2007 NRGA Year-to-Date Large Wildland Fires > 100 acres By State
(As reported via the National ICS-209 Program)
As of: 12/31/2007
  Wildland Fire       Start End*         Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Dry Creek GVC IDS CMS 06/29/07 07/07/07 45 50 43N 116 45 51W L 5,700 $1,368,000 0 Hawkins, Cowin(T2)
2 Coyote Creek GVC BIA NPT 07/13/07 07/18/07 46 26 48N 116 50 22W H 3,000 $35,000 1 Holt
3 Chimney Complex GVC IDS CMS 07/13/07 08/17/07 46 02 48N 116 55 00W L 51,000 $7,409,000 7 Hawkins, Cowin(T2), Tevebaugh, King
4 Rattlesnake (See Concord and Concord WFU for additional information) GVC USFS NPF 07/13/07 11/20/07 45 25 51N 115 39 23W L 100,600 $17,800,000 8 Lundgren, Turman(T2), Secrest(T2), Cowin(T2), Grant(T2), Goicoa
5 Poe Cabin GVC IDS CMS 07/18/07 10/17/07 45 41 39N 116 28 40W L 58,520 $15,400,000 12 Rasmussen, Stanich(T1), Sciacca(T2), Benefeld/Reidy(T2), Hunt, Campbell
6 Elm Street Complex CDC USFS IPF 07/13/07 07/25/07 47 07 01N 116 13 14W L 107 $989,800 0 Handel
7 Concord (This previously reported WFU incident was declared a Wildland Suppression fire on 7/29...any acreage prior to this date was recorded as WFU acres. Furthermore, this fire was incorporated into the Rattlesnake fire 8/1.) GVC USFS NPF 07/13/07 11/20/07 45 35 42N 115 44 05W L Turman(T2), Secrest(T2)
8 Bridge GVC USFS CWF 07/25/07 11/16/07 46 22 03N 114 37 16W L 42,700 $401,815 0 Petrilli, Kovalicky, Wilson, Ruklic, Wilson, Hoyt, Bonney, Young
9 Kendrick CDC IDS PDS 07/31/07 08/03/07 46 36 24N 116 40 06W H 175 $220,000 0 Denney, Sampson
10 Echo Springs CDC IDS SJS 08/03/07 08/08/07 47 18 50N 116 41 30W H 505 $500,000 1 Pollard, Nichols, Denney
11 Boundary Junction GVC USFS CWF 08/10/07 11/20/07 46 22 12N 115 35 01W L 5,100 $1,750,000 1 Zale, Lubke, McClanahan, Skinner
12 Russell Ridge GVC IDS MCS 08/13/07 08/15/07 46 26 21N 116 17 35W H 250 $450,000 0 Clapperton
13 0-7 GVC IDS MCS 08/30/07 09/02/07 46 07 25N 115 47 07W H 288 $373,000 0 Handel
NR Idaho Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 267,945 $46,696,615 30
Fire Use
1 Concord WFU (This incident was declared a Wildland Suppression fire on 7/29...any acreage gain beyond this date will be recorded as Suppression acres) GVC USFS NPF 07/13/07 11/20/07 45 35 42N 115 44 05W L 1,400 0 Goicoa, Turman(T2)
2 Hidden (Overtaken by the Bridge fire on 7/30) GVC USFS CWF 07/17/07 11/16/07 46 21 24N 114 35 44W L 1,400 Goicoechea
3 Drake (Incorporated into Moose Creek WFU 8/3) GVC USFS NPF 07/18/07 10/17/07 45 59 15N 115 07 42W L Stump
4 Chain (Incorporated into Moose Creek WFU 8/3) GVC USFS NPF 07/19/07 10/17/07 46 19 42N 114 53 14W L Rogers, Buhl, Bonney
5 Dog (Incorporated into Moose Creek WFU 8/3) GVC USFS NPF 07/23/07 10/17/07 46 06 36N 114 50 18W L Stump
