Preseason Agreement Info
Supplies - NFES Catalog - GBK Order Form
Overhead - ROSS Self Status & Southern Area Team Info

Tennessee-Kentucky Wildland Fire Academy

Texas Fire Academy
IFPM Qualifications Standards and Guide
NWCG Task Books
Southern Area Schedule
National Wildland Fire Training Site
National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
Aviation Centered Education (ACE)
Interagency Aviation Training

Forms / References
Incident Business Practices
Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (IIBMH)
Safety Management

Additional Links
Employment Information
National Interagency Fire Center
Southern Area Coordination Center
National Interagency Coordination Center
Geographic Area Coordination Centers
Smokey Bear Licensing Information
Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center

The Kentucky Interagency Coordination Center, also known as KICC, coordinates the mobilization of resources provided by cooperating federal and state agencies in the state of Kentucky to respond to incident needs throughout the United States.  Cooperating agencies include National Park Service, Forest Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Weather Service, and State Division of Forestry units.

Some of the services provided by KICC include:
  • Supporting National and International emergency response and fire prevention efforts.

  • Coordinating the effective use of emergency response resources available in Kentucky, including equipment, aircraft and personnel.

  • Providing vital communications between multiple agencies in emergency situations.

  • Supporting prescribed burning in the state of Kentucky through sharing of agency personnel, equipment, and other resources.

  • Monitoring and providing critical weather information regarding tropical storm development, wildfire potential and other natural disasters.

  • Supporting federal, state, and local emergency management organizations.

  • Coordinating and conducting training to meet standards developed by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group for Incident Management and Support Personnel.


Firefighter Foundation.
       Bureau of Land Management, Fire and Aviation Management Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fire Management  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fire Management     USDA Forest Service, Fire and Aviation  National Weather Service, Fire Weather    Office of Aircraft Services  National Association of State Foresters

Click on any of the icons above to visit the associated website.

 Page last updated on Friday, July 29, 2022 9:05 .