2015 NRGA Year-to-Date Large Wildland Fires > 100 acres By State
(As reported via the National ICS-209 Program)
As of: 12/31/15
            Start End**         Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Blue FSPC/ MON GVC USFS NCF 06/27/15 07/13/15 45 31 18N 115 24 10W L 325 $4,500,000 0 Pearson(T2), Lever
2 Bailey (Incorporated into Wilderness Complex 8/21) PZP GVC USFS NCF 06/13/15 11/05/15 46 12 03N 114 54 22W L Roach, Agbalog, Norwood, Aguire, Leidenfrost, Decker
3 Granite FSPC CDC USFS IPF 07/01/15 07/17/15 48 41 43N 117 01 38W L 207 $1,380,638 0 Corbitt, Weeks
4 Cape Horn FSPC CDC IDS POS 07/05/15 07/17/15 48 00 30N 116 30 54W U 1,326 $6,077,803 14 Hicks, Svancara, Fry(T2), Mandell
5 Meeker (Incorporated into Wilderness Complex 8/21) PZP GVC USFS NCF 07/11/15 08/21/15 46 07 04N 115 00 31W L 0 Aguirre, Crandall, Decker
6 Rock Point (Incorporated into Wilderness Complex 8/21) PZP GVC USFS NCF 07/17/15 11/05/15 46 06 50N 114 35 26W L Wimer, Boldman, Pergolski
7 Green (Incorporated into Motorway Complex 8/19) MON GVC USFS NCF 07/23/15 11/19/15 46 24 45N 115 27 53W L Daugherty
8 Parker Ridge CON/PZP/ FSPC CDC USFS IPF 07/29/15 11/05/15 48 54 25N 116 32 02W L 6,675 $3,876,000 0 Barrett, Weeks, Gidley
9 3 Sisters FSPC CDC IDS POS 08/04/15 08/11/15 48 00 51N 116 32 45W U 209 $2,458,000 0 Svancara
10 Army Mule (incorporated into the SB Wilderness Complex on 9/2) PZP GVC USFS NCF 08/04/15 10/29/15 46 20 45N 114 50 10W L 0 Young
11 Lawyer 2 (Incorporated into the Lawyer Complex 8/11) FSPC GVC IDS MCS 08/10/15 09/09/15 46 13 22N 116 07 52W L Housler
12 Baldy (Incorporated into the Elk City Complex 8/29) FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/10/15 10/29/15 45 55 34N 115 42 52W L Dueitt(T1)
13 Clearwater/Municipal Complex (Lawyer 2 41,195 acres; Municipal 1,770 acres; Fisher 18,889 acres; Lolo 2 6,200 acres; Old Greer 73 acres) FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/10/15 09/09/15 46 13 22N 116 08 00W L 68,127 $25,175,905 118 Poncin(T1)/Fry(T2)/Staats(T2), Wilkins(T1), Bryant
14 Lawyer Complex (Incorporated into the Clearwater Complex 8/18) FSPC GVC IDS MCS 08/11/15 09/09/15 46 13 22N 116 08 10W L Fry(T2)
15 Marble Creek (Incorporated in to the Avery Complex 8/28) FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/11/15 11/05/15 47 11 25N 116 01 51W L 0 Almas, Mandell
16 Boulder (Incorporated into the Jay Pt 9/5) PZP/ FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/11/15 10/30/15 46 39 44N 114 43 40W L 0 Poncin(T1)
17 Last Inch FSPC GVC IDS CTS 08/12/15 09/15/15 46 58 35N 115 59 58W L 689 $2,361,135 0 Young, Trudeau, Schenk(T2), Kathrein
18 North Grizzly (Incorporated into Grizzly Complex 8/17) MON CDC USFS IPF 08/12/15 11/05/15 47 44 00N 116 07 51W U 0 Day
19 Deadwood Mountain (incorporated into the Elk City Complex 8/24) CON GVC USFS NCF 08/12/15 10/29/15 45 45 16N 115 34 38W L 0 Karuzas
