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- Interagency Fire Program Management (IFPM) » In 2004, Federal firefighting agencies identified 14 key firefighting positions and developed training, education, and experience requirements for each of these positions. Firefighters in these position must meet these National requirements by October 1, 2009. This Web site has been created to provide information on these requirements.
- CA ROSS » This site is designed to support the California Resource and Ordering Status System (ROSS) user community with the latest updates and information pertaining specifically to California.
- McClellan Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center » The Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center (WFTC) resides at the McClellan Business Park, formerly McClellan Air Force Base. The WFTC was created to implement National Fire Plan direction for the accelerated development and training of wildland firefighters. WFTC provides classroom and meeting facilities for agency and public non-commercial functions.WFTC is home to the Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program.
- Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Academy » The National Interagency Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program is an accredited, educational program designed to enhance and develop future Fire and Aviation Managers. The apprentice is required to successfully complete a residential four-week Basic Academy, a prescribed program of Technically Related Supplemental Training, supervised on-the-job training, and an additional residential four-week Advanced Academy.
- S-490 Student Information »This area contains references, information, and publications directly pertaining to student participation in advanced Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations.
- Aviation Safety Management School » This certificate program is designed to provide students with a firm foundation in aviation safety principles and practices underlying emergency response aviation. Through the values of leadership, teamwork and ethics students will learn current and emerging aviation safety management priciples and technologies.
- R5 Wildland Fire Training Site » This site enables access to the California Geographic Area Interagency Wildland Fire Training program. There are six Training Centers that serve the Wildland Fire training needs of the California Geographic Area. The California schedule is located here. The schedule contains pertinent information about courses, workshops and meetings being offered in California. All training center schedules will be updated with the new training year by the end of August of each year.
- National Wildland Fire Training Site » This site enables access to Local Area, Geographic Area, National, and other related Interagency Wildland Fire Training information. The home page also contains current training news and a comment section. Allows a user to select a specific geographic area to access information on the area workshops, meetings, and other courses; names of nominees selected; names of students successfully completing courses; course logistical information; current news; and other pertinent geographic area information. Search nationally for interagency schedule of courses which allows a user to query by various topics and complete a nomination form electronically.
- National Prescribed Fire Training Site » The National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center (NIPFTC) is a unique program blending maximum field prescribed burning experience with a flexible curriculum of instruction on topics of interest to prescribed fire practitioners. Attendees will have the opportunity to complete portions of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) approved prescribed fire task books under the guidance of invited specialists.
- Interagency Aviation Training »This system is made up of 36 modules of specific aviation-related subject matter. Each subject module is designed to stand alone or can be combined with other modules to create a course-like approach. Any module may be presented in an instructor-led classroom setting regardless of format. This allows agency employees to take only those subjects necessary to do their job.
- National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) » The group provides a formalized system to agree upon standards of training, equipment, qualifications, and other operational functions.
Pacific Southwest Region
Training Publications
National Training Information