6 Lizard (Incorporated into Moose Creek WFU 8/3) GVC USFS NPF 07/23/07 10/17/07 46 13 54N 115 06 57W L Stump, Bonney
7 Moose Creek WFU (Bailey 1 acre; Battle 4,654 acres; Bell 115 acres; Bitch Creek 1 acre; Boxcar 38 acres; Chain 1,728 acres; Cone 29 acres; Doe 1 acre; Dog 20,327 acres; Double 87 acres; Drake Saddle 8,401 acres; Fitting 948 acres; Fox 604 acres; Grizzly 3,451 acres; Isaac 128 acres; Lizard 6,547 acres; Log 24 acres; Mink 34 acres; Old Man 707 acres; Rock Lake 405 acres; Snow Slide 32 acres, Three Links 115 acres; Wahoo 48 acres; Wounded Doe 205 acres) GVC USFS NPF 08/03/07 10/17/07 46 06 36N 114 50 18W L 48,630 $295,183 1 Wirt, Bonney, Buhl
8 Slick GVC USFS CWF 08/10/07 10/30/07 46 34 58N 115 25 47W L 410 $30,000 0 Schrenk
9 Bell (Incorporated into Moose Creek WFU 8/20) GVC USFS NPF 08/10/07 10/17/07 46 03 12N 114 29 56W L $591 0 Wirt, Buhl
10 Fish Butte GVC USFS CWF 08/10/07 11/19/07 46 11 44N 115 24 34W L 132 $10,625 0 Randall
NR Idaho Wildland Fire Use Totals 51,972 $336,399 0
NR IDAHO WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 319,917 $47,033,014 30
  Wildland Fire       Start End*   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Middle Fork GDC USFS LCF 06/20/07 09/15/07 46 50 31N 110 26 32W L 1,146 $320,000 0 Sherer, Plagenz
2 Madison Arm BZC USFS GNF 06/27/07 07/06/07 44 41 58N 111 09 58W H 3,660 $243,400 0 Naber, Secrest(T2), Anderson
3 Fool Creek (This previously reported WFU incident was declared a Wildland Suppression fire on 8/2...any acreage prior to this date was recorded as WFU acres) GDC USFS LCF 06/28/07 11/29/07 47 55 24N 112 59 17W L 37,850 $4,426,873 7 Larsen, Whitney(T1), Lineback(FUMT), Cowin(T2), Owen
4 Farewelll BDC BLM BID 07/09/07 07/10/07 45 33 02N 108 53 50W H 521 $30,000 0 Wilkins
5 Fort Harrison HDC MTS CES 07/09/07 07/10/07 46 37 36N 112 09 46W H 732 0 Huston
6 Ahorn GDC USFS LCF 07/11/07 11/29/07 47 31 48N 113 02 48W L 52,505 $16,186,343 0 Fritsen, Larsen(FUMT), Bennett(T1), Whitney(T1), Lineback(FUMT), Cowin(T2), Grasham, Owen
7 Pattengail Creek DDC USFS BDF 07/13/07 09/25/07 45 41 27N 113 25 17W L 15,297 $3,661,000 0 Johnson, Secrest(T2), Hutton, Villard, Molhoek(T2), Quesinberry(T1), Lippencott, Hutton, Henson
8 Conger Creek MDC USFS LNF 07/15/07 12/04/07 47 12 59N 113 02 13W L 25,150 $908,000 0 Shelmerdine, Seielstad, Doehring, Seielstad, Ahshapanek, Olson, Williams, Martynuik
9 Sawmill Creek (Incorporated into Sawmill Complex 7/31/07) MDC USFS LNF 07/15/07 11/01/07 46 36 25N 113 42 02W L Bauman, Heintz(T2)
10 Timber Creek MCC BLM MCD 07/17/07 07/18/07 45 39 28N 104 59 42W L 609 $30,144 0 Jones
11 Calbick KIC USFS FNF 07/17/07 11/16/07 48 06 51N 113 11 14W L 1,011 $130,000 0 Flint, Nichols