20 Scotchman Peak (Incorporated into the Clark Fork Complex 8/18) MON/FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/13/15 11/13/15 48 10 56N 116 03 48W L 0 Olson, Swenson
21 Big Lost FSPC CDC IDS PDS 08/13/15 08/23/15 46 57 46N 116 42 03W U 840 $1,000,000 0 Svancara
22 Not Creative FSPC CDC IDS CAS 08/13/15 08/19/15 47 34 30N 116 27 33W L 135 $1,300,000 0 Verlanic, Fry(T2)
23 Slide (Incorporated into the Selway Complex 8/21) FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/13/15 10/29/15 46 05 59N 115 26 45W L Kusicko(T2)
24 Clark Fork Complex (Whitetail 1,859 acres; Scotchman Peak 2,057 acres; Marten Creek 5 acres) CON/PZP/FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/13/15 11/13/15 48 08 44N 116 10 59W L 3,921 $3,049,102 0 Olson, Swenson, Hutton(WFMT), Morgan, Tucker
25 Wash (Incorporated into the Selway Complex 8/29) FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/13/15 10/29/15 46 04 41N 115 24 20W L 0 Dueitt(T1)
26 Municipal (11 structures destroyed 8/14, Incorporated into the Municipal Complex 8/18) FSPC GVC IDS CTS 08/14/15 09/09/15 46 29 18N 116 15 37W H Handel
27 Whitetail (Incorporated into the Clark Fork Complex 8/17) MON CDC USFS IPF 08/14/15 11/13/15 48 00 32N 116 09 45W L 0
28 Motorway Complex (Pete Forks 7,993 acres; Snowy Summit 6,523 acres; Woodrat 6,459 acres; Fourbit Creek 1,545 acres; Green 1,080 acres; Mussellshell Creek 821 acres; Eldorado 2 404 acres; Higgins Hump 325 acres; Yoosa 321 acres; Frenchman 288 acres; Footrot 208 acres; Walde 2 161 acres; Mystery 2 111 acres; Big Hill 107 acres; Walde 3 102 acres; Frenchman Butte 82 acres; Lost Hat 79 acres; Jungle Pt 48 acres; Walde 1 26 acrers; Austin Ridge 5 acres; Hemlock Ridge 1 acre; Dollar 1 acre; 535 1 acre) MON GVC USFS NCF 08/14/15 10/19/15 46 25 21N 115 36 06W L 26,691 $16,351,732 0 Rogers, Kusicko(T2), Poncin(T1), Ruggiero(T1), Rogers
29 Upper Priest MON CDC USFS IPF 08/14/15 11/13/15 48 57 48N 116 57 24W L 125 $16,000 1 Palfrey, Morris, Palfrey, Clemenson
30 Lochsa South Complex (Sponge 5,100 acres; Airstrip 1,425 acres; Fire Creek 1,044 acres; Lone Lake 627 acres; Horse Camp 605 acres; Grit 509 acres; Lone Knob 433 acres; Big Stew 192 acres; Cantelope 40 acres; Flea Ridge 30 acres; Fire Lake 1 acre) MON GVC USFS NCF 08/15/15 10/22/15 46 20 21N 115 09 57W L 10,006 $62,500 0 Rogers/Young
31 Crater (Incorporated into the Avery Complex 8/28) MON/PZP CDC USFS IPF 08/15/15 11/05/15 47 10 12N 115 39 00W L 0 Wolvert, Juvan
32 Grizzly Complex (South Bobtail 8,349 acres; Lower Flat 8,280 acres; North Grizzly 5,298 acres; White Rock Creek 2,287 acres; Grassy Mountain 860 acres; Steep Creek 479 acres; Downey 21 acres; Murray Peak 5 acres; Bennett Peak 3 acres; Pond Peak 1 acre; Taylor Saddle 1 acre) PZP/FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/16/15 11/05/15 47 46 42N 116 06 40W L 25,584 $5,700,000 0 Day, Fry(T2) , Day, Pearson
33 Red River Complex (4 structures destroyed 8/29, Incorporated into the Selway/Elk City/Red River Complex 9/05) MON/CON GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/29/15 45 40 00N 115 20 00W L 0 Lundgren, Dueitt(T1)
34 Elk City Complex (Incorporated into the Selway/Elk City/Red River Complex 9/04) MON/PZP/ FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/29/15 45 55 34N 115 42 52W L 0 Dueitt(T1)
35 Snow Peak Complex (Chicadee 6,750 acres; Basin Creek 423 acres; Ruby Point 301 acres; Caribou 212 acres; Salt Pork 188 acres; Birthday 158 acres; Game 34 acres; Lightning Ridge 25 acres; Trail 55 15 acres) MON/PZP CDC USFS IPF 08/17/15 11/05/15 47 02 44N 115 37 59W L 8,107 $226,000 0 Juvan
36 Larkin Complex (Snow Creek 3,309 acres; Heather 2,200 acres; Wolf 2 1,3856 acres; Minnesota 512 acres; Roaring 190 acres; Platinum 25 acres; Upper Twin 36 acres; Avalanche 1 acre; Twin 1 acre) PZP GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/23/15 46 55 43N 115 27 34W L 7,659 $78,000 0 Lubke, Marvin, Roach
37 Jay Pt/Boulder (Jay Pt 4,733 acres; Boulder 5,011 acres) PZP/FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/30/15 46 29 55N 114 45 27W L 9,744 $2,002,000 1 Young, Jones, Poncin(T1), Ruggiero(T1), Jones, Cichowski, Young
38 Selway Complex (1 structure destroyed 8/26, Incorporated into the Selway/Elk City/Red River Complex 9/04) MON/CON/ FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/29/15 46 06 19N 115 02 24W L 0 Scheaffer, Kusicko(T2), Dueitt (T1)
39 Selway/Elk City/Red River Complex (Noble 40,000 acres; Wash 36,555 acres; Slide 10,296 acres; Baldy 6,879 acres; Deadwood Mtn 133 acres; Gedney 100 acres; Wart 8 acres) MON/CON/PZP/FSPC GVC USFS NCF 08/17/15 10/29/15 46 06 19N 115 02 24W L 94,921 $16,000,000 6 Dueitt(T1), Lundgren
40 Municipal Complex (12 structures reported lost 8/19, incorporated into the Clearwater/Municipal Complex 9/1) FSPC GVC IDS CTS 08/18/15 09/09/15 46 28 02N 116 14 22W H Wilkins(T1)
41 Wolf Pack Complex (Incorporated into Larkin Complex 8/23) PZP GVC USFS NCF 08/19/15 10/23/15 46 48 55N 115 21 28W L 0 Lubke
42 Wilderness Complex (Roll Creek 7,856 acres; Army Mule 6,800 acres; Meeker 2,406 acres; Bailey 1,527 acres; Barren 1,205 acres; Wahoo 650 acres; Rock Point 250 acres; Dolph 1 acre) MON/CON/ PZP GVC USFS NCF 08/21/15 11/05/15 46 12 03N 114 54 22W L 20,695 $283,500 0 na
43 Scurvy Mtn PZP GVC USFS NCF 08/21/15 10/23/15 46 40 40N 115 07 46W L 527 $10,000 0 Lubke, Marvin, Lubke, Marvin, Roach, Peterson
44 Monument FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/21/15 09/10/15 47 43 14N 116 25 49W L 618 $645,000 0 Case, Zufelt, Feltman, Zufelt
45 Steep Creek (Incorporated into the Grizzly Complex 8/30) MON CDC USFS IPF 08/22/15 11/05/15 47 40 39N 116 15 13W L 0 Meadows, German
46 Pretty (Incorporated into the Avery Complex 8/28) MON CDC USFS IPF 08/20/15 11/05/15 47 12 19N 115 22 35W L Juvan