12 Corporal KIC USFS FNF 07/17/07 11/16/07 47 53 31N 113 25 20W L 16,105 $1,500,000 0 Burge, Olson, Oliver, Carbonari
13 Little Wolf Creek HDC MTS CES 07/18/07 07/26/07 47 18 27N 112 16 24W L 547 $730,000 0 Kockler, Bennett(T1)
14 Novak HDC MTS CES 07/18/07 07/26/07 47 17 22N 112 00 55W L 1,859 $760,000 0 Vlahovich, Bennett(T1)
15 Walk In BDC BIA NCA 07/18/07 07/27/07 45 40 51N 106 27 11W L 371 $500,000 0 Spang/Old Bear, Black
16 Felix KIC USFS FNF 07/18/07 10/15/07 48 11 12N 113 40 26W L 875 $55,000 0 Muir
17 Big Sag LEC BLM LED 07/18/07 07/18/07 47 39 14N 10946 57W H 800 $450,000 0 Killham
18 Fargo Coulee LEC BLM LED 07/19/07 07/21/07 47 31 26N 108 50 42W L 100 $100,000 0 Pallas
19 Rugby GDC USFS LCF 07/20/07 07/26/07 46 59 24N 111 00 43W L 130 $768,000 0 Hamlen, Angell(T2)
20 Meriwether HDC USFS HNF 07/21/07 10/06/07 46 52 11N 111 52 56W L 43,296 $9,500,000 0 Burt, Kockler, Bennett(T1), Oltrogge(T1), Carpenter
21 Railley Mountain KIC USFS FNF 07/21/07 11/16/07 47 17 58N 113 16 51W L 21,585 $160,000 0 Carbonari, Kamrud, Carnonari, Flint
22 Skyland KIC USFS FNF 07/23/07 11/26/07 48 16 48N 113 23 06W L 45,760 $17,885,000 2 Woods, LaFave(T2), Pendleton(T1), Heintz(T2), Smith
23 Garceau MDC BIA FHA 07/24/07 08/13/07 47 38 10N 114 26 30W L 3,045 $3,000,000 0 McCrea, Kechter(T2), Weeks, Morigeau
24 Black Coulee LEC BLM LED 07/24/07 07/25/07 48 17 00N 107 49 00W L 5,660 $1,000,000 1 Adams, Sederholm
25 Bull Creek LEC BLM LED 07/24/07 07/27/07 45 50 00N 108 44 00W L 86 0 Knox, Ostreich
26 Diamond Ring MCC MTS EAS 07/24/07 07/25/07 46 36 22N 105 31 18W L 270 $1,427 0 Luther
27 Campbell MCC MTS EAS 07/24/07 07/25/07 46 06 59N 105 40 51W L 800 0 Dunning
28 Rump MCC BLM MCD 07/25/07 07/27/07 45 04 39N 105 33 06W L 544 $226,421 0 Hubbell
29 Brush Creek KIC USFS FNF 07/26/07 09/24/07 48 20 37N 114 54 38W L 29,921 $14,649,268 0 VanBroeke, Koehler(T2), Hill(T2), Noxon
30 Mile Marker 124 MDC MTS SWS 07/28/07 08/06/07 46 45 00N 113 42 00W H 6,231 $3,100,000 0 Angell(T2)
31 Fisher Point (Incorporated into Sawmill Complex 7/31) MDC USFS LNF 07/28/07 11/01/07 46 29 56N 113 39 46W L Wolferman, Heintz(T2)
32 Wyman #2 (Incorporated into Sawmill Complex 7/31) MDC USFS LNF 07/29/07 11/01/07 46 21 28N 113 42 57W L Heintz(2)
33 Porcupine BZC USFS GNF 07/29/07 09/10/07 46 05 49N 110 24 39W L 124 $217,700 0 Farrell, Sutton
34 Sawmill Complex (Wyman #2 35,545 acres; Fisher Point 17,922 acres; Sawmill Creek 15,033 acres) MDC USFS LNF 07/31/07 11/01/07 46 36 25N 113 42 02W L 68,500 $20,864,000 0 Heintz(T2), McNitt(T2), Angell(T2), Heintz(T2), Karkanen
35 Rombo Mountain BRC USFS BRF 07/31/07 11/06/07 45 44 54N 114 14 07W L 29,062 $7,200,000 0 Glaspie, Eustace, Svalberg(FUMT), Quesinberry(T1), McNitt(T2), Hoyt
36 Chippy Creek MDC MTS NWS 07/31/07 09/03/07 47 48 30N 114 59 50W NA 99,090 $19,870,000 2 Edwards, Raley(T2), Bennett(T1), Secrest(T2)
37 Valley Drive MCC MTS EAS 07/31/07 08/01/07 46 30 09N 105 40 38W H 213 $15,420 0 Moore
38 Jocko Lakes MDC BIA FHA 08/03/07 09/28/07 47 11 56N 113 43 46W L 36,388 $31,423,766 8 Swaney, McNitt(T2), Wilcock(T1), Hoff(T1), Wiederhold, McNitt(T2)
39 Cutt Coulee MCC MTS EAS 08/04/07 08/04/07 46 05 45N 105 09 10W L 1,020 $44,423 0 Miller
40 Tin Cup BRC USFS BRF 08/05/07 08/13/07 46 01 22N 114 14 01W H 587 $1,950,000 0 Taylor, Kelley, Kagge(T2), Recker
41 Briarwood BDC MTS SOS 08/07/07 08/10/07 45 42 00N 108 30 00W H 105 $175,000 0 Johnson/Guenther
42 Lost Creek BDC BIA CRA 08/06/07 08/18/07 45 18 02N 108 26 58W L 149 $500,500 0 Bright Wings, Plain Bull
43 Wicked Creek (Incorporated into the WH Complex 8/15) BZC USFS GNF 08/09/07 10/09/07 45 14 08N 110 31 08W L Stanich(T1)
44 WH Complex (Wicked Creek 26,600 acres; Hicks Park 2,500 acres) BZC USFS GNF 08/09/07 10/09/07 45 14 08N 110 31 08W L 29,100 $5,500,000 0 Fry, Stanich(T1), Bonefeld(FUMT), Kitchen, Sites
45 Rat Creek DDC USFS BDF 08/09/07 09/25/07 45 43 08N 113 51 04W L 25,327 $5,754,000 0 Fritsen, Molhoek(T2), Quesinberry(T1), Hutton, Henson
46 Signal Rock 07 DDC USFS BDF 08/09/07 09/24/07 46 09 31N 113 46 59W L 200 $15,000 0 Lambert
47 Ovando Point MDC USFS LNF 08/09/07 08/22/07 47 06 13N 113 00 51W L 74 $23,403 0 South, Wilcock(T1)
48 Jones MCC BLM MCD 08/10/07 08/11/07 46 17 08N 105 40 51W L 1,206 $8,166 0 Jones
49 Goodale MCC MTS EAS 08/10/07 08/11/07 45 51 10N 106 12 04W L 335 $5,500 0 Martens
50 Ball Ranch MCC MTS EAS 08/10/07 08/11/07 45 52 54N 106 12 44W L 628 $5,200 0 Martens
51 Severson Road MCC MTS EAS 08/10/07 08/11/07 46 15 16N 105 43 39W L 250 $2,800 0 Adler
52 Wolf Creek MCC BLM MCD 08/10/07 08/13/07 46 13 37N 105 49 37W L 6,692 $80,428 0 Sundberg
53 Maxwell MCC BLM MCD 08/10/07 08/13/07 45 56 44N 105 17 55W L 1,700 $80,531 0 Fox
54 Okerman MCC MTS EAS 08/10/07 08/13/07 46 12 57N 105 34 52W L 15,552 1 Moore
55 Moon Creek Settlement MCC MTS EAS 08/12/07 08/13/07 46 02 13N 106 07 34W NA 1,161 $65,000 0 Miller
56 Hicks Park (Incorporated into the WH Complex 8/15) BZC USFS GNF 08/12/07 10/09/07 45 18 32N 110 14 39W L Trevino, Duncan
57 Road Creek MCC MTS EAS 08/12/07 08/14/07 45 31 38N 105 41 41W L 5,770 $143,000 1 Williams
58 Powder River Complex (Lost 10,733 acres; Highline 627 acres; Hailstone 21 acres; Line Creek 2,128 acres; Bar 1,064 acres; Trail Creek 9,843 acres; Wilbur 399 acres; Dutch 13 acres; Taylor 7 acres; Salesbury 2,795 acres; Masson Prong 2 acres; Salt 1acre; Schaffer 248 acres) MCC BLM MCD 08/12/07 08/19/07 45 13 58N 106 12 35W L 27,884 $230,000 2 Johnson(T2), Wallin
59 DeCock BDC MTS SOS 08/13/07 08/14/07 46 04 28N 107 03 06W L 250 $51,900 0 Williems