47 Avery Complex (Pretty 273 acres Marble Creek 2,827 acres; Crater 399 acres; Breezy 1,250 acres) FSPC CDC USFS IPF 08/27/15 11/05/15 47 16 16N 116 11 03W L 4,749 $8,161,000 0 Mandell, Rosenthal(T2), Anderson, North, Scheel, Juvan
NR IDAHO WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 291,880 $100,714,315 140
            Start End**   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Hercules FSPC MCC CNTY LG14 03/12/15 03/15/15 46 00 42N 105 20 13W U 3,364 $59,900 0 Hartse
2 North Fork FSPC BDC CNTY LG03 03/22/15 03/23/15 46 19 05N 107 39 01W H 1,384 $10,000 0 Mothershead
3 Bringoff FSPC MCC CNTY LG29 03/22/15 03/24/15 45 42 41N 106 15 20W N 4,094 $63,160 0 Unified Command
4 West Fork Road FSPC BDC USFS CGF 03/28/15 04/06/15 45 09 05N 109 19 32W H 398 $219,000 0 Stockwell, Fosness
5 Pinecrest FSPC BDC MTS SOS 03/28/15 04/01/15 45 37 56N 109 06 39W U 2,914 $370,000 5 Hamilton
6 Andresen FSPC BDC CNTY LG03 03/28/15 03/30/15 46 03 26N 107 32 53W U 500 $10,000 0 Mothershead
7 Sunset FSPC BDC CNTY LG23 03/28/15 03/30/15 46 24 33N 108 01 21W U 1,700 $5,000 2 Hagstrom
8 CA Road FSPC BDC BLM BID 03/28/15 04/07/15 46 02 50N 108 17 05W H 2,043 $45,000 0 Elhers/Cullum, Carpenter/Philbin, Stratton
9 Slough FSPC MCC CNTY LG29 03/28/15 03/30/15 45 42 13N 106 47 59W N 4,500 $5,000 0 Blankenship/Dresbach
10 Sheep Draw FSPC MCC BLM MCD 03/28/15 04/03/15 45 23 28N 103 55 17W U 13,949 $450,000 4 Strain, Griffee
11 Moonshine FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/01/15 04/07/15 45 33 55N 103 14 04W H 2,829 $600,000 0 Lipp, Culbreth
12 Pinto FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/04/15 04/05/15 45 13 17N 105 43 38W N 148 $5,000 0 Bloxham
13 Cabin FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/14/15 04/15/15 45 40 29N 106 04 28W H 390 $30,000 0 Brooks
14 Straight FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/19/15 04/28/15 45 41 50N 106 00 49W N 191 $5,000 0 Brooks
15 Six Mile FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/22/15 04/28/15 46 05 39N 106 09 19W H 336 $5,000 0 Hartse
16 Colbert FSPC MCC BLM MCD 04/23/15 04/28/15 45 40 27N 106 12 48W N 213 $5,000 0 Dolbear
17 Piller Creek FSPC BDC CNTY LG03 06/18/15 06/19/15 46 02 31N 108 02 47W L 108 $2,000 0 Midgley
18 Bridge FSPC MCC BLM MCD 06/22/15 06/24/15 47 14 31N 107 54 46W L 100 $200,000 0 Hertel
19 Glacier Rim CON KIC USFS FNF 06/27/15 07/08/15 48 30 00N 114 08 05W U 101 $1,600,000 0 West
20 Double E FSPC MCC BLM MCD 06/28/15 06/29/15 45 39 01N 106 10 59W N 125 $45,000 0 Bloxham
21 3 C Bar FSPC GDC BIA BFA 06/30/15 07/02/15 48 38 23N 112 54 21W H 473 $0 0 Gallineaux
22 Alex Camp Road FSPC LEC BLM LED 07/02/15 07/10/15 47 26 18N 108 05 20W L 5,750 $1,115,714 0 Plagenz, Crawford
23 Graveyard FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/02/15 07/05/15 46 13 27N 106 06 51W U 350 $65,000 0 Peterson