60 Black Cat MDC MTS SWS 08/14/07 09/01/07 47 01 20N 114 09 06W L 11,758 $7,700,000 7 Reid, Martin(T1), Berger
61 Pine Crest BDC MTS SOS 08/14/07 08/16/07 45 35 31N 109 07 37W H 149 $203,000 0 Cowger
62 BH BRC USFS BRF 08/16/07 10/26/07 45 39 00N 114 49 15W L 653 $11,210 0 Hoag, Perkins(FUMT)
63 Ford BDC MTS SOS 08/19/07 08/23/07 45 47 22N 108 23 11W H 804 $400,000 3 Rash
64 Boyce LEC MTS NES 08/20/07 08/23/07 47 36 59N 109 41 49W L 400 $500,000 0 Krieger
65 Last Day LEC FWS CMR 08/20/07 08/23/07 47 32 53N 108 07 41W L 493 $500,000 0 Ostreich
66 Chouteau Co. Asst. LEC MTS NES 09/01/07 09/01/07 47 43 00N 110 24 00W H 2,800 $100,000 2 Burdick
67 Forest Grove MDC USFS LNF 09/02/07 09/06/07 47 04 18N 114 46 00W H 180 0 Ward, Rose
68 Lighthouse MCC MTS EAS 09/02/07 09/03/07 46 30 53N 105 45 55W H 996 $21,000 1 Dunning
69 Joe Leg MCC BLM MCD 09/10/07 09/12/07 45 48 05N 106 21 23W L 388 $59,160 0 Wagner/Martens
70 Stubble GDC BIA FBA 09/15/07 09/17/07 48 10 46N 108 35 49W H 1,051 $11,000 0 Lamebull
71 Fivemile Creek MCC BLM MCD 09/26/07 09/27/07 45 03 25N 104 21 17W H 1,370 $6,000 0 Sundberg
72 Rock Springs MCC BLM MCD 10/01/07 10/02/07 46 52 07N 106 06 38W H 3,237 $5,000 0 Hageman
73 Chi Chi BDC MTS SOS 11/12/07 11/16/07 46 05 51N 110 10 23W H 18,000 $155,000 36 Stephens
Montana Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 710,112 $184,217,983 73
Fire Use
1 Fool Creek WFU (This incident was declared a Wildland Suppression fire on 8/2...any acreage gain beyond this date will be recorded as Suppression acres) GDC USFS LCF 06/28/07 11/29/07 47 55 24N 112 59 17W L 21,888 McBratney, Svalberg(FUMT), Reinarz(FUMT)
2 Turtlehead KIC USFS FNF 06/28/07 11/16/07 47 40 24N 113 13 09W L 1,408 $130,000 0 Flint
3 Amphitheatre KIC USFS FNF 06/29/07 11/16/07 47 40 45N 113 11 13W L 377 $2,000 0 Flint
4 Harrington Ridge (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/12) BRC USFS BRF 07/14/07 11/02/07 45 31 35N 114 53 21W L Parks
5 Harrington Mountain (Burned into Harrington Ridge on 8/9) BRC USFS BRF 07/14/07 11/02/07 45 32 11N 114 55 06W L Parks
6 Elkhorn Ridge (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/12) BRC USFS BRF 07/16/07 11/02/07 45 29 14N 114 51 24W L Parks
7 Snake Creek (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/12) BRC USFS BRF 07/16/07 11/02/07 45 51 18N 114 42 29 W L Parks
8 Patsy Anne (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/12) BRC USFS BRF 07/18/07 11/02/07 45 57 46N 114 26 41W L Parks
9 Bitterroot Fire Use Complex (Magruder Mtn. #1 4,025 acres; Magruder Mtn. #2 1 acre; Swet Cabin 1 acre; Harrington Ridge 6,233 acres; Harrington Mountain 150 acres; Halfway Pete 4 acres; South Saddle Gulch 608 acres; Snake Creek 205 acres; Elkhorn Ridge 3,147 acres; El Capitan West 4,622 acres; Watchtower 40 acres; Patsy Ann 1,200 acres; Indian 38 acres; Magruder Trail 33 acres; Ingomar Lake 76 acres; Mt. Aura; Haystack Creek, Captian Creek and Salamander spot fires) BRC USFS BRF 07/18/07 11/12/07 45 57 46N 114 26 41W L 20,592 $360,961 1 Parks, Perkins(FUMT), Kelley