24 Belle CON/ FSPC LEC FWS CMR 07/08/15 07/12/15 47 41 50N 107 41 03W L 346 $111,566 0 Forsythe, Granger, Hill
25 Bales FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/11/15 07/16/15 45 01 49N 106 07 19W L 5,738 $800,000 2 Harding, Buckalew/Ragsdale, Hamilton
26 South Sarpy FSPC BDC CNTY LG22 07/12/15 07/13/15 45 46 51N 107 09 23W L 5,040 $600,000 0 Redden, Johnson, Francis
27 Cabin Gulch FSPC HDC USFS HNF 07/21/15 07/27/15 46 20 06N 111 13 35W U 1,616 $2,600,000 0 Beagley, Thompson(T2)
28 Reynolds FSPC KIC NPS GNP 07/21/15 09/10//15 48 40 01N 113 38 40W U 4,850 $12,880,000 2 Huntsberger, Poncin(T1), Young, Lewelling, Singer
29 MM 26 FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/21/15 07/22/15 46 22 25N 105 26 32W U 303 $100,000 0 Hartse
30 Dean S FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/23/16 07/24/15 46 22 32N 105 40 18W L 250 $350,000 0 Hartse
31 Missouri River FSPC LEC BLM LED 07/25/15 07/27/15 47 51 06N 110 33 56W H 423 $50,000 0 Hayner
32 Beaver FSPC BDC CNTY LG40 07/26/15 07/27/15 46 03 05N 109 45 40W U 1,539 $20,000 0 Leary
33 Muddy Creek Two FSPC MCC BIA NCA 07/25/15 08/01/15 45 32 56N 106 43 48W L 2,322 $1,631,128 0 OldBear, McCrayLeach(T2)
34 Pine Ridge FSPC BDC BIA CRA 07/26/15 08/03/15 45 37 28N 107 23 15W L 1,778 $65,000 0 Bright Wings, Big Hair, Little Wolf Jr, Pretty Weasel
35 5 mile FSPC BDC CNTY LG03 07/27/15 07/29/15 46 11 35N 107 36 01W U 627 $20,000 0 Johnson
36 Sayle FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/28/15 07/30/15 45 10 14N 106 01 37W L 279 $10,000 0 Buckalew
37 Charlie FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/29/15 07/30/05 45 44 25N 106 46 18W L 2,264 $500,000 0 Dresbach
38 Chalky Butte FSPC MCC BLM MCD 07/31/15 08/01/15 45 43 04N 106 46 50W U 3,490 $550,000 0 Dresbach
88 Bray Gulch (incorporated in the Holter Lake Complex 8/31) FSPC HDC MTS CES 08/01/15 09/05/15 47 00 08N 111 57 38W U 0 Hamilton
39 Three Sisters MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/03/15 10/22/15 47 47 59N 113 04 32W L 487 $15,000 0 unstaffed
40 Thompson (incorporated in the Thompson Divide Complex 8/17) CON/PZP KIC NPS GNP 08/09/15 10/30/15 48 32 38N 113 36 57W U 0 Woody, Kaber, Leach(T2)
41 Sucker Creek FSPC HDC USFS HNF 08/10/15 11/02/15 47 00 45N 112 38 03W L 3,060 $2,100,000 0 Bales(T2), Kurtz, Smith
42 Weigel (incorporated in NE Kootenai Complex 8/24) FSPC KDC MTS NWS 08/11/15 08/24/15 48 26 29N 115 02 02W L Smestad, Pearson(T2)
43 Marston (incorporated in NE Kootenai Complex 8/18) MON/PZP/ FSPC KDC USFS KNF 08/11/15 08/18/15 48 45 00N 114 48 59W L 0 McDole, Pearson(T2)
44 Dry Creek FSPC GDC BIA BFA 08/12/15 08/15/15 48 18 10N 112 44 19W L 335 $25,000 0 Dwarf
45 Bear Creek CON/PZP/FSPC KIC USFS FNF 08/12/15 10/29/15 47 50 50N 113 35 21W L 69,435 $3,300,000 2 Huntsberger, Reed, Rova, Flint, Counts
46 Spotted Eagle (incorporated in the Family Peak Complex 8/18) MON/CON/PZP GDC USFS LCF 08/12/15 10/22/15 48 10 18N 113 03 23W L 0 Brooks
47 Trail Creek PZP/CON KIC USFS FNF 08/12/15 10/29/15 47 56 48N 113 25 45W L 21,566 $550,000 0 Carbonari, Huntsberger, Rova, Flint, Counts
48 Miner Creek (merged into the Trail Creek fire 8/29) MON KIC USFS FNF 08/12/15 10/29/15 47 59 29N 113 20 45W L 0 unstaffed
49 Star Gulch (incorporated in Clark Fork Complex 8/23) PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/13/15 11/13/15 48 07 08N 115 52 24W U 0 Hutton(WFMT)
50 Family Peak Complex (Spotted Eagle, Muskrat Pass and Mount Poia merged into 1 fire on 8/30) MON/PZP/ FSPC GDC USFS LCF 08/13/15 10/22/15 48 10 18N 113 03 23W L 53,890 $4,205,000 0 Brooks, Owen, Bales(T2), Turman(T1), Brooks, Inabnit
51 Scotchmans Gulch FSPC DDC USFS BDF 08/13/15 08/30/15 46 24 51N 113 36 09W L 210 $1,800,000 0 Hennager, Thompson(T2), Lambert
52 Wildhorse Point FSPC MDC MTS SWS 08/13/15 08/25/15 46 56 44N 114 18 49W L 133 $1,500,000 0 Parks, Elmstrom
53 Napolean 1 PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/13/15 10/29/15 48 06 25N 115 50 52W L 8,967 $1,095,170 0 Smestad, Russell(T2), Krick
54 Fire Mountain PZP BRC USFS BRF 08/14/15 11/05/15 45 48 14N 114 47 00W L 500 $5,400 0 DeMoss
55 Twin Creek FSPC KDC MTS NWS 08/14/15 08/22/15 48 04 09N 114 57 07W L 102 $400,000 0 Glaspey, King
56 Berray Mountain (incorporated in Goat Rock Complex 9/28) MON KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 11/12/15 48 08 40N 115 50 39W U Krick
57 Hamilton (incorporated in Clark Fork Complex 8/21, merged with Napolean 1 8/22) PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 11/13/15 48 08 32N 115 52 52W L Hutton(WFMT)
58 Eustis FSPC HDC MTS CES 08/14/15 08/18/15 46 03 19N 111 26 32W L 8,721 $625,000 0 Ward, Hamilton
59 Klatawa (incorporated in Goat Rock Complex 8/21) MON/PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 11/12/15 48 18 06N 115 42 03W L Sunell, Russell(T2)
60 Melton 1 FSPC MDC BIA FHA 08/14/15 09/06/15 47 25 44N 114 23 28W L 3,073 $960,000 0 McCrea, Blackbear, Malatare
61 Morrell Complex (Richmond Ridge 625 acres; North Richmond 240 acres; Richmond Ridge 2 5 acres) CON/PZP/ FSPC MDC USFS LNF 08/14/15 11/06/15 47 18 46N 113 30 59W L 870 $3,200,000 0 Robison, Grant(T2), Gibbons, Burnett, Dana, Reneau
62 Cabin Creek FSPC DDC MTS CES 08/14/15 08/20/15 45 05 10N 112 28 43W L 882 $80,000 0 Johnson, Bryers
63 Lay Creek FSPC MCC BLM MCD 08/14/15 08/15/15 45 41 49N 106 24 38W N 204 $5,000 0 Dresbach
64 Flat Creek (merged with Trail Creek on 8/21) CON KIC USFS FNF 08/14/15 08/21/15 47 57 38N 113 29 52W U Huntsberger
65 Tepee Mountain FSPC KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 10/16/15 48 39 23N 115 56 24W L 1,018 $1,473,302 0 Newton, Erickson, Bernard, Erickson, Hammack, Erickson, Hammack, Erickson