10 El Capitan West (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/12) BRC USFS BRF 07/20/07 11/02/07 45 59 03N 114 28 33W L Parks
11 Ingomar Lake (Incorporated into Bitterroot Fire Use Complex on 8/21) BRC USFS BRF 08/10/07 11/12/07 46 13 07N 114 24 20W L Miller
12 Table Mountain KIC USFS FNF 09/12/07 11/16/07 47 52 40N 113 07 01W L 100 $2,000 0 Flint
Montana Wildland Fire Use Totals 44,365 $494,961 1
MONTANA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES 754,477 $184,712,944 74
  Wildland Fire       Start End*   Longitude     Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Harris NDC USFS DPF 07/24/07 07/26/07 45 46 53N 102 29 59W H 2,257 $35,000 2 Hess/Knudtson
2 Hay Creek NDC USFS DPF 07/31/07 08/04/07 45 40 05N 102 34 10W L 2,708 $25,000 0 Olson, Knudtson
3 Muskrat Lake NDC BIA FBA 08/13/07 08/30/07 47 51 17N 102 26 14W H 2,164 $200,000 8 Baker
4 Elkhorn Substation NDC USFS DPF 09/12/07 09/18/07 47 12 55N 103 29 05W H 160 $50,700 0 Heiser/Olson
5 Mann NDC BIA FBA 09/17/07 09/19/07 47 58 11N 102 39 47W H 750 $10,000 1 Baker
North Dakota Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 8,039 $320,700 11
Fire Use
North Dakota Wildland Fire Use Totals 0 $0 0
  Wildland Fire       Start End*         Estimated Structures Incident
  (Suppression) Disp Agency Unit Date Date Latitude Longitude Cause** Acres Costs Destroyed Commander(s)
1 Owl BZC NPS YNP 07/20/07 09/13/07 45 00 08N 111 01 41W L 2,810 $861,360 0 Krish, Wilder(T2), Mitchell
2 Columbine 1 BZC NPS YNP 08/09/07 10/05/07 44 25 10N 110 08 00W L 18,595 $1,285,854 0 Krish, Grant(T2), Hildereth, Elenz
Yellowstone NP Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 21,405 $2,147,214 0
Fire Use
1 Beaverdam BZC NPS YNP 07/22/07 10/07/07 44 20 03N 110 09 18W L 1,353 $13,787 0 Klukas
2 Promontory Complex BZC NPS YNP 08/09/07 10/07/07 44 20 28N 110 17 03W L 1,638 $75,456 0 Hickerson, Klukas
Yellowstone NP Wildland Fire Use Totals 2,991 $89,243 0
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA   Estimated Structures  
Acres Costs Destroyed  
Wildland Fire (Suppression) Totals 1,007,501 $233,382,512 114
Wildland Fire Use Totals 99,328 $920,603 1
NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA WILDLAND FIRES >100 ACRES for 2007 1,106,829 $234,303,115 115
*= End Date      
(i.e. Contain, Control, Out or Final ICS-209 submitted)
** = CAUSES    
  H= Human Caused  
  L= Lightning Caused  
  U= Under Investigation  
  NA= Non-applicable (coal-seam, etc.)