66 Poplar Point (incorporated in Goat Rock Complex 8/21) MON KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 11/12/15 48 09 30N 115 44 24W L Russell
67 West Fork Fish Creek PZP MDC USFS LNF 08/14/15 11/04/15 46 52 22N 114 50 58W L 13,500 $5,100,000 3 Hayes, Thompson(T2), Airhart, Fiaella, Heisler
68 Moose Ridge MON/CON/PZP GDC USFS LCF 08/14/15 11/05/15 47 44 18N 112 57 23W L 9,863 $255,000 0 Owen, Bales(T2), Turman(T1), Sherer, Yarrow, Hamlen, Yarrow, Brooks, Owen, Sherer
69 Government MON/PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/14/15 10/29/15 48 03 43N 115 47 17W L 376 $30,130 0 Russell(T2), Krick
70 Milk Creek (merged into the Trail Creek fire 8/29) MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/14/15 08/29/15 47 57 19N 113 17 50W L 0
71 Trophy Ridge FSPC LEC CNTY LG08 08/15/15 08/20/15 47 20 02N 108 21 51W L 4,496 $242,000 3 Kendrick, Seiderholm
72 Richards Coulee FSPC MCC BLM MCD 08/15/15 08/16/15 45 48 17N 106 46 03W L 1,967 $40,000 0 Dresbach
73 Reservation Creek FSPC MCC BIA NCA 08/15/15 08/19/15 45 40 38N 106 24 21W L 1,000 $10,000 0 Wolf
74 Sawtooth MON/FSPC KDC USFS KNF 08/15/15 11/12/15 48 10 22N 115 58 07W L 2,680 $12,171 0 Hubbell, Hutton(WFMT), Russell(T2), Bernall, Macy
75 North East Kootenai Complex (Marston 7,000 acres; Barnaby 60 acres; Sunday 60 acres) CON/PZP/ FSPC KDC USFS KNF 08/16/15 11/12/15 48 44 12N 114 52 02W L 7,120 $6,958,202 0 Pearson(T2), Holguin, McDole
76 Youngs Creek MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/17/15 10/22/15 47 16 52N 113 19 03W L 752 $10,000 0 Unstaffed
77 Thompson Divide Complex (Thompson 18,847 acres; Sheep 2,205 acres; Granite 913 acres; Spruce 3 acres) CON/PZP/FSPC KIC NPS GNP 08/17/15 10/30/15 48 29 39N 113 58 50W L 21,968 $7,242,945 0 Leach(T2), Thompson, Hannan, Nichols, Wren, Otto, Wren
78 Crooked Creek FSPC LEC BLM MCD 08/20/15 08/22/15 47 25 45N 108 04 35W H 1,107 $166,408 0 Hayner
79 Goat Rock Complex (Berray Mountain 4,966 acres; Klatawa 4,681 acres; Chippewa - merged with Poplar Point 1,570 acres; Dad 70 acres; Vimy 43 acres; Pine Ridge 1 acre) MON/PZP KDC USFS KNF 08/20/15 11/12/15 48 18 06N 115 42 03W L 11,331 $4,741,510 0 Russell(T2), Jeresek/Krick, Cooper/Krick
80 Bear Lake FSPC/ MON DDC USFS BDF 08/20/15 11/13/15 45 30 55N 113 14 43W L 6,313 $3,600,000 0 Yagger, Bentley(T2), Henson, White
81 Spring Lake MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/21/15 10/22/15 47 40 45N 113 12 16W L 993 $8,000 0
82 Squeezer FSPC MDC MTS NWS 08/22/15 09/21/15 47 43 48N 113 44 16W L 114 $1,133,650 0 King, Edwards, King Glenn, Dickinson
83 Benchmark FSPC GDC USFS LCF 08/24/15 09/06/15 47 29 32N 112 54 04W L 48 $550,000 0 Hoover, Bales(T2), Turman(T1)
84 Mt Silcox FSPC MDC USFS LNF 08/25/15 09/06/15 47 38 59N 115 16 30W L 100 $280,000 0 Airhart, Kazmierczak
85 Lena Lake MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/26/15 10/29/15 47 27 44N 113 29 12W L 1,175 $50,000 0 Unstaffed
86 Little Joe FSPC/CON/PZP MDC USFS LNF 08/27/15 09/28/15 47 14 29N 115 14 59W L 207 $700,000 0 Seielstad, Cotter, Perrin
87 Sheep Mountain MON/CON/PZP GDC USFS LCF 08/26/15 11/05/15 47 36 55N 112 57 16W L 2,895 $2,294,000 0 Bales(T2), Turman(T1), Sherer, Hamlen, Brooks, Owen, Sherer
88 Hart Lake MON/PZP KIC USFS FNF 08/28/15 10/06/15 47 52 23N 113 05 39W L 144 $2,000 0 Unstaffed
89 Willow FSPC BZC USFS CGF 08/28/15 09/11/15 45 45 17N 110 46 32W L 116 $537,000 0 MCClanahan, Ray
90 Holter Complex FSPC HDC MTS CES 08/30/15 09/05/15 47 00 08N 111 57 38W L 748 $1,700,000 0 Hamilton
91 Hubbard FSPC MCC BLM MCD 08/31/15 09/02/15 47 37 40N 107 04 32W L 125 $30,000 0 Dolbear, Beck
92 Fox MON BRC USFS BRF 09/01/15 11/05/15 45 54 44N 114 35 23W L 300 $2,850 0 Elmore, DeMoss, Lewis
93 Klondike MON/FSPC HDC USFS HNF 09/13/15 11/02/15 47 02 25N 112 45 36W L 550 $150,000 0 Kurtz, Russell, Kurtz
94 Arrowhead FSPC BDC CNTY LG32 09/19/15 09/23/15 45 39 39N 109 22 51W H 663 $70,000 4 Cowger
95 Cedar Peak FSPC/MON KIC USFS FNF 09/24/15 10/21/15 47 39 40N 113 55 09W U 121 $75,000 0 Gidley
96 Bar Diamond FSPC BDC CNTY LG03 09/26/15 09/27/15 45 53 41N 108 38 41W H 464 $15,000 0 Openshaw
97 Smearl FSPC KDC USFS KNF 10/05/15 11/12/15 48 14 09N 115 36 22W U 177 $700,000 0 Rider, Cooper, Alexander
98 Cottonwood Gulch FSPC BZC CNTY LG06 10/11/15 10/14/15 45 55 28N 111 25 23W H 8,300 $165,000 1 Hamilton, Archie
99 Red Rock FSPC DDC MTS CES 10/12/15 10/16/15 44 39 41N 112 02 16W U 1,181 $100,000 0 Copple, Gusterson
100 Valley Road FSPC GDC BIA FBA 12/09/15 12/11/15 48 27 55N 108 38 51W H 2,000 $40,000 0 Messerly, McCrea
MONTANA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 353,171 $83,552,206 28
            Start End**   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Ridge Road FSPC NDC USFS DPF 04/14/15 04/16/15 48 03 21N 103 03 56W H 3,000 $60,000 0 Knudtson, Pfahler
2 Rebel FSPC NDC BIA FTA 04/15/15 04/30/15 47 58 23N 98 52 01W H 416 2 Estey
            Start End**         Estimated Structures Incident
  Wildland Fire Kind* Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause*** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Spruce MON BZC NPS YNP 09/09/15 10/29/15 44 34 24N 110 35 17W L 2,594 $67,000 0 Mayer, Lannan, Opperman
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA   Estimated Structures  
Acres Costs Destroyed  
2015 NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 651,061 $184,393,521 170
* = Kind             ** = End Date    
              (i.e. Contain, Control, Out or Final ICS-209 submitted)
FSPC = Full Suppression Strategy (Perimeter Control)     *** = CAUSES      
PZP = Point or Zone Protection Strategy (Limited Perimeter Control)   H= Human Caused    
CON = Confine Strategy           L= Lightning Caused    
MON = Monitor Strategy           U= Under Investigation    
              NA= Non-applicable (coal-seam, etc.)